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NHY 581

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Any plans for 15106, Brian ? Rob
  2. Here's a comparison between an Accurascale Manor and the Dapol Mogul. It's the best I can manange but the light in the shop is not the best. Rob
  3. Morning Brian, Thank you. Perhaps we need to meet for a 'chat with beer'..............and I can bring you up to speed. Thanks Jonathan. Though I have several layouts pencilled in along with a few demos and traders, I won't be looking at this until at least June/July due to my pre-existing commitments to organising SWAG and my own layout commitments to a number of shows this year. Therefore, any formal approaches to any other organisations will not be made until at least July. Rob.
  4. NHY 581

    MRJ 301

    That's abominable.
  5. NHY 581

    MRJ 301

    Blue, Luvvy, is so the new black...........
  6. NHY 581

    MRJ 301

    I’m not in a position to confirm or deny if that may or may not have been the case.....................
  7. NHY 581

    MRJ 301

    Why is it when I order my copy from Simon that I cannot resist a quick 'just in case' look elsewhere on the website and end up buying a book..........? Puzzled of Cardiff.
  8. NHY 581

    MRJ 301

    Yep, really like the new up market retroesque arty darling cover design. I shall be digging out my dinner jacket to wear when reading MRJ in future. Rob
  9. Morning all and thank you for the clarity. Drama ( minor ) suitably averted. Rob
  10. No problem, Ian. The finish on the A/S black Manors is excellent......there is a clear difference which I fear in the case of the 53xx is not easy to remedy but as soon as I can on Thursday, I'll post a few photos. Rob.
  11. Yep, that's a pretty accurate rendition of the colours I saw today. Rob
  12. I had a look at one today in the shop, Ian. The black parts are undoubtedly a dark, arguably slate grey, Panzer grey at best. The BR black simply aren't. They are without doubt grey and an odd choice made by Dapol. Next time I'm in ( Thursday) if no one had done so, I'll photograph one alongside an Accurascale black Manor by way of comparison. Rob.
  13. My waspy BR green 12100 finally landed today. Overall, very impressed. Even before running in it was smooth and capable of very good slow speed creepy crawly performance. Only question I have is that on DC, irrespective of the direction, all four marker lights, red as well as white seem to be illuminated. I intend popping in a DCC decoder so I do wonder if this will sort it. Otherwise, very impressed. Posed on Ewe.. Shunting on Sheep Dip... Rob
  14. Might be worth speaking to Kernow. Although the fault is undoubtedly with the Royal Mail, not Kernow there must be a reason. Kernow's normal delivery is somehow normally next day. This, as I explained to Kernow today is really unusual and,I contacted them simply to flag up a potential issue. The next scheduled 'attempt' is tomorrow but I'm not holding my breath. I just hope it arrives intact......... Rob
  15. Well, seven days on from ordering, still no show thanks to ineptitude of biblical proportions from Royal Mail. Apparently unable to deliver on Thursday and now today with a questionable attempt made on Friday. The wait goes on.............. Rob
  16. I appreciate the question is directed to La Cat but if I may interject. I use a NCE Powercab which I find does everything ( and no doubt much more ) that I need. It's also very user friendly despite the relatively large handset. A question was raised on my own thread by one of the regular contributors who wanted advice on his next DCC controller. The overwhelming response from other regulars was that the Powercab was their choice as well. Rob.
  17. Morning. Yes, my apologies for the expenditure but I shall also be placing an order as I have a couple ( more than actually !) to fit next18 decoders into. In terms of the 6 pin Bachmann/Zimo jobs, it's worth considering using a 6 pin in an 8 pin loco via the Bachmann 8 to 6 pin harness where space is perhaps tight. I've done so in a few locos and although the overall length of socket plus decoder is about the same, it's compensated for by the reduced width. Handy for small boilered locos or narrow, low tenders. Rob
  18. Here you go... https://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/p/84804/36-567B-Bachmann-Next18-DCC-Loco-Decoder-Brake-Button-function No connection to Kernow but their write up is very comprehensive. Rob
  19. Ah.....Lais........ No criticism intended but if I may impart my personal experience...Take one Hatton P class which runs as required on DC. Take four 6 pin decoders. Lais, Rails of Sheffield and Traintec. The fourth was a Bachmann/Zimo. Each was tried in turn. The first three all gave a quality of running which was considerably worse than on DC. The Lais was the worst giving jerky, inconsistent running. No CVs were altered. The Bachmann Zimo was far superior and gave smooth running with exceptional slow speed control. It literally was chalk and cheese and illustrated perfectly the advice given when I started in DCC as in use good quality decoders and I have standardised on Zimo. The three other decoders I tried were all acquired in purchases of DCC fitted locos. So, more relevant to your jerky Terriers, I have a Rails SE&CR 751 fitted with a Bachmann/Zimo Next 18 decoder. It's running reflects that of the P Class. It runs smoothly with excellent slow speed control, down to an imperceptible crawl. I therefore respectfully suggest investing in the same decoder. They are more expensive but a classic demonstration of getting what you pay for and wortha try. Rob.
  20. Just out of interest, what DCC decoders are fitted to the Rails Terriers? Rob
  21. Well, didn't see this coming but I can definitely see one on Sheep Dip which has seen more than a bit of speculation about what exactly is produced within the buildings thereabouts. A great bit of news. Rob
  22. Well........ I came hope yesterday to find a small, beautifully wrapped parcel awaiting me. I immediately recognised the sender as your own, your very own @chuffinghell It would appear that Chris, aided and abetted by a certain lupine character of tge parish @MrWolf has been working on a little something or a few little somethings........ Anyhow, I opened the box to find two pairs of absolutely exquisite single bolsters, beautifully produced and finished by Chris. Simply stunning.
  23. Morning Steve, you're far too kind you know. As a rule of hoof, it's small radius points you'd need. The extra inch ( ish) in length that the medium radius have does make it a bit tricky trying to fit it all onto a 110cm x 26cm shelf. A more simple plan using medium radius points is of course an option but it brings with it an inevitable compromise to the operation. And if the final display height is right, you never notice the sharp nature of the small radius points......or you simply display it lower and accept the appearance. Small locos won't mind the compromise. Rob.
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