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NHY 581

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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Hi Chris, The 4 up the height is 147cm which puts track level around shoulder height ( ish ) so it's a bit taller than I operate at shows. It's fine operating standing up and everything can be reached. Ewe sits 3 up, @112cm and therefore I can operate sitting down which is ideal. Both provide the looking into the scene viewpoint which is how they are 'designed' to be viewed. However, if it came down to it, I'd probably go for standing up. Hi Wayne, Kernow are your current friends for Austerities with EFE jobs at literally half price. Rob.
  2. By the way, if you haven't got this, you 'need' it. Essential. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Visions-Steam-P-Cavalier/dp/0860930319
  3. Morning Wayne, Brynlliw makes a good prototype from which to gain inspiration. Sticking my ovine snout in, looking at your sketch, if you push the loco shed more to the left, hard up against the backscene, then there'll be no need for trees. I'd also pull the point leading to the landsale yard right back to maximise the length on the landsale siding, which I would also add a gentle curve to, bending away from the 'mainline'. Your photo below suggests you are doing this anyway but consider sliding the whole formation across the board so the wall of the shed is literally on the edge, to maximise width and reduce the gap between the shed and the running line. Rob.
  4. Morning Wayne..The 0-4-0 Peckett is Hornby’s W4. I have....cough.....a number. If you are going for an Andrew Barclay then wait until next year when Hattons are doing a further run. Avoid ebay where they are being advertised at stupid money. Hattons will be asking less than £90. Morning Chris. Absolutely. Barclays are a tad uncouth. Morning Paul. Thank you. The Room of Doom is somewhat bijou and compact at ( over generously) 8ft x 8ft.........probably closer to 8ft by 7ft 6ins Rob
  5. Looking good, Chris. For info, I use blackboard paint on the framage for the Sheep Continum layouts. I apply using a small roller and it gives a nice finish. Drys quickly as well. Rob.
  6. One hopes they do. You cannot have too many cwtchy industrial saddle tanks and this is undeniably cwtchy. Rob.
  7. You're labouring a point here. It matters not a jot. . Some prefer polished, arguably a tacky plastic finish as applied by Hornby and Dapol. I for one don't but we're all different. Just be grateful we can look forward to yet another SE&CR loco to add to our respective studs. If you wish to continue jousting with John, maybe start a new thread but you're seemingly making a mountain out of a dome here. Let's move on. Rob.
  8. Totally agree. The finish on the dome/ base of the safety valves of Hornby H and those of the Dapol D class are not right, even for well polished parts. I have both 263 and 308 and when then start their service on the planned layout, those 'polished' bits will be well and truly toned down, along with those of the D class. I'm so glad Rapido have avoided this. Rob.
  9. Morning all, Sheep Dip was plumbed in last night and normal service has been resumed. I therefore spent a pleasant hour shuffling a few wagons about. Rob.
  10. Morning Brian, That looks like a pre-unit BSA Twin. I'd say an A10 650 with Craven panniers to the rear and given the shape of the BSA badges on the tank, a 1959-62 model. Now, where's my anorak.....? Rob.
  11. There's a couple of nice images of Ewe therein. Many thanks, Rob
  12. Sounds like the aftermath of a good Madras.
  13. Morning Chris, Do you know, I'm actually enjoying the unclutterment. It is something which I accept hasn't always been succesfully managed but I feel more inclined to start on something walking into the room as it looks. I've still got jobs to do. Sheep Dip needs connecting up and there are a few more books to move in and bits and bobs to rehouse. But for now, I'm quite enjoying being able to plonk myself down with a cup of coffee and flick through MRJ or just look around. Sorting the Room of Doom is one of the best things I've done in relation to railway modelling. Rob
  14. Morning Steves, Yes they are indeed the Rapido W&U tramway coaches and very lovely they are. Obviously out of period as passenger services ceased on the W&U in the late '20s ( 1928 off the top of my woolley head ). They are gorgeous little things and will, at some point have some attention paid to them. ( there is a reason for a delay which will be expanded upon in due course ) Sadly, Ewe is the wrong layout for them. It was, after all, always going to be goods only so a more passenger orientated layout would be needed. I've thought sboutca bit of remodelling of Ewe but I'm leaving well alone. The new layout which has always been seen as a tradtional passenger serving terminus could be adapted. I am thinking that the platform could follow the Kelvedon and Tollesbury with it's low platforms. ( 15 inches ?) This is of course where these coaches ended up and they'd look quite at home accompanied by an adapted 4whl brake and pulled by an Accurascale J67/8/9. But.........what do we then do with the GER J70 trainpacks which are rapidly ( no pun intended ) approaching release..? So is there a 'need' to think of a more passenger orientated W&U layout/ module ?.....is this what the breakfast tables are destined for...? Rob
  15. It is fair, Michael. Price is something that does crop up in relation to Rapido products, but unfairly in my opinion. These delightful little chaps will retail ( full RRP ) at £139.95 DCC Ready or £249.95 DCC Sound. By comparison......Dapol's forthcoming Hawthorn Leslie is currently priced at full RRP as follows; DCC Ready £126.36 DCC Fitted £164.16 DCC Sound £266.36 Hornby's forthcoming Peckett W4s are only available DCC ready @ either £120.99 or £127.49 depending on which of the three versions you go for. You can add ( conservatively) £120.00 plus fitting to obtain a DCC Sound version. Agreed the DCC ready version is more expensive than the competition based on full RRP but arguably not overly so and the sound fitted model is bang on the money. These will sell very well and do well for Rapido. I'm sure there will be no need for Rapido to lower themselves to flogging models of the L&NER equivalent of Trigger's broom......... Rob
  16. Jonners, Where on earth are you finding PECO Code 100 for £18 a length. That's outrageous ! RRP is £5.26. Next time jump on the bus and support your local model shop rather than wasting your money on line. I'll even get the kettle on. Rob
  17. Wozzn't me, Guv ! Gor blimey strike a light, cross me 'art. I never dun nuffin. Honest Guv. It wuz 'em wot dun it.........bu I never seen nuffin.
  18. You missed the early Southern A7 version as well, Steve.......And I am struggling over the E.K.R version............ Don't ask. Rob.
  19. Well, that has caused a major financial incident to be declared............
  20. Morning Rob, I know what you mean but I also get a huge amount of inspiration from the interaction with the lovely group of people who visit this thread. Rob.
  21. Morning all, Thank you. I've never had something like this for a hobby room and it's taken a long time to get to this point. Worth the wait ? Definitely. Still a bit to do though. I have quite a few bits and bobs to find homes for so there is still work to do but I'm obviously extremely happy with the results so far. But for now, I can't help but just pause to sit in there and look around. Rob.
  22. And Sheep Dip's loftier perch. More still to do on this side but enough is enough for now. Top row will eventually have glass doors/ glass shelves. Rob.
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