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Everything posted by TrevorP1

  1. According to brdatabase, and if I am reading it correctly, it is from diesel shunter No.8002. Not glamorous but interesting all he same. http://www.brdatabase.info/locoqry.php?action=locodata&id=15002&type=D&loco=8002
  2. Little Bytham is very much a railway in the landscape. More than that you have also convincingly conveyed the linear aspect of most railway locations.
  3. I purchased a copy of 'Steam World' today as I have been following Peter Townend's series on Top Shed. In another article there is a remarkable colour photo taken from the footplate of Wild Swan in May 1957 as it runs under Crescent Bridge. An unmistakeable view thanks to you Gilbert! The compliments of the season to you Gilbert, may you have a happy, healthy and productive 2018.
  4. Thanks for the tip Gilbert. We would have missed that!
  5. Interesting to read that Don. I knew two men who were firemen in the area, Alan Bolton who was at Hornsey and Ralph Turner at Kings Cross. They were 'characters' in their later years so goodness knows what they were like as teenage firemen! Both referred to "going down the hole" and both had a great respect for the Hotel Curve on steam. As you suggest they had a fear, I use that word deliberately, of stalling on the Hotel Curve. Sadly both have gone to the depot in the sky but a night in the pub with either of them was an experience to be treasured.
  6. Just a quick shout out for Bure Valley Models. My Hornby TSO and BSO arrived in something like 22 hours and were very keenly priced.
  7. Fascinating stuff there Mike, all very modelable. Just look at the cars too! Is that a Renault 6? I had a girlfriend with one of those, she’d hurl it around everywhere with her handbag swinging from the gearstick poking out of dashboard.
  8. Yes. I've often wondered what the 'Average Joe' must have thought of the Silver Jubilee and Coronation in the thirties.
  9. On page 55 of the Irwell Press Kings Cross book there is a photo taken from the concourse end of 14/15. It seems to show the end of the canopy. I'm pretty sure the canopy finished before the staircase and end wall. Might the staircase have gone to street level? The book is well worth picking up by anyone interested in The Cross. My KX project is on hold having moved house and relocated to Wales this week but this topic is of great interest as when the dust is settled I should be able to expand the project a little. I haven't been able to contribute much but grateful thanks to all the posters.
  10. My project is paused due to house move but I'll certainly bear in mind this method of construction. By the way - and OT - 'Nothing Like it in the World' by Stephen Ambrose is a good read about building the transcontinental railroads in North America.
  11. I had a friend, sadly no longer with us, who had fired N2s on the Kings Cross suburban. He swore that N2s when well worn would hit the sides of the tunnel on the Hotel Curve.
  12. Grateful thanks to 'AJ' for taking the trouble to photograph and post. I'm glad I waited for these. My only problem is that my project is now in store due to a house move next month. But I will need quite a few so I can get some 'in stock', maybe build a trial section with point motor, and bash on at a pace when the new railway room is ready.
  13. A question for anyone who knew York Road well. How far did the platform go into the tunnel at the country end? An earlier photo shows a narrow platform inside the bore, amazing different safety regime in those days! From photos, platform 16 had a similarly narrow section just outside the Hotel Curve tunnel.
  14. I’ve had this kind of conversation several times. I think it’s because people know of Holloway Bank and believe it starts at the platform end.
  15. There's no doubt that York Road would make an interesting project, especially if the up main is included. The scenic breaks are obvious and a little ingenuity ought find a way of dealing with main line trains running under the overall roof. My own project for the loco yard opposite is on hold due to an imminent house move. But... My new railway room will be much bigger and dedicated for modelling. I keep thinking "can I find a way of doing both sides of the station throat?" Then the sensible head kicks in and tells me I've got too much planned already!
  16. Probably a bit late on this but I believe the Hotel Curve up to platform 16 was in the order of 1 in 40, so it seems reasonable that that York Road would be similar.
  17. At risk of going off topic, I find the Dukedog a very attractive, well proportioned engine even if the class is a 'bitza'. More in proportion than a City for example. I have often hoped that Bachmann might follow it up with a Bulldog, of which there are many variants to keep the collectors busy but perhaps not to be...
  18. Hope this in order Larry but your photos reminded me of this fantastic day a few years back.
  19. I think this may be what you were thinking about. http://www.broadway-limited.com/rollingthunder.aspx
  20. Sorry this is off topic but part of Coachman's post struck a chord. During WW2 my Dad had three years in Burma and India. 10 months of this were spent in direct enemy contact. He too wanted nothing more than peace and quiet. RIP Dad you're never far from my thoughts. Apologies again for OT, back to normal now.
  21. I hope this is a good omen. Unless something goes dramatically and unthinkably wrong I shall be moving to Deeside early in the new year. Getting my priorities right, I was just about to start a topic asking for pointers to a good model shop and lo and behold there is this one! I'll have to pay them a visit at an early stage.
  22. Yes, really like those views. My favourite has to be the 4th one looking off the bridge. I was at the real Carrog the other week and thought I was back there for a minute!
  23. At risk of going way off topic - apologies Gilbert - there were near 2 dozen odd people involved in that shot alone which in itself was shot from 3 different angles. The crew were at the railway for 7 days all told and filmed in many different locations on the line. In all seriousness it was fascinating to see. All of the TV team worked hard and in some cases till nearly midnight - not a job for the unfit or lazy! I understand scenes were shot Buckighamshire Railway Centre as well. Incidentally the conversation in the scene pictured involved 'The Parley' but not the one that stopped at Peterborough North!
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