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NHY 581

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Droning on.......looking back to Rapido's webpage for the train packs we see this... Our batch of ‘C53s’ feature all the same high-quality details as Model Rail’s ‘J70s’ but have an upgraded circuit board and Next18 decoder socket. There are also sound-fitted packs too, featuring an exclusive sound project supplied by Digitrains. Open to interpretation but.......
  2. As I mentioned on the 'train pack' thread, the failure of Rapido to supply the etches and alternative cow catchers with the GER train packs, as per the original issue of the Model Rail J70s, is a bit of a let down and takes the shine off what is otherwise a lovely release. Given the cost of these train packs, I don't think it was unreasonable to expect these to be included. Rob
  3. I have to say, the more I think about this, the more I see it as a bit of a let down on Rapido's part. Model Rails locos all included both etched parts and alternative cow catchers. It's not a deal breaker as such but given the cost of these packs, supplying a small sheet of etchings and two plastic parts would have finished the pack off nicely. Are the additional parts supplied with the coaches as well ? Rob.
  4. That could be arranged..............
  5. Thank you. Now that surprises me and I have to say, sadly, I see that as a retrograde step by Rapido. Scope for a bit of 3D printing methinks...... Rob.
  6. They look splendid. I have Rapido's 1950s equivalents and am looking forward to picking up my GER versions. Regarding the J70, does it come with any etched plates ? Rob.
  7. Ha ! No idea !!! This appears to have SWAG '25 written all over it..........
  8. Hi Tim, I see a few modellers using the Halfords Camouflage brown for trackwork. Thinking ahead to my new layout, I normally use Humbrol acrylic dark earth, again an aerosol. It covers well and you can overpaint within the hour, if not sooner. I take it the Halfords aerosol compares favourably in terms of coverage, drying time ? Rob
  9. Now this looks like a bit of fun, John !
  10. Afternoon Jonathan, I had hoped to be pulling this together for January 2024 but events have conspired against me. All being well, I hope to announce something either later in 2024 or for January 2025. Rest assured, there will be an announcement as and when. Rob.
  11. To be clear, Model Railways Direct were selling the SFX versions of the 37s for £184.95. Discounted retail is normally between £299.95 and £320.95. RRP is £374.95 from Bachmann. Rob.
  12. Also featured in that issue was part two of Lochside by Ian Futers. Rob
  13. No, the SFX and SF versions are also slashed. £175 in some cases. Rob .
  14. Deffo.Totally alters the look of the crane. Now a proper model. Rob
  15. Lovely job Matt. Arguably unrecognisable from the toy you started with. Rob
  16. Morning all, Yesterday saw the stiches out of the hoof and there's now more movement and less tingly stuff going on. Back with the Doc sometime in the New Year so put this to one side for now. After roughly tens days, post op, I do feel as if I have more feeling in the finger tips and less numbness in general. Certainly better than before and an improvement over the last 18 months or so. Perhaps understandably, I'm looking forward to doing a bit of modelling and I will, once I work out exactly what I'm doing ! The last week has seen another show invite drop in and if nothing else, I must make a list as a few have moved from their expected weekends/months. It's already looking like being a busy year once again. Therefore, more train stuff and less hoof stuff to follow...........fingers crossed ( and yes, I can do that now ) Onward and ever upward. Rob
  17. No, not too long at all going by a conversation had with Rapido on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to my blue job arriving. Rob
  18. Well, first run suggests a bit of a growler in reverse.........but, dim problem as I reckon a drop of oil on the motor bearings will sort this, as per my first example. Otherwise splendid. Rob.
  19. It appears that my plain black example has landed.......at the second attempt. The postie, God bless him, just tried to hand me a rather odd shaped box and fortunately I checked and noted it was addressed to Kirsty. I'm not one of those, not even on Sundays and I obviously brought it to his attention. A return to the van, a quick rummage and a far more agreeably shaped box emerged, smaller and much better presented than Kirsty's rather odd looking example. I'm off to unwrap accordingly. Rob.
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