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Everything posted by talisman56

  1. Looking great, my Credit Card is shivering with fright as I type this. The Rapido couplers look absolutely huge in those pictures - with a standard NEM pocket they're ripe for changing to something a little more subtle...
  2. J1740 - the unit is a right mixture. 110 nearest the camera, something different (or possibly another 110 car) in green in the middle, and furthest away looks like a Met-Cam by the depth of the windows...
  3. OK, according to Kernow the -252 set of Dapol Maunsells comprises the formation of set 469 for the years 1933-44: BTK 4048-TK 2351-TK 2350-FK 7665-TK 2349-BTK 4049, but how long the lining lasted I have no idea... 4048/2350/7665 duplicate coaches that were included in the -251 set in the first tranche, and 4048/4049 duplicate the ones available separately as cat nos ending -053/-054. The set number is not painted on the ends of the brakes. More worryingly, the -103 TK is a non-runner as 780 was a Maunsell 'Continental' 7-and-a-half compartment TK, part of the final batch of 'Conti's sneaked in between the two batches of Maunsell standard 'loose' coaches in 1927. This was the reason for the gap in the number series in the entry for the TKs in my Maunsells post: **Diagram 2001 eight-compartment Third: numbers 769-778 (built Eastleigh 7/27-8/27), 783-832 (Eastleigh/BRCW/Metropolitan 3/28-7/28), 2349-55 (Ashford/Eastleigh 12/26-6/27). 802 was damaged by fire 7/35, a new body to D.2008 was built 7/36 on its underframe. 60 other numbers to chose from and Dapol chose one which isn't...
  4. No it's not the real one - it's had several broomheads and a couple of broom handles since then...
  5. I left a message on the Dapol FB page regarding non-appearance of anything to do with the Club - apart from one quarterly 'magazine' received two days before the Open Day. £25 paid (renewal) in January 2015 and despite many EMails to the club administrator (Nicola?), nothing. The message prompted an 'immediate' response from Joel, to whom I forwarded the whole EMail exchange. He said he would get everything I should have had shipped out and would extend my membership into this year - would it surprise you to learn that I received nothing, and to add insult to injury, in January this year a large envelope with a membership renewal form and lots of bumph regarding 'OO' specials and new releases (I model 'N' gauge) drops onto my doormat. It was at that point I gave up on the Club and Dapol from a communications point of view. Nice products (especially the Maunsell coaches), shame about the company.
  6. Yes, but what is noticeable from that small corner of the car park, is that there are no 'foreign' cars there at all. All Fords, Vauxhalls and various Leyland marques... EDIT: On second glance, the yellow one second from left in the second row and the half-car on the right of the first row look suspiciously 'foreign', but certainly there is a lack of the BMW/Audi/VW/Japanese/French makes that are the overwhelming staple of today's roads.
  7. Yes, these are the same livery coaches as the initial release, but with new identities. But, 2P-012-054 duplicates the brake coach in the 2P-012-251 4-coach set in the original series - not easy to avoid when there were only four vehicles in the prototype batch. Alternatively they could have produced a BSK to go with the other Newhaven boat train vehicles, the diagram was different but the actual vehicles were identical to the BTKs, just a case of putting 'Second' on the doors...
  8. For those of us modelling in 'N'... Just spotted on the Dapol website, 'In Stock Now' page. New release of Maunsell lined Olive Green coaches [with set/usage info where applicable]. 2P-012-003 Maunsell Coach First Maunsell Lined Green 7668 [Newhaven boat train stock] 2P-012-004 Maunsell Coach First Maunsell Lined Green 7670 [Newhaven boat train stock] 2P-012-053 Maunsell Coach Brake 3rd Maunsell Lined Green 4049 [set 469] 2P-012-054 Maunsell Coach Brake 3rd Maunsell Lined Green 4048 [set 469] 2P-012-102 Maunsell Coach 3rd Maunsell Lined Green 2353 [Newhaven boat train stock] 2P-012-103 Maunsell Coach 3rd Maunsell Lined Green 780 [Did not exist - 780 was a Maunsell 'Continental' TK] 2P-012-153 Maunsell Coach Composite Maunsell Lined Green 5139 [3P-set 391] 2P-012-154 Maunsell Coach Composite Maunsell Lined Green 4150 - typo; should be 5140 [3P-set 396] 2P-012-202 Maunsell Coach Brake Van Maunsell Lined Green 700 2P-012-203 Maunsell Coach Brake Van Maunsell Lined Green 422 2P-012-252 Maunsell 6 Coach Set Maunsell Lined Green I have enquired of Dapol what set/coach types and numbers comprise the -252 set. Still no further news on the availability of the 4-compartment BTKs (that go with the Composites) and 6-compartment BCKs. The NC040B Yellow Light Bars which are appropriate for these coaches are back in stock, apparently.
  9. Comes to a pretty pass when the sidings are newer/in a better condition than the 'main' line...
  10. That would be when the lines west of Wilton were transferred to the WR in 1962 - there were various Maunsell sets ('2' sets 22-29 and 100-110) and some loose stock vehicles (mostly Maunsell BCKs) that were transferred along with the lines they ran on.
  11. The Maroon Mark II FK is a Mark II (later Mark IIz under TOPS) as it has the Mark I-style window ventilators. Possibly one of E13361-78 series. The windows on the Mark IIa (introduced 1968) had the single-pane sliding ventilator.
  12. In fact, the whole box looks like it's leaning backwards... There are some hefty-looking traffic notices pasted to the side of the plywood SR van, too.
  13. J075 - very interesting wagons as the first and second vehicles behind the 8F - the first appears to have two side panels which drop down, the second looks like a 5-plank open body which has been lengthened with two extra panels and plonked on a longer chassis...
  14. One uneven planked and one plywood... Is it that we are noticing these (and the SR PMV/CCTs in other photos) because they got around a bit or because of the distinctive design (in the case of the 12T vans the elliptical roof)?
  15. I used to take the 08:35 Haywards Heath to Seaford train (as far as Lewes) when I first started work. The stock for this (usually a 4Vep or a pair of Bulleid-style 2-Haps) came out of the siding between the up slow and fast lines on the high embankment north of Haywards Heath station. While waiting for the stock to be driven to the platform wasn't a particularly chilly prospect whatever the weather, on a cold and frosty winter morning, one took the skin off one's palm when taking hold of the door handle to open the door, and even then if the frost was deep enough the door would be frozen shut!! And when eventually you got in and sat down, it took until roughly the site of Uckfield Junction for the temperature to get to reasonable levels...
  16. There was a time when if you wanted to do some work from A to B you started at one end (e.g. A) and worked your way to the other end (in this case, B ), methodically. I presume there is some modern thinking that makes the piecemeal approach that seems to be being applied to the GWML Electrification Project more efficient?
  17. There's the computing support shaggy dog story about the old duffer who just couldn't get used to the QWERTY layout, so removed all the keycaps and put the letters in alphabetical order - then couldn't understand why all his documents came out in Swahili...
  18. Page 216 - C9252 - On enlargement, the EDL looks like 73123 (caption says 7313). The left hand high-rise has fire damage a few floors from the top...
  19. Apologies for the lateness as I have been 'away' and I'm trying to catch up on this thread - if Dave could stop posting for a few days I might catch up! As I've not seen a follow up to the above post (originally on Page 209 (!))... The 2EPB referred to (5727) is a BR(S) unit. The ex-Tyneside units were numbered 5781-95 when they were converted for use on the Southern Region, and from the front had a 'Phase 2' headcode box which was smaller than the 'Phase 1' boxes (effectively the later boxes lost the bottom 1/3rd of the earlier ones).
  20. Which is something that didn't percolate south of the river when the Brighton Belle units were refurbished and fitted with roller blinds and were permitted to run with the red panels in lieu of the until-then customary red lamp at the rear. Notwithstanding that they had been allowing the new-fangled Cig/Big stock to pass without incident for the previous several years with red blinds showing, the first time that the refurbished 'Belle' passed a box (Balham IIRC) showing similar, the bobby proceeded to send 9 bells 'train passed without tail lamp' to the next box down...
  21. This reminds me of my younger brother (when we were much younger than now) when seeing similar on a crossing on the west Coastway route. When asked what he was doing he replied 'looking for the wheels - he's turning that steering wheel but not going anywhere'...
  22. Re T034 Roads and Pavements Is there any chance of getting these available with road markings suitable for 1950s/early-60s? i.e. before the wholesale change to the current signs and markings...
  23. C2736 - is a Class 414 2Hap, as in the previous shot. Always interested to see the results of your forays south of the Thames, many thanks...
  24. Looks like a large 'PortaLoo' to me... D6767 - Blue or very worn/faded Green? Old crest and old-style numbers...
  25. By the time the Dapol Maunsells had got to BR(S) Green livery, set 469 was formed BSK 4048-SK 2351-SK 2350-FK 7665-x-SK 2349-BSK 2789* - x denotes a Pullman (usually a Composite Kitchen), * a Maunsell high-window vehicle. Set 470 was formed (up until 1957) BSK 4050-CK 5656*-BSK 4051, (and between 1957 and withdrawl in 1959) BSK 4050-SO 7977-SO 7985-CK 5656*-CK 5635*-SO 7988-SO 4392**-BSK 4051 - again * denotes a high-window vehicle, ** a R1 ex-General Saloon reclassed Second in 1939. All the SOs are 1931 stock associated with the first 'high-window' period. The three-car sets will have to wait until Dapol have produced the 4-compartment brake vehicles, as all the 'low window' 3-sets were formed with those and the existing CK.
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