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NHY 581

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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. I have a few Bullied of my own. A quick question then. I have 34003 Plymouth and find the running a bit in different. Running is very uneven, almost as if something is binding but I can't see why. Anyone else had this? Rob
  2. One would venture that depending on the time of year, your eyes were not the only things like organ stops.......... Rob.
  3. What a trim little craft. Would have enjoyed this post a lot more had my glasses not continually steamed up......
  4. Just got back from Czech Republic. Came across this at Mirovice on the way. I do like these units and I must say it sounded great when it pulled away. Rob.
  5. Lovely set of photos, Rob. Just back from my travels in Czech Republic. Flipping hot here but just had three weeks in temps averaging 30°. Good to be back though. Rob
  6. Blimey Squeaky/Ian. I barely get my own boards to line up let alone to line up with some one else's. ..... Rob.
  7. Just read the above. Thought about editing but I think it reads better as is.... I blame Czech beer..... Rob.
  8. Two Ronnies. . Dads Army. Carry on....whatever (Brent?!!!) Ripping Yarns Young Ones... All Black adder. Mr Bean Round the Horne. (Sandy and Julian !!!!) Goons Bottom/ Dangerous Brothers. Comic Strip. I could go on........ Rob
  9. Glad I sowed the seed, Ian. Thought the same myself fir when I finally start my efforts. Rob
  10. The market for L&SWR Non corridor stock is there already given the forthcoming 02 and 700 classes, adding to the existing M7, T9 & N15. In addition similar stock appeared on the S&DJR up the fifties. Arguably, the L&SWR stock has more appeal than the SECR stock. Rob
  11. The Finchings have had many dubious encounters in the shrubbery. ......In fact Lt. Commander 'Monkey' Gibbon (Rtd) had to have his replanted after one weekend party featuring the sisters...... The ensuing rebuild was featured in the June 1937 edition of 'The Shrub and Privet Gazette' Rob.
  12. I am sure someone has mentioned it but a OO Adams radial would be nice as would a Midland 044T. Oh and some non-corridor ex L&SWR coaches....Please. Rob.
  13. Just to keep the pot on the boil, these are photos taken in the Tabor to Bechyne branch at Sudomerce u Bechyne. Hope you like. This may form the basis for my own Czech layout later in the year... Rob.
  14. Nice to see that we have reached the hundred post mark. Here's to the next hundred. .. Rob.
  15. Rollie Fister was not the first of his family to enter the clergy ( There's a separate thread there I am sure !!!). Here is a picture of his grandfather Joshua Fister, the Vicar of Temple Cloud in Somerset. He is pictured with his organist, Miss Truly Twice-Nightly on one of their mid week jaunts. Rev Fister is shown wearing a pair of 'indomitable leather riding breeches' which he wore when ever he was astride Gertrude, his velocepede. He was well known for arriving outside Miss Twice-Nightlys address with a resounding shout of; 'Do come on Truly.Time to get your leg over !!!' Miss Twice-Nightly was extremely proud of the positions she adopted within the community and would often boast that she 'Got the best from the vicars organ' Rob.
  16. I fancy a 742 myself but one thing I have noticed is the ribbing on the cabsides. Do all have this. I note the above photo from Marion does not seem to have this and neither does the MTB model. Rob.
  17. Sighted this morning, the Bishop of Brent and Salcombe, the very reverend Rollie Fister and his secretary Cecil Gusset, out for a constitutional. Reverend Fister can be seen in his clerical mankini which is sponsored by Johnson and Fudge, manufacturers of high class cheese wires. Rob
  18. Hi Marion. The Bardotka seems to be a lot heavier but I am still in Czech so difficult to be sure, as the Goggles is back home. It feels very solid but I think the detail on the Goggles is better. I am very happy with the Bardotka and will hopefully buy more MTB in the future. I think the Bardotka is MTBs best model though when compared to the 721 and 742. Rob
  19. Mmmmmm, I know. A large gin prior to any weathering me thinks. Rob.
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