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Everything posted by TrevorP1

  1. Thanks, Nick. The list could be useful if you could PM me a copy. Whether the buildings turn out to be kit bashes, bitsas, or completely scratch built, I want them to look like something so that anyone who knows the area will be able to say, "Oh yes, that's from Southampton Docks". Of course they will be minute (and out of position) in comparison to the real thing but I hope to get a likeness. These books are useful, particularly 'Southern Rails.... Also websites like Southampton Collections Online, Banana Trade where half way down the page there is a photo of the Golfito with the buildings of berth 24 or 25 in the background. Most published pictures seem to be of the New Docks which was much more accessible. I'm also wondering about the cold store building (berth 40?) in the old docks. Apparently it got a direct hit in WW2 and I don't know if anything survived. I've been in the one in the New Docks during a plant engineering college course - a long time ago! Out lecturer just said "bring a coat" -25C took your breath away!
  2. Nick's post reminded me that I had a photo with all the track work in place. I'm a dab hand at taking photos for a post and forgetting, by which time more work is done so I take more photos, forget to post again... and repeat. To gauge how it will look, the B4 is posed next to a spare piece of Walthers kit. I'd love to use the ready made brick wall but it doesn't look like any part of Southampton Docks that I know of! Whilst waiting for electrical bits and pieces to arrive I'm currently sketching out warehouse ideas based on photos from the Old Docks. (If you lived in Southampton 'back in the day', it was Old Docks and New Docks, none of the Western and Eastern Docks nonsense! Another thing that will need thought is couplings. I'd like to be able to run the stock on the 'big layout' as well which means couplings need to be compatible. Burngullow lane has very little need of uncoupling 'on scene' and my goods stock has remounted - much closer - tension locks and so I'd like to use something based on this. Somewhere I've heard of a system that adapted the bottom part of a tension lock hook so that it could be raised by a magnet. I tried this with some spare bits and pieces and it seems like it will work. Does anyone know where I could find more information please?
  3. Yes, that superelevation is very good!
  4. Posted this too quickly. I should make it clear, the Okehampton route, in other words the ‘main line’. Sorry for any confusion, now standing in the corner head bowed…
  5. At one stage I believe Laira's last 'Star' 4054 Princess Charlotte was used on the NCR route for these route familiarisation workings. Somewhere I've seen a photo but I'm blowed if I know where!
  6. Interesting photo, One or two others in the album as well. I'm just wondering if that is an LMS van there? Similar to the one on the Bluebell? To me the wheelbase looks a bit short for 10'. I'm learning a lot about banana vans from this thread - the things that amuse us 😀 - in particular how relatively late *some* of the BR designs were built. For instance, I think the (Dapol) D246 is c1958/9. Shows what a good choice the SR vans are as they are quite long lived.
  7. Thanks John. Yes, I forgot to mention the Oxford GE van even though I’ve just bought one! Coupling and brake lever surgery needed. I have a Ratio/Parkside one to build and I’ll probably get one or two more.
  8. At this very moment on my desk there is a Dapol 246 being fitted with a Red Panda under frame. I've simply cut a piece of 0.040 to fill the hole. It's all quite a straightforward job. Getting back to the Accurascale versions, I'm very happy with their choice. With the two SR types, plus Dap/RP and the Parkside kit it gives us a good variety for a train. I'm even happier to know that when there're not in use on my new project I can legally run them through Burngullow Lane on their way to Truro. Win, win!
  9. Just a very quick post but there was me saying progress would be slow! Some track down already. (Well, those points would have been damaged leaving them laying around 😉 Code 75 for simplicity plus I had a fair bit spare includiing two points left over from previous iterations of the Burngullow Lane fiddle yard. In any case much of it is likely to be 'buried' in one way or another.
  10. Some work on the layout! For some time I've been wondering about the practicality of my cassette system. It works for many people but if I was honest it was too unwieldy in the Railway Shed. I could see expensive damage being done... So, bullet bitten. I've decided on using the 'Warley Boxes' from Modellers Mecca for off layout storage. OK, the stock has to be handled, and I wouldn't use them for engines, but they seem ideal for most coaches and wagons. Plus they take up less room - one box can hold ten coaches if need be, and they fit neatly into my wheeled trolley. In the space previously used for the cassette road there are now three extra sidings in the fiddle yard using track recycled from cassettes. The front trim panel has been replaced with a taller one to make a small fence. 'Goods stock posed for effect!
  11. I once had a workmate who (as a young apprentice) would have been standing on the platform in the middle of all that had he not overslept.
  12. Exactly! 🙂 I’ve never understood this fixation with 100mph. Or come to that any convenient round number. At the end of the day City of Truro was going very quickly, whether it was 98 or 102 or whatever really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
  13. I think we’d all like to see it finished by you Tony and running on LB.
  14. For over 18 months now I’ve been wondering what to do with the spare Tim Horn baseboard (left over from a long gone diorama) lurking underneath my layout. The idea of a small ‘bonus’ layout appealed particularly as it will sit happily on a small wheeled cupboard I use for storage. It can also come indoors to be worked on at the kitchen table or in my den upstairs. The question was what to do. About this time last year I was set on something Lynton and Barnstaple but I couldn’t see how I could make a 5’ x 1’ board look like Exmoor so the idea was shelved. For some reason thoughts turned to a more sensible dockside scene and I began looking at the railways of Plymouth. My mind rambled on thinking that perhaps if I just changed the stock it could also become my old home town of Southampton. Why, I could even call it ‘Mayflower Quay’ and have a pub called ‘The Pilgrims Rest’! Eventually I decided that the Southampton scenario appealed and although it would have to be totally ‘make believe’ - and microscopic compared to the real thing - I felt I could give it a flavour of my old home town. I’m conscious that Graham Muz of this parish also has a ‘Southampton Layout’ and I hope mine will be different enough that it is not seen as ‘clone’. Then a few days ago, as if by some weird act of the modelling gods, Accurascale announced the banana vans and gave me an easy, totally authentic and characteristic idea for a reason to be. Another building for unloading New Zealand Lamb would complete the picture. So the name. Much as I liked Mayflower Quay I settled on Banana Wharf. I’ve since discovered there is local restaurant chain of that name but if any of their management read this and decide that my tiny efforts have infringed some copyright or other I’ll take that as a compliment! The plan is below and I think it’s self explanatory except that the fiddle yard (cassette based) is on the right. It will be perfectly feasible to add another on the left and I may well do this if the layout is a success. I hope to base the structure marked ‘Ruin’ on the Watergate or Gods House Tower - both being Southampton Town Quay landmarks. Much of the track and some of the electrics will be spare from Burngullow Lane but the three extra points I need are due to arrive tomorrow. I already have the aluminium channel for the cassettes, a Dapol B4, a Dapol banana van in need of the proper chassis, plus the controllers can simply be plugged into one layout or the other. Now there a thread I’m committed but expect progress to be slow!
  15. The USAs are really the only steam I remember ‘properly’ working near the docks. That was usually when we went to the Royal Pier. I guess if I’m honest it was the 07s that did most of the work by then. I caught up with 30096 when it worked for Corralls at Dibles Wharf and I have the Dapol version. When the new ‘mini layout’ develops I’ll have to look out for a USA.
  16. Thanks Brian - 'a lot going on there'! It seems there were a lot of smaller consignments so that helps those wanting to run 2 or 3 vans. I also spotted there was flow to Tavistock Junction so bearing in mind the one previously spotted from Avonmouth, I wonder if there was a ripening facility at TJ? Also begs the question how the residents of Penzance etc got their bananas. I've been looking at this film which was linked in another thread Southampton Docks in the 1950s . Interesting stuff from about a minute in with also another version of that pesky Fyffe's label. SS Camitio also has much of interest from about 2 minutes in. Also more to confuse the Fyffe's label spotters. 🙂 Having been born in Southampton I've got to say all this banana stuff has got my interest. I saw banana trains regularly as a nipper. They were just part of the scene - along with the rest of docks. For a few months now I've been having various ideas for a smaller 'bonus' layout that can live under Burngullow Lane. There have been various ideas but earlier in the summer I decided a docks scene would fit the bill. Then along comes Rapido with the E1 and now Accurascale with SR banana vans... Time to start a thread!
  17. Agreed Mike. The STN in question states: For anyone interested it is well worth taking the time to take advantage of the free download from http://wttreprints.uk/. They have lots of other useful stuff as well.
  18. A useful document. Regarding the 'froth' 🙂 over banana trains in the west country, see train 33 in this document 6:10 pm from Tavistock Junction.
  19. A little bit of information here: Southampton Banana Traffic. Plus a tiny bit more here: Elders & Fyffes scroll down to Empress Dock.
  20. When I was lad my Dad had a pal who had fired the leader. I can still recall him telling me how hot it was. He was used to firing the pacifics so he knew what hot meant...
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