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Everything posted by talisman56

  1. The left hand stock rail looks a trifle curved, so probably a well-used point in need of a little TLC...
  2. Someone (wide load?) has not-so-neatly folded the edge of the second sign round its supporting (lamp?) post... A34 to M4 and turn right...
  3. Still hankering for a shovel and a few tons of best S.Wales black stuff...?
  4. IIRC BR(S) EMUs were still being outshopped new and after overhaul with the purple underframe paint into 1974. In most cases it also was applied to the bogie frames...
  5. Delivered in a skip so that you can immediately redirect the delivery to the local landfill...
  6. Not if they (as all governments are liable to) go for the 'lowball' quote (to use an Americanism)...
  7. Shameless - not even a 'coat, hat, exit'...
  8. Presumably they only put it on when it wasn't likely to be removed by person or persons unknown... ?
  9. Next week.. the other half of the box... ?
  10. Felt a rumble here in Clevedon, the other half thought I was feeling things (fat chance).
  11. 9 days? From what stage do you start? If you turn up and they say here's a pile of wood get started, that's me out. Last time I built a baseboard I checked the 'finished' article with a spirit level and it said it was level, but I could pass a length of Code 55 under the middle of the level with room to spare...
  12. Well if they hadn't weathered the windows as well...
  13. Certainly. Last time I was in the rush-hour queue for the roundabout on the the bridges, I was looking at the tavern building and a roof tile slid off...
  14. Interesting shade of black...
  15. Photo-bombed by a 'Sheba' 4Sub in green with small yellow panel...
  16. ...presumably a take on the old Ron Pickering commentary 'Colemanball': While describing an 800m race Ron Pickering said: 'And there goes Juantorena down the back straight, opening his legs and showing his class'. Unfortuntely over time it has been mistakenly attributed to David Coleman...
  17. Quite possibly they retained the ownership of the land to prevent anyone excavating/drilling through to the crown of the tunnel...
  18. All sorts of images flew through my mind then, until I remembered this is a railway forum...
  19. Having lived near, and used HH for commuting to London, I am shocked at that monstrosity that has replaced the Goods Yard I knew...
  20. I know, but to my eyes, the 15xx looks more balanced. The effect of the standard's fuller-bodied cab and bunker makes me want an extra pair of wheels under it, for some reason...
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