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Everything posted by talisman56

  1. An extra £50 on the price...
  2. Not seen this mentioned here, but I was trawling through the Rails (of Sheffield) Dapol Coach pages and spotted these new additions available for pre-order: 2P-012-303 SR Maunsell Corridor 1st S7208S BR(S) Green [loose] 2P-012-304 SR Maunsell Corridor 1st S7367S BR(S) Green [incorrect number - 7367 was a 'Continental' 1st] 2P-012-353 SR Maunsell Corridor Brake 2nd S4050S BR(S) Green [set 470] 2P-012-354 SR Maunsell Corridor Brake 2nd S4482S BR(S) Green [incorrect number - 4482 was a Boat train 2nd in SR days, renumbered 2773 in 1954 when downgraded to 3rd] 2P-012-402 SR Maunsell Corridor 2nd S810S BR(S) Green [loose] 2P-012-403 SR Maunsell Corridor 2nd S823S BR(S) Green [loose] 2P-012-453 SR Maunsell Corridor Composite S5150S BR(S) Green [set 448] 2P-012-454 SR Maunsell Corridor Composite S5149S BR(S) Green [set 447] 2P-012-503 SR PMY Brake Van S750S BR(S) Green 2P-012-504 SR PMY Brake Van S766S BR(S) Green Looks like a new batch of BR(S) Green liveried Maunsells are imminent. New batch, same old mistakes...
  3. Not seen this mentioned here, but I was trawling through the Rails (of Sheffield) Dapol Coach pages and spotted these new additions available for pre-order: 2P-012-303 SR Maunsell Corridor 1st S7208S BR(S) Green [loose] 2P-012-304 SR Maunsell Corridor 1st S7367S BR(S) Green [incorrect number - 7367 was an 'Ironclad' 1st] 2P-012-353 SR Maunsell Corridor Brake 2nd S4050S BR(S) Green [set 470] 2P-012-354 SR Maunsell Corridor Brake 2nd S4482S BR(S) Green [incorrect number - 4482 was a Boat train 2nd in SR days, renumbered 2773 in 1954 when downgraded to 3rd] 2P-012-402 SR Maunsell Corridor 2nd S810S BR(S) Green [loose] 2P-012-403 SR Maunsell Corridor 2nd S823S BR(S) Green [loose] 2P-012-453 SR Maunsell Corridor Composite S5150S BR(S) Green [set 448] 2P-012-454 SR Maunsell Corridor Composite S5149S BR(S) Green [set 447] 2P-012-503 SR PMY Brake Van S750S BR(S) Green 2P-012-504 SR PMY Brake Van S766S BR(S) Green Looks like a new batch of BR(S) Green liveried Maunsells are imminent. New batch, same old mistakes... I wonder if they'll be in the same 'Malachitey' Green as the first batch...
  4. They've been to the Gostude School of EBay Economics?
  5. The 'board on a stick' is interesting - red dot one side, green (presumably) the other - some sort of primitive (hand-worked) signal?
  6. Now that I understand, my recurring bugbear is the Preservation Societies who put an immaculate paint job on a well-restored BR(S) Green Mark 1 coach and then slap a Coaching Roundel on the middle of each side... The SR didn't put Roundels on their green coaches, except the Mark 1s for the 'Royal Wessex'.
  7. Seeing as the photo is dated October 1965, I don't think that's a preservation line-up. Long experience for me involves remembering the locos when they first came out, including the font of the running numbers - the inclusion of the photo was to provide the evidence for my assertion.
  8. Yes, I also noted the same blue on the 'JB' and 'AL6'... The 20 is missing a BR Crest and looks like it's on accomodation bogies - could it be awaiting its top coat(s) paint wise and was rushed out to join the line-up for the photo?
  9. The only thing that dates that photo (apart from the copyright legend) is the dratted OHLE warning sticker in the top left corner...
  10. Yes, two lights, one on top of t'other. In front of the grey cabinets in the same photo is a position light signal with a miniature theatre indicator above, and one similar facing away from camera betwixt the two lines on the right.
  11. It could be as late as 1976, as IIRC some of the early TOPS renumbered ones carried the TOPS number at both ends of the side, until Eastleigh got a gentle reminder of the proper placement of running numbers under TOPS. The angle of the photo precludes judgement of whether the numbers are four digits or five with a small space between the second and third, but it could be a solution for the current confusion...
  12. ... which, IIRC, has the running number in the wrong font... as in this picture here... http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=78425&nseq=2
  13. ...or has got the plans for the new ride at EuroDisney by mistake...
  14. C586 - they did let Class 20s out on their own occasionally - usually they had to go out with a mate...
  15. Question asked... "The item has a wheelset and axlebox missing - how can you describe it as 'Like New'?"
  16. Slow train to nowhere... https://www.facebook.com/BoBDerPfuscher/videos/690323971108504/ Not exactly 'Level Crossing Stupidity', but related, somehow...
  17. Yes, one of the Buffet cars transferred down to replace the Mk 1 catering stock (RBs) that got hoovered up into the Bournemouth electrification conversions. In 1966 the ones used were 9121/25/27/34, and when they were last used on the SR in 1967 the list was 9117/19/25/27/34. They were always in maroon on the SR and had the coach prefix changed to 'S' (as in S9117E).
  18. J1491 - The Class 33 is still in green with a white stripe, and full yellow ends that wrap round to the cab side windows. This was not an uncommon livery variation, but as the loco number looks to end in 1 (as far as I can see from zooming in) that limits the possibilities to 6501, 6561 or 6581... By assuming that you'd unlikely to find an EH (Eastleigh) loco on a freight that originates deep into HG (Hither Green) territory, that eliminates 6501
  19. I'm confused... Surely if the engineers vehicle was approaching shouldn't the gates have been closed to road traffic?
  20. If it was one you wanted and all you could see was the headcode panel...?
  21. The Clevedon Station replacement supermarket was initially a Safeway, then Morrisons and is now vacant, with possibly a BM store taking over. Tesco's in Clevedon is about a mile along Ken(n) Road at the junction with the ring road. The area of car park at the side remote from Ken(n) Road is either built on, or adjacent to, the old trackbed of the GWR branch line (as distinct from the trackbed of the WC&P...). BGP is now definitely a Sainsburys store.
  22. *their I know not your words/spelling, but sometimes I wish I could go FaceBook Grammar Nazi correction mad on some of these EBay adverts. Some of them immediately make me move on as I feel if they can't take due care in their listings, what are they hiding/not doing with the things they are selling.
  23. This is what led me to suggest that the centre car may be a different class, as from the angle of the photo the windows look slightly deeper and have different surrounds to the Class 110 DMS. Then again, that could be the yellow stripe on the green livery...
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