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Everything posted by talisman56

  1. They're not dropped, just 'in abeyance'. They are rejigging them for the latest motor and chip technology, and will get them into production 'when the time is right'. This, officially, from the recent Dapol Open Day.
  2. General rule of thumb is if it's a SE Division suburban service then it's going to be an EPB of some sort (4-car, Bulleid-style or BR standard; 2-car, BR standard), or a BR standard 2HAP. Once the SED 10-car scheme was completed, 4SUBs were verboten and limited to the Central and SW Divisions.
  3. <Pedant mode on> 194 units (7701-7894) <Pedant mode off> That being said, I'd love to see one (some) in 2mm scale, but I won't be able to hold my breath that long...
  4. Nope - Paypal said as long as the account was still being serviced correctly then it would stay open - wha???
  5. Another option is rotating seats as on some of the Japanese Shinkansen - apparently they can do a whole carriage in less than 30 seconds, replacing the anti-macassars at the same time...
  6. On the Brighton line, the semi-fasts and slows in peak in the early 70s were 12-VEP; the unloading times at my station, Haywards Heath, were so short that the bottleneck was the staircase down to the street exit, not getting out of the carriages...
  7. So could I, I got a pic of this one at the Glos and Warks back in August - been looking for a reason/excuse to post it... ...I had to wait until I got back to Toddington to get a picture of it as my attempt to get it from the other service train failed...
  8. Did anyone else clock the item in the Tony Hetherington column in the financial pages of the Mail on Sunday today about the woman who wrote in regarding her Ex who set up a PayPal account using her Credit Card details - the Ex had been using the account for years for a business venture which 'trades in model trains and vehicles' - this wouldn't happen to be one of our featured 'friends' on here, would it?
  9. The horizontal wooden plank above the gangway was fitted to the prototypes and Phase 1 Kent Coast Electrification batches to keep the rain off the gangways... or so the story went.
  10. Beats me how the left-hand one got the scars it has - looks the right height for the upper side of some sort of hopper wagon...
  11. The LBSCR were more forward thinking, in that they were going to use their 'suburban' 6600V AC overhead system to electrify their main lines as well. It was somewhat ironic, therefore, that the first main line electrification under the SR was to Brighton using the third rail system...
  12. So you're one of the 'gongoozlers' that come (usually with pint in hand if there's a nearby hostelry) watch us experienced canal navigators expertly manoevre our way through the locks, offering all sorts of 'helpful' advice then...
  13. Such as the one on the A46 southbound down the hill into Painswick. Yesterday coming back from the Glos/Warks, I was slowing for the 30 limit and it was helpfully counting me down through the early 30s, when it suddenly jumped up to 48. A look in the rearview revealed a boy racer rushing down the hill behind me, and still coming when I braked for the lights for the single lane section just inside the 20 zone. Lots of tyre smoke followed...
  14. From this morning's news, looks like your hopes have been dashed... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-40933704 /7, /8 or /9?
  15. Of note is that 7741 was one of the units (7739/42 were the others) disbanded, before being put in service, to make up the 8VAB 8001. When 8001 was itself disbanded, some of the spare vehicles had been reused to replace accident-damaged stock, so only 7741/42 were able to be reformed. So 7739 is the only 4VEP not to turn a wheel in revenue earning service...
  16. A Birdcage set would do nicely, especially for the 50s - not an expert on those but I have listed sets 529-535 as being potential survivors into BR days. Maunsells are a bit difficult as the sets that would run in the area you specified would more than likely be Restriction 1 (8' 6" width) sets, but if you can work with a Western Section Local set 'on vacation' then a BTK-CK-BTK set would suffice, sets 241-250 and 327-330 being prime examples. Bulleids would have appeared at the turn of the decade as the older stock was phased out, and again BSK-CK-BSK sets were the more usual fare.
  17. A correction and an observation as I hasten to catch up after a little time away... In photo C8347 (page 391 post #9760) the DMU running number is M54247. In photo J550 (page 393 post #9813) the 3rd vehicle in the train looks like an early Mk2 FK...
  18. It must have been 1st April, really good photoshop there - I'm sure they wouldn't have one of those on the Bluebell...
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