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NHY 581

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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Good to see you yesterday Chris and thanks for posting the photos. For me, Ashover was the stand out layout. Lovely pallette. Sadly, it seemed quiet and the organisers thought the numbers were down on last year. We had a good day on the stand though and trade was brisk at times. Hi Jon, Yes, always good to get to a show in any capacity. Saw quite a few people yesterday who weren't aware of my link to Lord and Butler and they were asking where the layout was ! On that point, like Chris, I'm starting to pick up invites to shows next year including a couple new to me. Once confirmed, I'll flag these up in due course as it's always nice to meet up with people. Rob.
  2. Morning Wayne. You know my thoughts on backscenes............. But.....if one has to then perhaps a trip up the valleys and obtain a few photos. I understand and can do a bit more digging but there is a printers in Penarth that might be able to stitch them together and print off a backscene suitable image. No idea of cost etc. However, plenty of time for that. There's a layout to knock together first ! Rob
  3. Evening Chris, I might see you there......Portsmouth '24 that is as I too have a tentative invite. Rob.
  4. Morning Kevin, The walls on Sheep Dip are cut down Bachmann slate walls. I used the bottom half for the loading dock and to support the nissen hut, the top half became the walls themselves. Full height walls here. And various other views showing how the cut down walls were used. Rob.
  5. Morning Steve, Crikey ! Thanks but the subject of a book has come up before but frankly, I'll leave that to those who can. Rob.
  6. Morning all and thanks for kind words and likes etc. I hope the photos illustrate how each of these small layouts provides it's own self contained and easily acheived little world......and some progression as I have learnt and continue to learn new things. The idea of creating small, linkable scenarios is a possibility but I like the variety that these small cameos can provide....literally each to their own as it were. The week end will see me here.... Not with a layout but I'll be working...Yep, I'm there on the Saturday with Lord and Butler. I've struggled to find a list of layouts etc but here's a screenshot taken this morning. If anyone is going do make yourselves known. Rob.
  7. Afternoon, Paul. I prefer the Cameo layout format. I can generally knock one up in about 6months ( bare boards-exhibition ) and it provides a self contained layout in terms of location, period and stock. This allows me to indulge my quite eclectic interests and arguably avoids the compromise that trying to do this on a larger layout would bring. I would, subject to space, have a roundy roundy and Edington Junction on the S&DJR would be a front runner but I worry I wouldn't cope well with limiting myself to one period/company on what would be a big commitment. So, for now at least, the smaller layout is what keeps me happy and has produced five different layouts in seven years......... Cue self indulgent posting of library photos hopefully illustrating the point........ Sheep Lane - 2016. Mutton -2017 Bleat Wharf -2018 Sheep Dip - 2020 Ewe -2022.
  8. A glass of Port does the trick, Wayne. I know this.
  9. I personally don't see the need for any additional interest. Not all Welsh NCB sites were jammed full of 'features'. There was a lot of desolation. Short grass, minimal low buildings sited away from the running lines ( suggesting lifted trackwork) , odd bits of rusting scrap. I see what Waynes doing here and it sounds very promising. I agree regarding the locos facing the same way but remember, Wayne is working within a small foot print. A larger loco depot would dominate the scene, turning it into a loco shed layout which I'm pretty certain is not the layout Wayne's looking to create. With regard to differing levels, again I see your point but the landsale yard at Brynlliw, was pretty flat. Rob.
  10. One day, I will do my utmost to replicate this finish......... https://www.flickr.com/photos/curly42/5884241483/
  11. Hi Chris, The 4 up the height is 147cm which puts track level around shoulder height ( ish ) so it's a bit taller than I operate at shows. It's fine operating standing up and everything can be reached. Ewe sits 3 up, @112cm and therefore I can operate sitting down which is ideal. Both provide the looking into the scene viewpoint which is how they are 'designed' to be viewed. However, if it came down to it, I'd probably go for standing up. Hi Wayne, Kernow are your current friends for Austerities with EFE jobs at literally half price. Rob.
  12. By the way, if you haven't got this, you 'need' it. Essential. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Visions-Steam-P-Cavalier/dp/0860930319
  13. Morning Wayne, Brynlliw makes a good prototype from which to gain inspiration. Sticking my ovine snout in, looking at your sketch, if you push the loco shed more to the left, hard up against the backscene, then there'll be no need for trees. I'd also pull the point leading to the landsale yard right back to maximise the length on the landsale siding, which I would also add a gentle curve to, bending away from the 'mainline'. Your photo below suggests you are doing this anyway but consider sliding the whole formation across the board so the wall of the shed is literally on the edge, to maximise width and reduce the gap between the shed and the running line. Rob.
  14. Morning Wayne..The 0-4-0 Peckett is Hornby’s W4. I have....cough.....a number. If you are going for an Andrew Barclay then wait until next year when Hattons are doing a further run. Avoid ebay where they are being advertised at stupid money. Hattons will be asking less than £90. Morning Chris. Absolutely. Barclays are a tad uncouth. Morning Paul. Thank you. The Room of Doom is somewhat bijou and compact at ( over generously) 8ft x 8ft.........probably closer to 8ft by 7ft 6ins Rob
  15. Looking good, Chris. For info, I use blackboard paint on the framage for the Sheep Continum layouts. I apply using a small roller and it gives a nice finish. Drys quickly as well. Rob.
  16. One hopes they do. You cannot have too many cwtchy industrial saddle tanks and this is undeniably cwtchy. Rob.
  17. You're labouring a point here. It matters not a jot. . Some prefer polished, arguably a tacky plastic finish as applied by Hornby and Dapol. I for one don't but we're all different. Just be grateful we can look forward to yet another SE&CR loco to add to our respective studs. If you wish to continue jousting with John, maybe start a new thread but you're seemingly making a mountain out of a dome here. Let's move on. Rob.
  18. Totally agree. The finish on the dome/ base of the safety valves of Hornby H and those of the Dapol D class are not right, even for well polished parts. I have both 263 and 308 and when then start their service on the planned layout, those 'polished' bits will be well and truly toned down, along with those of the D class. I'm so glad Rapido have avoided this. Rob.
  19. Morning all, Sheep Dip was plumbed in last night and normal service has been resumed. I therefore spent a pleasant hour shuffling a few wagons about. Rob.
  20. Morning Brian, That looks like a pre-unit BSA Twin. I'd say an A10 650 with Craven panniers to the rear and given the shape of the BSA badges on the tank, a 1959-62 model. Now, where's my anorak.....? Rob.
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