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NHY 581

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Hi Neil, It is rather nice. Yes, the white roofs will be taken in hand, no idea how yet but it will happen. The good thing is such treatment to the roofs is aided by the fact that they are removable. They can be tackled as individual projects. The Wainwright loco livery is just sublime and I shall be exercising caution when weathering these locos. You're spot on regarding the colouring and the effect of the scenery. Perhaps more than the other layouts, Lambsdown will have much thought given to how the various colours influence each other. Something of an Edwardian Flower Power layout really. Yeah Baby !
  2. Hi Steve, I raised this earlier in the thread. They will be removable/addable......( supplied separately in other words...) Scroll down...... Rob.
  3. Afternoon all, Progress. First bit of railway modelling type stuff attempted. I fitted a decoder to a SE&CR P Class. Body removed, decoder fitted, reassembled and tested. Ran well and certainly looked the part with the two Hattons 4 wheelers though I still consider the ensemble to be a tad bright after modelling 1950s BR for so long. All good and hoof seemed compliant. Rob.
  4. Before responding in such an abrupt and rude fashion I suggest you read through the above. My main issue was that of colour, a query responded to and adequately covered by Paul's replies. The fact that you chose to reply as you did is not down to me but simply down to your need to demonstrate your expertise and answer a question that wasn't being asked. Rob.
  5. Thanks but the main issue was the colour. The render of the forthcoming Locomotion model did not look like Ultramarine Blue more as that applied to the Liverpool street pilot. As I work on the basis if it looks wrong, it probably is, I asked the question and Paul confirmed that is in fact the case. That was confirmation enough. Simplistic but in this case, correct. Rob.
  6. Tucked away in the latest releases from Bachmann is this figure set. Now, why would Bachmann release a set of Edwardian figures ? Rob.
  7. Really in several minds where to go with mine. Do I, mindful of those Accurascale Panniers linked to Newport Pill, recreate 666 and subsequently produce a goods only layout based in the Newport area...( as a Cardiffian that is tricky to contemplate....not as bad as modelling somewhere in Swansea though....) or.....do I leave well alone.......or......do I.......... Hell fire!!
  8. Morning all, The hoof continues to make progress with a bit more movement this morning. I'm back with the Dr. on Friday so we'll have a better idea then. The main thing on the agenda is SWAG but whereas I'd hoped to get details out today, it's best that I hold off for another week or so........but it's in hand ( ! ) Rob.
  9. Morning Paul. Thank you. That's how the graphic looked on the Locomotion website, closer to ( if not the same as ) your Liverpool street pilot. So, two '84's it is. Rob
  10. Thanks Paul. What, if any, are the differences then between as built and as preserved? Ideally, I'd like to run 87 along with 84 in a Great Eastern setting. Rob.
  11. I sure I read somewhere of either 666 or 667 being transferred to somewhere quite rural......
  12. Thanks all for the confirmation. Can it be confirmed that No87 is to be released in original form ( as built) or as preserved ( with any in service mods ). I ask, details aside, as the blue on Locomotion's No87 looks more like that applied to Accurascale's Liverpool street pilot than their Ultramarine blue GER No.84. Rob
  13. Go on....................... Payment ? So, a photographer takes an image of your layout and in conversation it's established that it may end up in a magazine and it becomes something you want payment for ? Being invited to exhibit your work at an exhibition is a privilege, well that's how I regard it anyway. If a photo of me or my trainset appears in print, that is a nice by product of that exhibition appearance. I have no idea how many times me or my layouts have photographed at a show or how the photos are used...and frankly, I'm not worried. But if you are worried, perhaps a large sign setting out your requirements should be affixed to your layouts at shows. That should break the ice between you and the paying public whom you're there to entertain........ Rob
  14. Interesting. No where to be found on the locomotion website. You seem to have announced the pre announcement of the announcement... Rob.
  15. Sold my plain black example a while ago.....then regretted it..........and now have a replacement on the way......... Rob
  16. Hi Rob, Try popping into @wiggoforgold's Yelverton thread regarding how Alex approached the tree heavy backscene thing. Very innovative. Rob
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