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NHY 581

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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Just popped into this thread and can see I need to go back to page 1. Lovely stuff. Rob.
  2. Just clocked an excellent write up on Chris Hopper's Lockdown Fen in this month's BRM. Very nice article. Rob
  3. Yes, there's one in particular that really caught my eye.............
  4. Cracking write up in this month's BRM. Not only does the layout look great but the information contained within the article is excellent. Top job all round. Rob
  5. And ( again thinking as I type...) the points could be activated using say, brass rod in tubes exiting via the side framing.
  6. Morning Nick and er.....Nick. The key thing is the fact that it's a self supporting, self contained 'board'. The underside ( which I've neglected to mention or measure......) looks like it will take a bolt or two to bring them together. There are also options interms of putting them up. The middle table could have both sets of legs down and the others would 'piggyback' off them using just one set of legs....or the end 'board' could use both sets of legs with subsequent boards using just one......etc, etc... The recess beneath is not deep enough to hide or protect any point motors though as I type this, I wonder it an above board motor could be located below and connect using suitable linkage.... As for infilling the top, good point Nick. A full infill would work and this is my first thought but an alternative would be to just infill where the track sits but you'd have to then infill between the tracks in any event ( thinking as I type here ) I'll also measure from base of rail to bottom of sleeper as another option might be to infill using 6mm MDF /ply which would place track level slightly below the top edge of the side framing but still allow the rails to be above the side/ end framing when going across the 'board joints'. Rob
  7. Morning Wayne. Beady sheep eye now on developments here abouts. Rob
  8. Morning Wayne. Good to see. The B2 is a lovely model and the version you've acquired was the one I originally wanted to run alongside the W4s on Sheep Dip. I shall pop in to the thread..... Rob
  9. In other news, the planned emptying of the Room of Doom today has been paused. I've been asked to cover the shop today as there is a bad case of lurghi doing the rounds. I seemed to have dodged the bullet thus far. However, refurb of R o D will recommence tomorrow. Memsahib appears to think we can complete by Sunday............... Rob.
  10. Morning Martyn, Good point. What I meant to say, was that these little tables offer the chance to put together a layout quickly , not rushed but one where it is easy to maintain progress and therefore interest. Too many projects stall and interest is lost . What is evident to me is these provide a basis on which to arrive at a small, albeit simple layout that is easily stored and can then be popped up, enjoyed and then stored for the next time. It kind of goes against my usual modus operandi which normally ends up in a self contained, exhibitable Cameo layout which is fully up and operable at home. I'm intrigued by the opportunity it presents, both to me as a builder and to those who think they don't have space or time to produce a layout. Time is a bit tight at present so I'll simply gather together a few bits and bobs with which to produce what I hope will be a neat little home layout. Rob.
  11. These are physically much smaller than normal carriages. In Jenny's photo above you can see the height difference between the coach and the J70. There'll be a similar difference between the Hattons coaches and the tram coaches. Pretty certain the tram coaches in the above image are the 4whl jobs but the height etc was consistant with the bogie equivalent. Rob.
  12. Hi Chris, The light is appaling but looks to be 8mm. The internal dimension between the outside framing is 514mm x 284mm. Rob
  13. Well, this is NOT an early start to the new project. Nope. It's more of a self generated challenge. You hear many modellers bemoan the lack of available space hence why they are unable to fit a layout into the house. I saw these today. They each measure 53cm x 30 cm overall. They have their own legs which obviously fold under and will sit on a large dining table or even on the floor. There are clearly a number of compromises to be made but I reckon it's possible to build a perfectly satisfying shunting layout using these little tables. And do it relatively quickly............. Rob.
  14. Yes it was. Utterly disastrous. I ordered two from Hattons, differing versions and tried six in total to get two that would run well enough to build an exhibition layout around. None were good enough and I eventually obtained a refund. The running ranged from slowing then speeding up for no reason, falling over on points and totally erratic, jerky running. Another example was bought second hand last year. This was much better and ran reasonably well but it hasnow moved on. The body is very good, setting the missing ashpan to one side but the chassis is an absolute dogs dinner and wasn't fit for purpose from the word go. If they were to be re-released with a different chassis then I would definitely be in the market for mutiple examples. It's my favourite GWR loco. Rob
  15. Why? Accurascale tell us they've arrived. They'll get to them but I think they're a bit busy at present. Honestly, it's really not that important and people need to give them a bit of space and stop nagging. Rob.
  16. Morning Louis, That's unusual. Sadly, I 'd send it back. In my experience, Dapol B4s are rarely duff. If it's nothing obvious, I'd return it and seek a replacement. Bear in mind, a new batch are due to arrive in shops pretty soon with early examples being produced. Rob.
  17. Morning John, Have a safe trip and whilst unlikely that an opportunity presents, it would be lovely to bump into each other. Rob.
  18. Morning Rob. Great images above but the middle image nails it. Lovely tone. Simply excellent modelling. Rob
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