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NHY 581

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Top stuff, Nick. Always a bit of a mile stone to get something running. Good to see. Rob
  2. Morning Winners, Yes. Good point. Over the last few years now, I only buy magazines which have a feature within that I actually want. Normally these relate to members on here, my 'Mate's Trainsets'. The exception to this is MRJ for which I have all copies, something I set about completing when I retired. For years I religiously bought several magazines, month in, month out. I've cleared pretty much all of those now, literally hundreds of mags have been thrown out over the last couple of years. My MRJs are the single largest group by far and of all of them, they are the least 'negotiable'. I've also got a couple of years ( literally two 1980/81 ) of Model Trains. I keep these as a reminder of how as a teenager, I started to try a more prototypical approach to my modelling.........five or so years later, I bought my first copy of MRJ. Anyhow.............school run done, second coffee finished. Somebody collecting bed this morning, tip run to organise, garage to tidy and Room of Doom to progress............. Rob.
  3. Morning all, The rebuild continues this morning. With some items back in situ, the retrieval process moves to the attic where I'm hoping to locate the rather large box of wagons and a few more locos............as well as the assorted books and the MRJ Collection. Once that's done, if space allows, I can move some more books up from the library in the living room.......... It's all go..... Rob.
  4. Morning Paul, Yes. In theory two though it will be snug. I envisage Sheep Dip will be to the rear and the new layout will run right to left. They'll be at a height around that which they are normally exhibited at, maybe a bit higher. Another set of shelves will be behind where I took the photo from and that will have EWE on it. They will be lower. A larger Desk of Doing will be to the right, Winners, hanging from the shelves and will sit in front of the out of shot window. It will be cosy but believe it or not I actually have more free space and definately more storage space..........until the arrival of the 'stuff' that is....then we'll see about that ! Rob
  5. Morning Nick, Like me, you'll probably use a couple of spare PECO sleepers but PECO actually do spare sleepers specifically as infills etc. Came across them in the catalogue yesterday. Rob.
  6. Collected the two BR brown examples yesterday. Excellent little models. Top effort all round. Have to say, I'm really looking forward to weathering them but there will be a bit of a delay due to temporary lack of facilities. Rob
  7. I'll possibly be able to have a look at them tomorrow evening, Alex. First impressions are of a bit of a glossy roof to attend to. Rob
  8. Hi Steve. Sadly not at present as everything railway related is liberally distributed around Chateau Sheep. BUT............ Take it from me they are lovely....... AND Fingers crossed, they can be photographed by tge end of the week on EWE. Rob
  9. And I can confirm we have collected the first of the new units for the Room of Doom. I thank you. * oh....oh.... and I've also collected two of Rapido's lovely W&U tramway bogie coaches........yum.
  10. Evening all and many thanks for your kind words etc re Tom's bump. As an update, his car is on the mend. Mr Bentley is doing the right thing and has been in touch and is now dealing directly with the garage sorting Tom's car and has confirmed he is picking up the costs involved. So, hopefully things will return to normal before too long. Rob.
  11. Morning all, Well, yesterday was interesting. NHY minor managed to open his RTA account by torpedoing a Bentley which emerged onto the road in front of him and crossed his bows. Front end damage to Tom's Fiesta and considerable and no doubt significantly more expensive damage to the entire side of the Bentley. Crucially, no one was injured and there's just the damage to resolve. Driver of the Bentley has been on touch and seems a decent type. These things happen...... Therefore progress on the Room of Doom was understandably compromised but I'm hoping to pick up the first of the shelving units this evening after work. What has become apparent is that there is a degree of compromise in what will be the new Room of Doom, of which more in due course............... Rob.
  12. Mmmmm......so, the President of The Peoples Front Against Panniers seeks information on Panniers.................on behalf of a so called 'friend'....
  13. Morning Richard, I believe the Memsahib may have what is locally known as a hissy fit if such a disposal was even thought about........ Morning Martyn. Interesting thought but whilst the Room of Doom won't be completely tidy ( well, not for long ) and far from minimalist, I'm looking forward to having a relatively ordered and freshly repainted space in which to tinker with trains. Hopefully, the use of weatgering powders will be confined to the Desk of Doing...of which more anon.. Now it's devoid of furniture you can really see how small the room actually is so careful thought is needed. The main positive I can see is the moving of what will be a bigger Desk of Doing to in front of the window, as opposed to sitting with my back to it. Can't beat wirking in natural light....ish. Today then will see the pre-painting prep hopefully completed. No.1 Son dropped in last night so the far more important business of catching up was attended to. Rob.
  14. Ahem...... The Room of Doom is empty. Slight delay as nipped out to purchase paint. Interesting shade approximating to Panzer Grau. Moving onto pre painting prep apres din dins. I thank you.
  15. No need to apologise, Andy. People need to remember that you're having a lot of deliveries, dealing with customer orders, retailer orders, ongoing warranty stuff and no doubt prepping for Warley, as well as progressing other projects. Rob.
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