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Everything posted by talisman56

  1. Maybe they're comparing it to the standard of their own efforts...
  2. C3645 - Looks like the houses backing onto the line on the right have appropriated the top of the embankment for their veg patches. From my interpretation of the running number on the TSK (S70541) the unit is no. 7192. It's certainly a Phase II unit as the unpowered bogies are Commonwealth design.
  3. C8969 - a nice 'pile up' in the background. I can see a Mk.1 Escort and a Marina, a Mk2 Cortina(?) and possibly a Merc - any advance on the others?
  4. C14424 - the number on the front of the unit in the picture is 156 412. Also, there is an excess 'e' in the station name. Apart from that, a terrific set of shots, as usual...
  5. I did a lot of spotting on CJ in the late 60s and early 70s and don't recall such a sign...
  6. In a similar vein... A local paper reporter was despatched to interview a woman who had reached the grand age of 100. During the interview, the woman touched on the fact that her husband (God rest his soul) left her many years ago after his relatively short heavy smoking, hard drinking, out-all-hours dancing life. "Do you smoke?" asked the hack. "Tried it once, didn't like it" was the reply. "Alcohol?" "Tried it once, didn't like it." "Dancing?" "Tried it once, didn't like it." Exasperated, the reporter then said, "You've only the one child,then?"...
  7. For whom? The buyer (should there be one at that price) or the seller?
  8. No, a "You have a rare opportunity..." - one which I will be reluctantly leaving be...
  9. It may well have been early September - it is 40 years ago and the memory retrieval system isn't what it once was...
  10. Clock all the negative feedback on this seller...
  11. Yes, pictures on the Dapol Digest forum: https://digest.Dapol.co.uk/forum/n-gauge-models/rolling-stock/maunsell-coaches/467-br-crimson-and-cream-maunsells#post467 The first class stickers on the Brake Third and the inappropriate number* for the designation have already been pointed out to them... * 2P-012-651 and -652 are numbered S4481/82 - these were Boat Train BSKs at the time the earlier Crimson/Cream livery was in force (viz. the thicker upper Crimson stripe and running numbers at the left end of the body). They were downgraded to BTK in 1954 and renumbered 2772/73, so the designation/livery/number combination is wrong on all counts for these vehicles.
  12. I've been to model railway exhibitions where a notice similar to this was needed... http://imgur.com/gallery/PM7sy
  13. ...and I remember going up to Cumbria camping the day the drought broke in late August - spent all night digging drainage trenches round the tent to stop the run-off from the torrential downpour flooding inside...
  14. And a 50 speed limit sign - you don't get those down a corner shop...
  15. Gould states in his text that 3668/69 were formed in set 341 in 1958, but doesn't mention when their previous set, 427 was disbanded. In the Disposition list later in the book, 3668/69 are reported as going straight from 427 to 341 in June 1957. Hence it is on my 'anomalies' list which I will attempt to resolve from alternative sources later. 'Loose' 4-cpt Brake Thirds 4095-97 were delivered as part of the several batches of gangway adaptor fitted (for use with earlier SR stock and other companies' vehicles) early high-window coaches for inter-company services, which indicates that they were strengthening vehicles.
  16. "You are buying..." - no I'm not!!!
  17. For those waiting for the 4-compartment Brake Third and Brake Composite vehicles, a photo (from mobile phone and through the window of the display cabinet, so apologies for the dodgy quality) of the EPs at the Dapol Open Day yesterday. Current timescales are decorated samples by end of year and production for availability sometime in Q2 2017. It has been intimated that as well as releasing individual coaches, one or two complete sets* (BTK(4)-CK-BTK(4)) will be available (hopefully with appropriate set numbering) and also pairs of BTK(4) with running numbers that will match with one/two of the existing CK vehicles. Initial liveries will be Maunsell lined Olive Green and BR(S) Green. *Sets 390-399/445-448...
  18. Just been through a cab video which included a trip up to Filton on the current two-line configuration - with the slew of the existing lines over to the formation of the two removed lines at the top of the bank just before Filton Abbey Wood station, there's a bit of track formation work to do there before the re-quadrupling can be completed.
  19. If it is a tank wagon it looks a bit out of gauge, bearing in mind the distance and parallax effects, etc. If it isn't, what is it?
  20. C9566 shows the Southern's 'we'll reuse anything' philosophy still alive and well in corporate times - the spare TSOs from the reduction of the 508s to three-cars on their export to Merseyside incorporated into the differently-styled Class 455 units. C5753 shows the first impression of British railways for any foreign travellers arriving at London's second airport - a 4-Vep with extra luggage racks (where the opaque windows are) and 3+2 seating in 2nd class... but at least it still has the orange curtains!
  21. Differences in Redland, 1987 and 'today'. 1) Evidence of a lick of paint applied at some time (the door on the gable end is definitely 'bluer', canopy is various shades of blue instead of uniform black). 2) Evidence of renewal (or repair and clean) of the building roof. 3) Additional support posts for canopy. 4) Attentions of local graffiti 'artist(s)' (how did he (they) get up there?) 5) Greenery encroachment over (site of?) disused platform and trackbed.
  22. A refreshing bit of honesty accuracy in an eBay listing...
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