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Everything posted by talisman56

  1. I went onto the Hattons website just now and there is a little tickbox next to the 'Sort By' box, labelled 'Show preowned' - if you take the tick out of the box all the 'LN' and 'SAS' items disappear from the listing, and it remembers that setting for the next time you go there - success!!
  2. A good day out, despite my time there being curtailed due to the distaff side attaching themselves to my day out, with all the drop off/pick up activities pertaining thereto... Fantastic food and a great selection of layouts and other activities going on. Many thanks to the organisers and catering staff... A few pictures of layouts at the day: Firstly, the most travelled (in terms of mileage) to the meet, Boghouses Second, Milton Street, a layout that has given me a lot of ideas for my next effort... And finally (for me), a couple of additional shots of Hobbiton End - the second shows where the Pasties came from...
  3. I shall be along 'later' - SWMBO and No.1 daughter have hijacked my 'boys day out' and are cadging a lift to do some retail therapy in Taunton town centre. Just waiting for them to be ready for the off - could be a long wait...
  4. If you compare the eBay pictures and the pictures on Departmentals, the shutters in the ex-passenger area are one window width too far away from the brake end on the model...
  5. What I'd really like on the Hattons website is to be able to view the new stock without all the pre-owned items cluttering up the listing... I keep going back hoping to be able to do so but give up and order elsewhere...
  6. A bit of digital dyslexia there, Dave - the 56 in C6821 is 56102... Nice pictures...
  7. Could be the point in the background or its associated ground signal in the siding...
  8. They've cleaned D5096 up a bit between June '65 (J191) and March '67 (J845)... and the latter one has Mark 1 instead of what look like all-steel 'K-type' Pullmans. An incongruous bit of motive power for a Pullman service - presumably was not on the train for the full journey.
  9. On a totally OT point, that's some curved point - the prototype for the Peco ones?
  10. An 04, an 08, and two 'Terriers' - should be enough for 'Dunestone' - one diesel on the main goods yard and one of the steamers on the Docks. Rotate to suit...
  11. I've driven up in the London direction on a Sunday three times in the past month-and-a-bit and have noticed that nothing in terms of Electrification activity is apparent on the sections of line visible from the M4 west of Swindon (the bit of the South Wales direct line that comes in from the left and under the motorway just before Wootton Bassett and the section after the junction that is crossed just after J16). Surely if the scheme is due to be finished in 2016(?) something should be happening there by now?
  12. The other cars were delivered without window vents too, but the vents had to be added later because the pressure-ventilation didn't do the job and the passengers were passing out in the aisles...
  13. Apart from the admitted missing back coupling - which isn't because he's got the tender the wrong way round, the chimney is missing and something is hooky with one of the tender wheelsets... Should there be a coupling on the front? ...and these are usually the ones that put in acres of white space you have to scroll through to get to the seller information, returns policy and question/comment sections...
  14. According to Hugh Longworth's 'BR Mark 1 and Mark 2 Coaching Stock' tome, ADB975054 was a Doncaster-built Diag.183 BSO, no. E9200, converted in Dec. 1972. The ex-brake end is nearest the camera.
  15. I can't imagine that any driver would take out anything which had window damage, let alone a complete pane of glass missing... Union rep: "I'm blacking that until it's been repaired!"
  16. This looks like one of these: http://www.thegoodsyard.co.uk/twinlevel.html ...and if he had all the 'optional extras' included then his pricing could be pukka. Whether it's actually worth it is another thing...
  17. The 'forthcoming brakes' aren't high-window coaches, just the low-window 4-compartment 3rd Brake (BTK) and 6-compartment Composite Brake (BCK) to match the existing coaches. The BTKs will enable 3-car 'P' sets to be made utilising the existing CK coaches, and the BCKs were loose vehicles used on the 'ACE' in its Maunsell guise and branch line services.
  18. D*mn - sussed me out already! Yes, the term 'high-window' applies to the windows which extend up to roof gutter level on the corridor side of the vehicles. There are certain detail differences between low- and high-window stock which we needn't bother with in N scale as they won't be noticed by the casual viewer...
  19. The 2-coach local sets 'R' (later 'P') (22-29) were high-window stock, except for the BCKs in 23/28/29 which were low-window.
  20. In BR days, 469 was formed BSK-SK-SK-FK-SK-BSK, using 4048/2351/2350/7665/2349/2789. 2789 was a D.2113 high-window 1935 stock BSK, installed in 1945 as a replacement for 4049, which was damaged beyond repair in September 1944. I have sent Dapol two eMails regarding the non-prototypical appearance of 4049 in BR days, but obviously they have ignored them...
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