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NHY 581

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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. In addition.....the only thing of interest amongst the Bachmann Winter announcements was this, (Screenshot of Kernow listing) You may recall I used one of these on Mutton. Mmmmmmmm Rob
  2. Morning all, It's a tad inclement at Chateau Sheep this morning. Nothing to do with the Sauerkraut soup served up last night. Very tasty indeed but with some moderate increasing to severe gusting afterwards. However, it is currently a bit rubbish outside with blustery stuff and not just a drop of rain, as reported first thing by The Works Forecat and George who both looked a tad moist on their return to the Chateau early doors. Intention is to continue with R o D but there is a garden related tip run first thing which will also see some former R o D equipment transported accordingly. Updates will follow. Rob.
  3. Not If Wooders........when......And they fit in a fitting fashion on the dining table. Rob
  4. Hi Alan, I wish ! I work on the basis that the sooner it's done, the rebuild can start. Hopefully lunchtime tomorrow will see us choosing paint. I'm even contemplating not watching Wales v Barbarians live........this is serious stuff. On a positive, I know the shelf units and table I'm getting so all being well, we should be getting them on Monday though I'd really like to collect them on Sunday. Rob
  5. Evening all. Well, the evacuation of the Room of Doom is slightly behind schedule. I was commandeered to remove copious amounts of garden waste and two fully loaded trips to the tip later, I was back in the Room of Doom. I've paused now and will resume in the morning. Two things have struck me. 1. I have a lot of trains/books/magazines/materials but above all, a generous amount of accumulated cr@p. That has taken the bulk of the time to sift through and discard. End result- A lot less cr@p will be returning to the R o D. Two large rubbish bags to be absolutely clear. 2. Where the hell am I going to put a single bed which is no longer needed ? If any one needs one and can help with that, please let me know. Not that old, minimum use, complete with decent mattress. So, tomorrow could/should see an empty room and possibly a fresh coat of paint by the evening. Rob
  6. Hi Graham, The DCC Concepts jobs are way too tall. We have them in the shop and they're just not right. Probably more suited to 7mm than 4. The best are the Dart Castings but of course they aren't illuminable. Sadly, the remaining one seems to be as per the DCC Concepts. I've not helped. Rob
  7. Morning all, I see 2ManyPanniers is making a late bid for the Christmas Naughty Step award......I'm sure, with space looking tight at next year's SWAG, room can be found for a demo stand in the the Gentleman's toileting facilities........ In other news............... Ahem. I am emptying the Room of Doom. I thank ewe.
  8. Morning Chris, I think I'm okay for now but might come back to you once the imminent refurb of the Room of Doom is completed. Might be able to squeeze you in next to Linda Lusardi and Vicki Michelle. Rob.
  9. Nope. Leave for a week or so, then decide using a fresh pair of eyes. We don't want the Cock Up Fairy paying a visit. Rob.
  10. Lovely detail of the station lamps in that image. Rob.
  11. Just popped into this thread and can see I need to go back to page 1. Lovely stuff. Rob.
  12. Just clocked an excellent write up on Chris Hopper's Lockdown Fen in this month's BRM. Very nice article. Rob
  13. Yes, there's one in particular that really caught my eye.............
  14. Cracking write up in this month's BRM. Not only does the layout look great but the information contained within the article is excellent. Top job all round. Rob
  15. And ( again thinking as I type...) the points could be activated using say, brass rod in tubes exiting via the side framing.
  16. Morning Nick and er.....Nick. The key thing is the fact that it's a self supporting, self contained 'board'. The underside ( which I've neglected to mention or measure......) looks like it will take a bolt or two to bring them together. There are also options interms of putting them up. The middle table could have both sets of legs down and the others would 'piggyback' off them using just one set of legs....or the end 'board' could use both sets of legs with subsequent boards using just one......etc, etc... The recess beneath is not deep enough to hide or protect any point motors though as I type this, I wonder it an above board motor could be located below and connect using suitable linkage.... As for infilling the top, good point Nick. A full infill would work and this is my first thought but an alternative would be to just infill where the track sits but you'd have to then infill between the tracks in any event ( thinking as I type here ) I'll also measure from base of rail to bottom of sleeper as another option might be to infill using 6mm MDF /ply which would place track level slightly below the top edge of the side framing but still allow the rails to be above the side/ end framing when going across the 'board joints'. Rob
  17. Morning Wayne. Beady sheep eye now on developments here abouts. Rob
  18. Morning Wayne. Good to see. The B2 is a lovely model and the version you've acquired was the one I originally wanted to run alongside the W4s on Sheep Dip. I shall pop in to the thread..... Rob
  19. In other news, the planned emptying of the Room of Doom today has been paused. I've been asked to cover the shop today as there is a bad case of lurghi doing the rounds. I seemed to have dodged the bullet thus far. However, refurb of R o D will recommence tomorrow. Memsahib appears to think we can complete by Sunday............... Rob.
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