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Everything posted by talisman56

  1. Mike, when I go to Shapeways it tells me the conversation does not exist...
  2. Probably their way of managing traffic - if it don't move, it's not a problem...
  3. Looks like a Riley 1.5 One-Point-Five Saloon to me. There's a picture of one (from the front, all hatches closed) in the same colour on the Riley Wikipedia page (About 2/3rds down the page, on the right). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riley_Motor Watch it - I had an Allegro for a few years. It must have been the one they built on the day of a full moon with an x in the month and in between strikes. Gave me faultless service until some ****** wrote it off for me...
  4. Restored to 'Dai Woodham' condition?
  5. If the latter, he's out of luck - aren't they both wearing trousers?
  6. My wife's family is trying to sell my late father-in-law's house and I believe that their current estate agent is behaving exactly thus... A change is on the near horizon. ...and this one in the South-East? http://www.gpees.co.uk/
  7. It's obviously been up a while, but you can get the gist of it...
  8. One for the exhibition rivet-counters: Class 47, two-tone green with full yellow ends, freshly renumbered into TOPS with full data panel - a hand painted shed allocation (?) - and someone's nicked the works plate...
  9. Being on the end of a platform hasn't been the same since they got rid of BRUTE trollies...
  10. We were on a holiday in North Wales and one day the sun was out, and in the blue sky there wasn't a cloud to be seen from horizon to horizon. "Today's the day to go up Snowdon" we said. Got on the train, 55 minutes later we were approaching the summit when we went into a dirty great cloud. The only one to be seen, and it was sitting on top of Snowdon!
  11. There was a small terminus station at an exhibition somewhere in Wiltshire a couple of years ago (I forget the name of the layout and where the exhibition was, apologies) where, amongst the more regularly garbed passengers on the platform was a figure in luridly-coloured shirt, jacket and trousers, holding a little red book...
  12. "If it moves, salute it, if it doesn't paint it white"...
  13. The price for unleaded at my local Tesco (just round the corner, so I pass it every day) has been hovering at 116.9-117.9p for a long while. It went up from 116.9p to 118.9p last week, and from 118.9p to 122.9p over three days this week... I don't know why they have to have the '.9' at the end - if they used the other eight numbers between 0 and 9 to represent competitive pricing then OK, but everyone uses it so there is little justification for complicating the buying process. We don't have a 0.9p coin...
  14. Must be GWR ones because they (mostly) had 4-digit numbers...
  15. Would that be these...? Seen on a layout at TINGS 2015. The wagon running numbers would stand up to a 'number from the left'* order... * Or is it 'number from the right'? Did/do sqaddies number from the direction from the SM's point of view or theirs?
  16. My order from a certain Cornish retailer arrived today - 4-cpt BSKs and a 3N/SD-set in 'BR(S) Green'... Brief inspection proved them to be as good as their predecessors. The Brakes have the (correct) set numbers applied by the manufacturer, thus saving me a job...
  17. What if they need another platform and they already have a Platform 0? Perhaps we will see a genuine Platform 9¾ at KX?
  18. I didn't know the modern 3rd-rail railway used a stud contact system...
  19. Good to hear your health issues are non-life threatening. I, too, can look on current Microsoft Windows shenanegans from the other side of retirement with the thought 'it's someone else's problem now...'
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