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Jack P

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Everything posted by Jack P

  1. Hi guys Just wanting to check and see if anyone can advise which of the USA tanks had the full suite of modifications carried out on them before 1948? (windows, steps, etc) Hoping to renumber one of the model rail offerings! Thanks in advance
  2. That's a good point, I suppose I had just assumed that it would shift the oil! I'll see if i've got any IPA lurking around. All of my locos are stored upright, admittedly this loco has only arrived recently, and it might've been stored upside down prior to this? As 34theletterbetweenB&D suggested, i'll try some IPA and see how I get on. Thanks guys!
  3. Simple green is a household cleaner, that can be used to strip paint. I don't think I need to dissolve a product that strips paint. I've also done the same with plenty of other models and not had this issue - not to mention Armour modellers and wargamers swear by this product. I can almost guarantee it's not simple green 'leaking' through because the model had oil 'leaking' from the same places when it arrived from Hornby.
  4. Bit of an old topic bump, but i've now had this issue with 2 Hornby S15's - oil seep! I don't know what it is, but I cannot seem to get rid of this oil. I left the loco body to soak in a bath of simple green for a day (to take the transfers off), I thought all was well and there didn't seem to be any futher oil seep, infact I double checked last night before spraying. However I've just woken up to this! Does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with this? I need to strip the paint off (more simple green) and deal with the oil before I can finish the loco off. I've tried googling it, but haven't managed to find anything yet.
  5. I assumed loco fault, but couldn't be sure. I don't currently have access to a test meter, I need to scrounge around, or wait until after lockdown, but this certainly seems like a sensible thing to check!
  6. Hi guys, Relatively new to the world of DCC, So i'm not sure why i'm getting this issue. Chipped my S15 (Number 1), went to go and run it in: Very odd, when first run, will run like this for a while, and then eventually runs like this: You can hear the motor whining slightly. I've also attached the tender from S15 (number 2) to S15 number 1 and the issue still occurs. The tender from S15 number 1 runs fine with S15 number 2 - I appreciate that's a little confusing. S15 (1) Loco and tender - no good S15 (2) Loco and tender - Good S15 (1) Loco and S15 (2) tender - no good S15 (2) Loco and S15 Tender - good I would then assume this is an issue with the loco - specifically the chassis. What are the next steps needed to try and problem solve further? I am not above simply purchasing a new S15 chassis if that solves the issue the quickest and easiest way. I thought i'd just check here first incase there are any known issues, or if anyone has any suggestions for things I can try first. Thanks in advance!
  7. Fantastic Tony, The L1 in front of that Bulleid Pacific looks fantastic. What's the origin if you please? Whenever you get a chance, I would love to see more of your rolling stock!
  8. Thank you so much for that Alex! Would I be correct in thinking that Topaz would not be part of that list? I also assume that whatever the name, she would be in Pullman's own umber and cream? I'm not losing it (yet), The lockdown is pretty full on, there's a fantastic photo of one of the busiest junctions in wellington at 7:30 on the first morning of the lockdown: I've manged to get a bit of stuff done, have I completed any projects I hear you asking - god no. But I have started some new ones! My Replacement Sprog DCC controller arrived, so I made the effort to pull all my locos out and go through as many of them as possible and chip them. I've now made a full roster of the fleet so far. Against each locomotive is listed ideal decoder type, running issues, as well as work required to complete. I now have quite a full list, but it's step one of many on the journey to helping me clear the backlog. 3 of my favourite tank locos on the rolling road during testing. I've also made a start on weathering coaches! The repainted Ex-LSWR Gate Stock set was my guinea pig. They were given a coat of gloss varnish, followed by a black wash and a light misting with the airbrush. I still need to work on tonal variety, as I think that's the one thing that's letting down the weathering on the underframes, they are far too uniform - more experimentation with paint is needed. The non-driving coach is missing its bufferheads on the far end, so I need to try and find some appropriate sprung buffers to substitute in. I had been thinking maybe something from the old midland area might suit - if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! Another kit arrived, very excited about this one, as it will add some variation to the many southern vans I am amassing. I've also - Added 3 M7's to the fleet, one with the sandboxes below the running plate, and two long framed variants. They are the 'Ghost engines' in the photo above, all having been modified in some way or another, and primed. - Managed to find a '1940: Return from Dunkirk' set, as i've been wanting some olive coaches and a 700, I jumped at the opportunity, the 700 has been stripped, repainted and glossed and is now waiting for transfers. - Got around to renaming my jubilee to 5605 'Cyprus', and now just need my HMRS order to arrive with the correct LMS transfers for her to be renumbered. - Added a Maunsell flat sided tender variant S15 to the fleet, she has been stripped, smokebox number-plate removed and is waiting to be given a coat of black - Made significant progress on my Maunsell coach conversion into a Non-descript Saloon - Built the bogies for the LBSC Brake coach, and am not pondering how the tackle the roof. I think the thing I've made the most progress with, has to be my photo diorama. No, not this one! This one: Started off the weekend with a pile off bits, and managed to end the weekend with this. I'll be honest, i'm not super happy with it, but it is my first time building any scenery. Nothing has been painted yet, I need to wait until i'm at the final stages before painting, but i'm hoping that once the rails are down, ash ballast in place, and the structures are painted and weathered, it will be good enough to take photos on. Anyways, that's all i've got for now! I'd love to see what you guys are upto, please feel free to post links to your content, or photos of what's on your workbench! Bye for now!
  9. Beattie certainly was a difficult loco to pin down. I did a lot of research trying to figure out the correct buffers needed for my specific period, it wasn't until I got in contact with John Harvey (HMRS steward for the Southern), and he sent me some photos of the loco in early 1948 condition that I learnt she had Southern pattern buffers fitted post-war. John also mentioned that the smoke deflector braces were an on/off feature of 2331. I'm sure there were other locos in the class that had them at points during their live but now i'm not sure. I sent ACE an email to see if they would just sell me the loco body etches to replace my whitemetal one. DLT did such an amazing job on the chassis for mine, and it runs beautifully. Excuse me for jumping in with pictures of my own 2331, she is still a work in progress, and currently has the clack valves removed. Your craftsmanship is really inspiring, and you're chewing through the build at a real top speed!
  10. Hi Richard, That looks fantastic! Seriously makes me consider keeping the chassis from my existing one and replacing the body! Fantastic that You've chosen to do (3)2331 too! What time period are you modelling her/him in? I only ask because I had a real mare trying to find the correct buffers for this particular class member as it seemed to change more than any other class member.
  11. Bumping an old topic with a shot of a restaurant car at Waterloo. Looks like it's just been shunted in by the M7. If the link doesn't take you to the timestamp (which it should) it's 12:28
  12. No affiliation with the business, but Precision labels could custom make them for you if they aren't available from somewhere else.
  13. That was My N15x on DLT's thread - a Nu-Cast Whitemetal kit. Richard, you are a brave man for tackling the notoriously difficult products offered by ACE. It does look fantastic though, and I am looking forward to seeing it finished!
  14. Hey guys and gals, Been a minute since my last update. Obviously things have absolutely exploded globally, let alone Locally. New Zealand is in Level 3 of it's COVID-19 Containment, with full Level 4 lockdown and closure of non essential businesses from Wednesday night 11:59pm. This will also be enforced by police checkpoints, all of which sounds very scary, but the Government has a plan to stop, and contain the spread, which if adhered to should save thousands of lives. The government has also put billions into the economy in the form of a stimulus package which is absolutely amazing. In addition to the current unfolding situation, our current Prime minister, Jacinda Ardern has been through Bushfires, The Christchurch Mosque shooting, Floods, and a Volcanic eruption - oh and in 2018 she welcomed a baby girl. Regardless of any political views I might (or might not!) hold, I think Jacinda has done an amazing job looking after this country. https://covid19.govt.nz/ - If you're interested in reading first hand what is being implemented. Obviously at this rather scary and uncertain time there are endless 'stages' you can go through, and it's easy to end up in a dark place. So please: If anyone needs someone to talk to, I'm here. I'm on the other side of the world, so if you can't sleep, I'm here. I'm also more than willing to connect with everyone here on social media, so please if that's your preferred form of contact, drop me a PM and we can connect. Every reader of this thread supports me in their own way by coming here, and engaging with me and the thing that I find the most enjoyment out of in life. So please remember, you are not alone. Now; Onto the trains.. Full side profile of the detailed and weathered crane. My SR Queen Mary brake. Still missing some transfers. Extra underframe detail added and handrails cut off and replaced with wire. Repainted and weathered Pillbox brake Ex-LSWR van, repainted and lightly weathered. All of the above has also been fitted with screw/3-link couplings. I accidentally cut the right hand window off when removing the glazing so I have tried to make it look like it's smashed. My oil burning, conversion glossed and lightly weathered. Still waiting for nameplates! My new Adams radial - I fitted the front end details and then realised the guard irons, were catching them because they were mounted to the bogie. I decided to take the leap and cut them off, and mount them to the frames, this still allows the bogie to swing and none of the details get knocked. It's not as tidy as i'd like, but with some weathering you won't notice. Finally, here's another weathering project i've been working on for a friend! Thanks for reading!
  15. How long were these vans around for - specifically, did any make it to nationalisation?
  16. I'm not particularly well versed in the offerings of kits that aren't southern related. Could someone point me in the direction of kits that are available currently of non RTR Parcels stock? Thanks in advance!
  17. Jack P

    EBay madness

    That poor guy!! I've had a few items arrive with bits that had fallen off, and all I did was glue them back on. I think the only time i've opened a claim is when I bought a T9 and the motor mount was in bits. It turned 'ugly' when the seller wouldn't respond to me (I suggested that all I wanted was enough to cover a replacement motor mount) and after enough time had elapsed Ebay refunded me in full. I got a message from him a week later with a rather angry message about how I ripped him off.
  18. With all the panic about COVID-19, I've been told to stay home from work. I wonder how they'd feel if I turned up on monday with brown paper bag in hand? Could give it a go. Thanks for asking Alex, I think recently I'm starting to find a technique that really works for me, more refinement is needed but the usual steps are: - Carry out any detailing work, modifications etc - Airbrush a coat of Humbrol gloss Clear (allow gloss coat to harden to atleast 24hrs) - Airbrush dirty black mix onto all black surfaces above footplate I especially pay attention to the boiler behind the chimney, making sure to replicate the smoke stain) - Airbrush dirty brown mix onto surfaces below footplate - Washes, brush painting, powders (I only apply very small amounts of powder) and final touches (streaking, water marks, etc.) I've found a lot of what weathering 'is' is in the technique, I'm pretty airbrush heavy, but i've seen amazing brush/powder weathering. I know it's a little bit of a nothing answer, but I hope it helps!
  19. I've been working on some comission bits for @BrightonBoi, A rename and number of the N15 and a renumber and buffer swap on the H. Both have also been weathered I'm still sick, and waiting on bits so this has been a nice diversion. I'm sure you'll agree there's nothing better for the flu than enamel fumes! That's all for now
  20. It's great to see you back Dave! I think there's something charming about the mat, it's lived a life and so many fantastic things have been created on it! That being said, I had certainly thought about buying a cutting mat just for photos! I am excited to see the 'Chonker' progess. I saw somewhere that some crews called them 'Tavvys'? Either way they are a purposeful looking loco, will this one be the large boilered variant?
  21. I've been fortunate enough to get sick - I suppose it is the change of season. This meant I spent most of the weekend inside, which in turn meant more time at the workbench! The bogies are pinched from the SECR driving trailer. I still need to do a few things like build the backs of the battery boxes and the brake linkages. This will be done from plastikard when i'm sure that all of the soldering on the body is complete. I'm also aware that the buffers aren't strictly accurate but they're close enough for me. This is the state of play this evening. The wheels I have in stock turned out to be the wrong diameter AND the wrong gauge (32 sets of EM gauge wheels). Unfortunatley the reason I've had to stop 'playing' is because i've run out of solder. Obviously with the move and all I haven't kept on top of my supply management. I've ordered wheels and solder, I expect it will still be the better part of a week or two until I can pick this up again though. In that time I still need to find some folding bars! I also had the good fortune to pick this up from our local auction site: It's the full 8 coach Coronation set (minus beaver tail). Everything is there, as far as I can tell. Roofs, floors, bearings and the aforementioned wheelsets I thought I could pinch for the LBSC coaches are these ones, which are EM. You might be asking why a strictly southern modeller would have a set of coaches that, even with the most flexible bending of rule one, would be a real stretch to be seen on southern metals? Well, it's because I picked these up for the princely sum of £35 inc postage. They look to be an old D&S kit, I'm not sure when they will get built or if they even will, I certainly have plenty of other projects to focus on. That's all for now - Thanks all for reading!
  22. +1 from me, I'd certainly pick up another 2
  23. Has anyone repainted their vans yet? I recently added 3 links and when put next to some other stock, they look a bit pale..
  24. I always keep an eye out for stuff! I also needed an excuse for a a practice run, and cheap is good if anything goes wrong! I was pretty concerned but I sort of just jumped in and did it - make sure you read the instructions a couple of times and the (unlike me) actually follow them. Roxey kits are pretty easy to put together though! The tumblehome is a bit iffy. I used these home made rolling dowels - just bits of wood from bunnings, cut slightly oversize. the instructions are pretty good at explaining how to form it against a piece of wood.
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