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NHY 581

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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Morning all. Well put, Martyn. I think sound is great but I'm happy to run silent models for now. On the subject of DCC, I'm a novice so keep things very simple indeed. I, on the advice of Gilbert ( Chris Hopper, who has been very helpful ) standardised on Zimo decoders. In my case, with lots of my locos taking 6 pin decoders, I use those they supply to Bachmann. They're excellent and give me running to the required F.S.S. ( Fussy Sheep Standard) as those who've seen EWE and the J70s at a show will have seen. However, now safe in the knowledge that Bachmann source their decoders from the more accomplished manufacturers, I bought an 8 pin and a 21 pin Bachmann decoder last week. These decoders are supplied by ESU, hence the testing yesterday. My J15s are fitted with six pin decoders plumbed in using an 8 pin to 6 pin harness, again by Bachmann. One of these was swapped for the new 8 pin decoder. With no tweaking of the settings, it ran beautifully, matching the 6 pin installation and nothing else was needed. The displaced 6 pin decoder was then fitted to a Hattons SE&CR P Class. As expected, excellent running. A spare 6 pin decoder was popped into a second P class, same result. A Dapol SE&CR Terrier had a Bachmann Next 18 decoder added and this again is a lovely runner. The 21 pin decoder is destined for a Bachmann SE&CR liveried C class which I'll pop in this afternoon and report back. The only issue is the size of the Bachmann/ESU 8 pin decoders and this prevented it's fitting to a Hornby H class. That said, I only had a cursory glance and I need to revisit this. It may well fit into the side tank. In summary then, the J15s still fitted with Bachmann/Zimo 6 pin decoders will have them replaced with Bachmann/ESU 8 pin decoders so that will be the motive power for the Mid Suffolk project sorted. The SE&CR project really only needs the P Class and the Terrier to run the intended services but a H and a C Class will both clearly be 'needed'........ Updates will follow. Rob.
  2. Morning all. With the Memsahib in the garden, I'm going to test a couple of DCC decoders. The new layout, when it gets going will be DCC from the start, unlike EWE which was originally DC. Not sure yet if this new fangledness will extend to electric points but one step at a time. Frankly, the most important thing is the running of the locos. Any other stuff is secondary to this, hence the research and development. Rob.
  3. On a lighter note, looks like the revamp to the Room of Doom will indeed commence in a week or so. Rob
  4. Afternoon all. Well, that's another thing off the list. In summary, op booked for hooves, date to be confirmed but probably early next year. Rob
  5. Morning all, Well, the fence still stands so that's encouraging. Both myself and the Memsahib have a few aches after our combined labours over the last few days so a relaxed day at Chateau Sheep. I'm off to the vets later to have the results of the MRI and hopefully will get an idea of what is the causation of my wonky hooves.....equally hopeful that they may work out how to fix them. We shall see. Rob
  6. Morning Rob. I too have suffered from tennis elbow. Not good. I wish you a speedy recovery from what is a real annoyance. But......... On the basis that every cloud has a silver lining, Aston will benefit. Rob.
  7. View Advert 7S-018-004 B4 0-4-0T BR EARLY CREST 30089 Due to a change of 7mm direction.......... My 7mm Dapol B4 is up for sale. Factory sound fitted variant. As new and test run on the dining table only. Boxed with all paperwork. ( 5 plank wagon not included ) £299.00 Will be sent £8.95 special delivery due to value. Please PM if interested. Rob. Advertiser NHY 581 Date 26/10/23 Price £299 Category Other scales
  8. Evening all. Well, thanks to better weather than anticipated and two early starts and long days, the garden project has effectively been completed three days ahead of schedule............. Still some tidying and groundwork to finish but the fence is done and a skip filled with the excess soil, clay rubble etc. Top day. So.........we can now start thinking about the Room of Doom.......maybe...... Rob
  9. Morning Graham, Ditto re Wolfie. Had it not been for exhibitions then I'd also be in the done B.O camp. But it's now the modelling season........'tis the season to be jolly ! Rob
  10. Hi Nick. All dug and cemented in. The post hole thingy wouldn't have worked. Too much clay and rubble once you dug about 6 ins down. Add in numerous tree roots and stumps. Nope, traditional pick,shovel, axe and even chain saw work and we overcame. Rob
  11. Nice. That looks like the Bachmann job, Matt. Are those Brassmasters coupling rods ? Rob
  12. Morning all, Clearly, Butley Mills is a favourite of many of us hereon. The relevant copies of MRJ are issue 9 with a follow up article on stock etc in issue 19. Matters at Chateau Sheep continue to divert from playing trains. There is the small matter of finishing Operation Berlin. A skip is eagerly awaited (?!) to allow the removal of several cubic metres of soil and assorted bits and bobs. Once that's done, the construction of the fence can recommence and can hopefully be concluded over the weekend. Then and only then, can we commence the refurb of the Room of Doom. And then we can start on the new layout............. Rob.
  13. Hi Matt, Great to see the progress you're making on here. Could you just remind me of the probable motive power for the layout ? Rob
  14. Having spent the weekend operating Ewe alongside Pete, I can vouch for just how good this layout looks and sounds. Visually, it's an understated delight and for someone who welcomes the less is more approach Wenford Dries really floated one's boat. Rob
  15. It's the attention to detail that you notice as you look closer. Each time you see something new. Cropping the photos I'm drawn to the uneven nature of the wood lining the wharf. And this little building is full of character. There will be more observations along later
  16. Morning all. I didn't take many photos, sorry. However here are a few of Hepton Wharf and Butley Mills, two of my favourite Iain Rice layouts. Butley Mills...... The arrangement of the buildings and mix of the prototype construction is exquisite. Rob.
  17. I thank you. Ewe is now back in the Room of Doom, unscathed from it's trip "darn sarf". Overall it acquitted itself pretty well. It's not due out until Mid-'24 so with any luck I'll finally attend to a few long overdue jobs and add a bit of detail. Basically, the coal siding needs to look like a coal siding so a coal heap or two wouldn't go amiss. The loading gauge will finally get made as will a few fruit baskets for the van siding and I'm considering the smallest of small loading platforms. I also need a couple of vans and or a flat bed lorry for the coal merchant. As for the "Tobys", I need to add some shedplates and crew. And finally, there's the small matter of the ex GC 6whl brake van supplied by @Worsdell foreverto attend to.......... Oh....and a new fiddly area reshuffling table So all very good stuff. Rob
  18. Morning all. What a great three days. It was lovely to finally meet so many people who have become firm friends via both this forum and Western Thunder. Thank you for your kind words and the encouragement ! The show was exceptional. Not only were the gathered layouts of Iain Rice wonderful to behold but the supporting layouts were tremendous. Adrian, the exhibition manager had done a tremendous job. The club members were lovely, supportive and welcoming. A great way to finish one's exhibiting year. Not only that but I have two or three tentative invites to shows in the area for next year so it looks like being a busy 2024 ! I'll pop some photos on later but I must now set about unloading Sheep One then orf to work. Rob.
  19. Arrived home just before half ten last night, tired but very pleased to have been part of what was a very special exhibition. As Jerry has said Adrian was just fab, no dramas and the support and welcome provided by the club members was simply superb. The visitors were also lovely. Knowledgeable and good humoured. All of this made for a truly enjoyable weekend in great company. Rob.
  20. Evening all, Just arrived home. Time for bed. Update in the morning. I thank ewe.
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