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NHY 581

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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Bonjour Fishpaste, My track painting has evolved over time and still is. Mutton’s track was laid then sprayed overall with Humbrol no.29, Dark earth. The sleepers were then painted individually with track colour, Humbrol no.173. The buffer stops were also sprayed with dark earth but after being washed with soapy water as the plastic reminded me of the Airfix soldiers I had as a youngster. I left it at that I think as the track on the Lyme Regis branch ( on which Mutton was based ) was kept in pretty much good order. I then added various rusty weathering powders to the buffer beams and to the rails at the very end of the sidings, around the buffer stops. The supplied rail buffer beams were replaced with stripwood as I wanted an appearance more akin to a typical L&SWR buffer stop. I also added tie rods from brass wire and a lamp iron from a bit of metal strip. Mange tout, Nick. You’re too kind. They were secured using nothing more scientific than a few blobs of Gorilla gel superglue and held just fine. I had two buffer stops on Mutton. Pretty certain I rounded the ends on one of the the wooden bufferbeams, again typically L&SWR. Rob
  2. Here's my take on it Nick. Popped onto Code 75. I concealed the miss match with a bit of static fluff. Rob
  3. Bonjour ! I'll dig some photos out as they're tucked away. I used 5mm foam board triangles, trimmed to correspond with the platform height ( 18mm ?) tapering up towards the back scene, probably an additional 10-15mm in height ( at a guess !) Those formers between the end of the platform and the ends of the board were obviously from "floor" level and I think they were a bit steeper. All the formers eere braced with squares or rectangles of foam board cut to fit at floor level between the verticals. @durham light infantry now looks after Mutton so perhaps Mike may be able to shed some more light on it. The formers were then covered with Mod-Roc painted with a diluted PVA mix then painted with brown acrylic paint. 2mm static grass was the base layer then successive layers of 4mm until happy. I'll see if I can root out some images. Rob
  4. No doubt there'll be a few pipe stems bitten through on reading that. ( and quite a few searches made on google on reading this........those of a nervous disposition, you have been warned.......Bad Ducky)
  5. Afternoon all, Well, could it be that the game is ahoof at Chateau Sheep.........? Rob
  6. Well, I've now picked up a couple of the new batch of B4s and have a few thoughts. The L&SWR liveried 82 is just lovely. Would have liked to have seen the earlier L&SWR socket lamp irons rather than the later pattern but the livery execution is splendid. Runs nicely so a bit of gentle weathering seems in order. However, yesterday I collected a second example, this time Jersey in dark green. Something looked odd and on arrival back at Chateau Sheep, I got the books out. Yep. Dapol have numbered Jersey as 91 on each bufferbeam. It should be 81. Arguably there should be no numbers at all but if they're there, they should be right. Bradley suggests that Jersey was not numbered on being sent to the docks so easy to remove but also notes that it was dark green, lined in black and white. Dapol have lined this in black and a lighter green. Mmmmm........Beautifully done but who is right ? My money's on Bradley at this point as Dapol seem to have gone with a standard L&SWR goods holly green livery.( need to check that last point ) Again the lamp irons are in the later style and configuration rather than the sockets so Jersey is not in an as delivered condition. If I can source suitable transfers, Jersey is set to be rebranded as Honfleur so I'll be removing the numbers anyway, rebranded or not. The lamp irons could be modified. I've also got my eye on Trouville but this seems right for the mid-1930s so no drama there but in this day and age, things could be better. Rob.
  7. I've just re-read the relevant passage in the review and I'm not seeing the issue here at all. Completely in context and appropriate to the subject........and why are you commenting on this nearly three months after the review appeared in print ? Despite the odd bits of brass and copper, as Panniers go, it's certainly a case of popping lipstick on a pig. Rob.
  8. Check the magnets haven't detached from either the roof or the body. That might account for the lifting. Rob
  9. Morning Dom, Cracking job on the station building and on the layout in general. I shall look forward to catching up with you at a show at some point this year. Rob
  10. Careful. They can be reactivated at any time by the sending of a coded message....
  11. I have some French beer for "investigation" later which successfully masks it's 9.5% rather well......
  12. Interesting. You're not the first I've heard saying something along those lines. Rob
  13. Morning all, Yes, up and about. Caution was indeed exercised with the Jura, Rob and in complete contrast to this time last year, no fixtures or fittings were.....ahem..........cough......... headbutted...........Therefore all is well this morning at Chateau Sheep. Rob
  14. Happy New Year, Chris !!!!
  15. Morning all, Happy New Year to all the Monocled Muttoneers who frequent the Sheep Chronicles. Here's to more of the same in 2024 !
  16. Merry New Year, Nick. Thoroughly enjoyed meeting up at Stafford and following your adventures in '23. Looking forward to progress in 2024. Rob
  17. Hi Chris, Yes indeed. It will live again but for the avoidance of any doubt and to halt any further speculation, I'll be looking at this later in the year, making the necessary contact and announcements when as you so rightly say, there is something to announce........ as per earlier post..... Rest assured, it will be worth the wait and up to the required standard. Rob
  18. Ah! Thanks but there's no need for any third party involvement. Rob
  19. Morning Rich. MRD are shut.........as per below. Rob
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