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Everything posted by TrevorP1

  1. This is how the professionals do it. A future episode of Endeavour containing a lot of railway scenes. This was shot at Ropley.
  2. Great to see some blue Scottish diesel stuff going on! Memories of a good holiday back in the mid 1980s. In my dream mansion with a layout in every room, a project based on the Kyle line would occupy a room, maybe something based on Achnasheen. The real world means that my modelling has to be more in line with available time and depth of pocket. Good luck with this one Damien, following with great interest.
  3. Self parking cars, headlights and wipers that turn themselves on, cars that talk to you, cars that wiggle your bum if they don't approve of something, electric handbrakes... I'm glad I shall be dead and well scattered before there are too many self *driving* cars on the road! On the subject of which, can anyone please tell me what will happen when two self driving cars meet on a single track lane where the only passing place is a slippery muddy gateway? It will be no good relying on the 'drivers' because they will have lost all their skills even if they had them in the first place. On a serious note I was talking to the chap who runs the garage where ours go for MoT tests. He is worried because when all this stuff goes wrong and puts on a warning light he will have to fail the car even if the customer neither uses nor wants the systems. Rant over. Soap box put away for the evening!
  4. On a model I think anything would work as long as it's consistent. However, the real thing would not work without accurate alignment.
  5. I have never regretted going to a chiropractor, quite the reverse, so I hope he/she can sort you out. Unfortunately they cannot do the impossible and make us young again! Fortunately, unless I do something silly, these days I only go about once every 10 weeks for a quick check over but I am convinced I would be in a wheelchair by now had I left it to others. As it is I feel pretty fit for my age. Over time I have found that each chiropractic doctor has slightly different methods but they have all been effective.
  6. Thanks Tim. I have some of those and I keep looking at them saying "One Day... One Day.... One day I'll summon the courage!" I had an uncle who repaired old fashioned mechanical watches for a hobby, sadly his talents for manipulating tiny parts did not extended to my part of the family. Uncle Bill would have assembled that sanding gear in about 5 minutes!
  7. Very similar to my efforts not so long ago and renumbered to 7715 of St Blazey. I chickened out with the sanding rods, though I did manage the grab rails above the middle footsteps. Fire irons, coal, dangling slacking hose and a modelu lamp, job done! Well worth it.
  8. That last shot of the station approach. It is a photo of the real place you've slipped in isn't it? The light is fantastic, looks like it's just stopped raining. I really like that!
  9. Mobile phones are tools. Like all tools they can be used correctly or incorrectly. A chisel can be used to make beautiful carvings but could also be used to kill people. An engineer can make deft adjustments with a hammer but the hammer could also be used to smash things. A mobile should be used to make life easier and more productive, it should not control you.
  10. Already had next years RailEx 'pencilled in' - now it's in big thick felt tip!
  11. I don't know how I managed to miss this one! So much of interest. Through my new project I've learned a lot about this part of the world and this really captures the feel.
  12. Larry, interesting to see you use a 'ready to plonk' building in this way. I've always felt they have there uses as a starting point.
  13. I've used 'Ballast magic' with some success on a diorama. It works best with 'thick sleeper' track and takes a little practice but it's pretty easy. The adhesive powder remained me of the old 'Cascamite' wood glue. I think it might work out expensive on larger layouts though.
  14. It's a shame it's too chunky because otherwise that FPL looks very good.
  15. As far as I've been able to work out we would be on the 9.00 (ish) ex Waterloo which we caught at Salisbury right through to Plymouth, usually standing room only. Coming back it was always the up Brighton.
  16. Beat me to it! That would be my first choice. So, assuming my Tardis would behave long enough to make three trips: A close second would be Seaton Junction on the last Saturday in July 1961 so that I can see the train go by taking us on our first long(ish) distance family holiday. Summer 1958 anywhere in the countryside beside the ECML would be my third choice.
  17. Just for the record... The engine is standing where the old Falmouth shed would have been having just brought in the morning goods. I'm pretty sure this was the last rostered steam turn on the branch and as far as I can work out was in July or August 1961.
  18. I was 8 or so when I took my first railway photograph with a Kodak Coronet snapshot camera which somehow has survived to this day. It was of a 'Grange' 6854 at Falmouth. The only snag being I cut off both the front and back of the loco.
  19. This sounds right to me. A similar situation applies to the weather. The majority of what might be termed 'classic era' photos seem to be taken in good weather. Due to the type of film available, it's cost and limitations of the equipment, they just did not bother to go out unless the sun was shining. So, back in the day, the sun was always out... On the rare occasions I do any night photography I'm always amazed at what my DLSR can pick up. It will record things that I could not see with the naked eye.
  20. Watch out they don't ask to come off the train and go into New England for more coal!
  21. Gilbert, you mind that thing doesn't catch fire or fall to bits in the station and take the platform canopy down!
  22. Thanks Larry. If there is too long a wait for the bullhead pointwork I shall do the same.
  23. That's good to hear as I'm planning to 'bash' 'Middlesex Trading' as part of a 3D back scene for my Kings Cross Loco Yard inspired project.
  24. That's looking excellent Larry. I'm following this with extra interest because I shall be starting on the same process myself in 2 or 3 weeks but I'm minded to wait for the bullhead points - depends how impatient I get! Please may I ask which rail joiners you are using? I think you mentioned above they are very tight which sounds a good thing to me.
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