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NHY 581

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Could have been worse....could have been Uranus.
  2. Morning Jonners, As ever, brevity personified but not sure what your magnum opus has to do with landsale yards....as being modelled by Wayne.. Rob
  3. Hi Richard, In lieu of a printed index.... This runs up to issue 280 but no updates after that. https://www.modelrailwayjournal.com/ Rob.
  4. Afternoon all, Many thanks for the kind words. All done and back at Chateau Sheep. Much numbness and slings but a pretty good effort from all involved in the treatment. Time will tell what, if any, difference it makes but it's worth a go. Rob
  5. Morning Andy, Bit late but lovely to see Butley at Uckfield. I could only manage a couple of short visits pre doors opening as I had to get back to my own layout but Butley did not disappoint. You're very lucky to be the custodian of such a lovely layout. I also managed a few photos but apologise for any duplication with those previously posted. Rob
  6. Thanks Tim. Arrangements confirmed today. All being well, home just after lunch. Rob.
  7. Evening all, I've finally consolidated the various photos I have taken of Ewe. They were dotted all over the phone and are now in one album. As I did, a thought struck me that I had a pretty complete record of the build. So, I thought you fine types might like a evolutionary trip by taking a few photos from lots ( about 400 ! ).....Taken between August 2021 and October 2023. Here goes........ Table top planning. ( August 2021 ) New home Top layer of MDF added. Track now laid. Adding the DAS to provide ground surface and river bank. Not building indents to lose 'gap' between buildings and ground. Caboose Industries ground throws in situ. Experiments with dead trees. Winter setting ? ( October 2021 ) Fiddly stick built. Track bed painted with red oxide. Grass areas paint in brown, road/yard in grey. ( January 2022 ) Track now painted and weathered. Ballasting. ( February 2022 ) First fix static grass down. Road/yard surface from ground down barbecue ash. MBR trees arrive. Adding 4mm static grass. ( March 2022 ) Starting to get a feel for the scenics now. First attempt at water on a layout. ( yes, I added it AFTER the static grass....( March 2022-SWAG was just over a month away !) Water lillies added ( March 2022 ) Starting to add the reeds. Painting/weathering the buildings. ( April 2022 ) Adding the buildings and just blending it all in. Trees permanently added. More blending in. ( April 2022 ) Weathering the motive power for SWAG'22. Bachmann 03. ( April 2022 ) Pretty much up to date-( September 2023 ) Scenic tweaking. ( October 2023 ) New framing. ( October 2023 ) Rob.
  8. Morning Brian, I'm trying to work out how Roath Coal (Newport Road ) yard transferred the coal from wagons to storage. Used to visit there with my father when he ordered our household coal. Rob
  9. Whilst veering off topic slightly, as a Welshman, I've always been slightly amused that I look literally anywhere, other than Wales for railway modelling inspiration. I thus have no real interest in modelling the railways of my home country, despite the plethora of possibilities and wonderful scenery not 40 minutes from my city based front door. A possible exception to this are some of the collieries, especially the Mountain Ash system which causes much interest. That said, there are one or two forthcoming locos that might change this outlook in a year or so. Never say never. Rob
  10. Perhaps a silly question Brian but how was the coal moved from wagons to the storage bins ? Rob
  11. Evening all. For those who were unable to make the trip to Uckfield, here's a lovely overview. http://www.uckfieldmrc.co.uk/exhib23nf.html Enjoy, Rob
  12. Mmmmmm..............new Panniers, Dapol Toplight brake coach.........2025 is looking a bit Western........
  13. I'd agree, Rob. I looked over them at Stafford and they looked superb. The Britsh Railways crimson jobs were stunning. IF and I stress IF I were to build a layout around the new Accurascale Panniers, then a 'displaced' toplight brake would make a cracking branch passenger coach....... Rob
  14. I thought it might have been down to my wonky hands and for the record, I was grateful to have Spams present to assist with the nob twiddling. Made for a very relaxing show as I am normally self reliant for such matters, which can be quite draining over two days. Rob.
  15. I did see your name in lights on a number of the images, Adrian. Lovely book and a good addition to the library at Chateau Sheep. Rob.
  16. As one whose layouts have yet to occupy more than one board, that's worth remembering ! Rob.
  17. That's not really the subject of the thread and is probably better off debated elsewhere. The simple fact is that this will be a bang up to date model delivered at a decent price point, but comparible with the latest 94xx from Bachmann. As for Hornby and their black five, much as I have little or no brand loyalty to them, you're being a little unfair. You have to remember that in your quoted time period of fifty years, the design processes, materials available along with the production techniques ( and manufacturing facilities ) now employed have advanced dramatically, something that Accurascale are exploiting rather well and from which we now are undoubtedly benefiting from. The main difference is that Accurascale are listening to us and producing the items that we, the modellers want and will buy to use. Right, back to researching Great Western goods only bucolic byways for these Panniers to play in. Rob
  18. I'm primarily right handed but....and there's always a but, I shoot left handed ( which raised a few eye brows with the firearms instructors as the SA 80 was set up for 'normal humans' as it was put to me...no issues with the AK 47 though ), I play snooker left handed and, as the Memsahib noticed, I use a spade left handed. I can also use a saw left handed and other hand tools don't present too much of an issue. Other tasks however are right hand only, craft knifing, painting, writing etc etc. Using the NCE is equally easy in either hand but that really cannot be said of uncoupling...... Rob
  19. I'm thinking that's the way to go. I've heard too many in the shop to ignore. But, no stock at Accurascale of decoders or speakers........yet
  20. Picking up a point from a couple of pages back ( dangerous but here goes )...... Fiddly yards. Yep, I struggled at Uckfield and at Railwells on occasion with Ewe's fiddly yard being to the right of the scenic section. I tried both combos, as in holding the controller in the left hand or right and uncoupling vice versa. Conclusion. It's not necessarily the position of the fiddle yard but the position of the DCC panel that causes the drama to unfold. Hopefully NotenoughPanniers, sorry, @2ManySpams can help out here ( assuming he's not busy ordering several Accurascale Panniers of course ) but I felt it was easier when we changed the short controller lead for the long dangly lead, thereby allowing us to stand further to the left of the layout.. Of course at Uckfield I didn't change the lead.....or did I ? ......any hows, this subject needs thinking about. At present, the new layout will have the fiddly yard on the left, back to normal S.O.P. but nothing is finalised as of yet. And no, I haven't drawn a plan as I've not got a beer mat or old envelope to sketch it out on and the Memsahib has occupied the dining table to conduct pre-Crimbo craft activities. Rob.
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