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NHY 581

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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Interesting. You're not the first I've heard saying something along those lines. Rob
  2. Morning all, Yes, up and about. Caution was indeed exercised with the Jura, Rob and in complete contrast to this time last year, no fixtures or fittings were.....ahem..........cough......... headbutted...........Therefore all is well this morning at Chateau Sheep. Rob
  3. Happy New Year, Chris !!!!
  4. Morning all, Happy New Year to all the Monocled Muttoneers who frequent the Sheep Chronicles. Here's to more of the same in 2024 !
  5. Merry New Year, Nick. Thoroughly enjoyed meeting up at Stafford and following your adventures in '23. Looking forward to progress in 2024. Rob
  6. Hi Chris, Yes indeed. It will live again but for the avoidance of any doubt and to halt any further speculation, I'll be looking at this later in the year, making the necessary contact and announcements when as you so rightly say, there is something to announce........ as per earlier post..... Rest assured, it will be worth the wait and up to the required standard. Rob
  7. Ah! Thanks but there's no need for any third party involvement. Rob
  8. Morning Rich. MRD are shut.........as per below. Rob
  9. Mmm.........so glad I didn't join the EM Gauge Society...........their AGMs look quite wild affairs.....
  10. Will do D. The bodies, having been further dismantled by the removal of the ends were given an initial spray with the matt varnish to act as a key for the weathering powders. I don't currently possess an airbrush so am reliant mainly on weathering powders. I decided to follow my "method" of weathering vans and other planked wagons, as here. This method has been tweaked over a number of years and to some, it might seem a bit of a leap of faith due to the manner in which the finish is achieved............. The bodies of the real J70s were painted, rather than varnished wood but I wanted to add my own take on these locos. There is, to the best of my knowledge, only one colour view of these locos. That was taken at Stratford of a loco, post withdrawal. So, we are reliant on those available black and white images, which are open to interpretation. Therefore, this is my interpretation................... The first powder applied was an overall dusting of smoke, inside and out allowing it to settle into the gaps in the planks. Some shading was applied to the plank detail on the interior of the ends using black on the edges before the smoke was added over the top. The end doors, were fitted and weathered at the same time. If they were to be modelled open, they were done prior to fitting. Once happy, the whole body was once again sprayed with matt varnish to seal the powder. Once dry ( a matter of minutes ), the smoke was removed from each individual plank using a 2mm fibre brush, working horizontally from the centre of the plank out to the edges. Varying the time spent doing this, varied the finished colour. Take "the edge" off the fibre brush first and practice on something first as these locos are effectively unobtanium. This image illustrates the final effect. Further variation was added by applying small amounts of dark rust (yep, really) and further smoke to individual planks. This was then worked in using a larger, softer 4mm fibre brush. This in effect polishes the planks but provides both texture and variation. You cannot rush this. Basically when it looks about right, it probably is. And if you think it might be, put it down and leave well alone or you risk a visit from the Cock-up Fairy. A bit of white was added to edges here and there and a pencil used to suggest worn metal on the lamp irons etc and that was essentially that. This later photo illustrates the high lights from the white. The rooves had black applied to the rain strips and around the chimney. Bells were picked out using gold acrylic and the whole roof was the weatgered using a mixture of dark earth and smoke before being sealed. All three of my J70s were weathered in this way and they rightly vary from one to the other, providing the finish I was after. Rob.
  11. Evening Goosee, Yes, the roof and sides are one piece. Here are some photos I took. Bear in mind, that the chassis is encased by the solid cast boiler which will need working on if you are to locate a stay alive in the gap between the boiler and the interior of the body. You will need some thin plastic wedges to open up the gap between the metal chassis and the plastic body. The body will need gently prising away from the clips securing it to the chassis. The ends will then drop out Components. Hope this helps a tad. Rob
  12. Morning all, Hope everyone's Christmas is going well. Things are ticking over at Chateau Sheep with the prep ongoing for a kit built roast beef dinner. However, I've managed a bit of noisey shunting with this little chap this morning..... GER C53 No.127 from Rapido's sound fitted train pack. Much dinging of bells, hissing of Westinghouse pumps and general chuffing about. Rob.
  13. Well, Santa dropped off my sound fitted, pre 1919 train pack. Joyous. Now questioning whether or not I 'need' the post 1919 equivalent........... Rob.
  14. Morning all, Well, we're settling down at Chateau Sheep which is in the midst of some rather damp and blustery weather at present. The Christmas snacks are emerging and all is pretty much okay as it happens. I'm retreating to the Room of Doom shortly to finish off a couple of home made Crimbo cards ( it's what we do between the immediate family ) which are a bit more personalised that the commercial jobs. For those of you who are travelling, have a safe journey and I'll leave this older view of Sheep Dip just by yer ( as we say hereabouts ) Rob
  15. Top stuff as always, Matt. Thanks for the inspiration your builds provide. I have a few kits for next years project and,I will no doubt have a few questions for you. Until then, Merry Christmas ! Best wishes, Rob
  16. On the subject of evidence then, where's yours to support this statement. Rob.
  17. Two more to be going on with. https://mikemorant.smugmug.com/Trains-Railways-British-Isles/GWR-and-BRW/GWR-1500-0-6-0PT/i-W5hZWhR/A https://www.flickr.com/photos/taffytank/16047330759 Rob.
  18. Well, Kelsey was good to her word and dropped off my decoder nine minutes earlier than previously advised. Top service from both Accurascale and DPD. Rob
  19. The 15xx perhaps highlights mail order v picking up from a retailer. With regard to the stock received by a retailer, it arrives well packed from Rapido. Working at a Rapido stockist, when the first issues were being highlighted on here, I checked every model we had in stock regarding running and finish. Some models, perhaps half a dozen had already been sold but these had been tested prior to them leaving with a customer or being posted out. All of those were good. Of the rest, ultimately perhaps six or seven were deemed not good enough to offer for sale and have subsequently been returned to Rapido. These had running issues, damage or excessive glue as alluded to on this thread by various contributors. So out of an original order of easily 40+ ( combined silent and sound fitted) I am only aware of one of our customers who went on to have an issue and were contacted by Rapido via this forum. Given our relationship with our custmers, we would have been made aware ofanymore. At this time, we have, roughly eight left in stock but with these, we're happy that they are saleable as they have already been tested and examined.....and will be once again when purchased or prior to posting. As I see it, Rapido have acknowledged the issues with this model and are engaging with customers to resolve any issues. The fault arguably lies then with retailers not running or examining the models prior to posting them to customers and if there are any faults with them, they must be ignoring them and hoping for the best, as it were.....That's cannot be acceptable and doesn't do anybody any favours. Rob.
  20. No. A confirmatory check on the website seems to show all released/announced models to date and a plain green job isn't there. Rob
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