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NHY 581

RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by NHY 581

  1. I am now in a position to confirm that there are indeed a number of knitted and crotcheted foodstuff items on public display in Tavistock.

  2. Time for a rant: I know the moderators and admins on this forum are truly awesome but I am getting really tired of something and I'm going to say it now. I hate turnips.

  3. had a great time at Larkrail in Bath yesterday and finally got his Black Beetle wheels for all the EMU conversions that are needed.Of note they are being supplied in double insulated form ATM rather than single insulated. Could be useful for some.

  4. had a great time at Larkrail in Bath yesterday and finally got his Black Beetle wheels for all the EMU conversions that are needed.Of note they are being supplied in double insulated form ATM rather than single insulated. Could be useful for some.

  5. So last night next door decided to have a rather loud party until the early hours. Rather than call anyone about it my rather supior sound system with special guests Meat Loaf, Metallica and others have been giving them a lesson in real music since about 9.00am

  6. I am not a robot.

  7. Is somewhere in Bohemia. it's 36

  8. OK so it's not that important but don't you just admire those nice people that damage your car in a car park and drive off without leaving a note to apologise. Didn't see it happen so I've got no chance.

  9. Is somewhere in Bohemia. it's 36

  10. Is somewhere in Bohemia. it's 36

  11. Well that's it! 40 years worth of mags to be taken to the recycle centre, 3 car loads at least!

  12. Mmmmm vapourware, lots and lots of vapourware!

  13. The Slough of Despond

  14. Well my TT holiday lasted 48 hours. Freak force 8 gale destroyed our tent & ruined our holiday :(

  15. When in the Gentleman's Lavatorial Facility, I find that it is usually better to be last in the queue for the hot air hand dryer

  16. A friend of mine is writing a story set in a retirement home and she needs an amusing name for said home, any suggestions? "H.Ardly, A.Bell" has come up so far

  17. Really would like to get my voice back. Would be good if it brought my modelling mojo with it.

  18. Excellent. Finally have a day when I could have done a bit of modelling. However, woke with a bad case of lurghi thank to No.1 daughter. Banging headache, snotty nose and sore throat. On a positive note, she is much better......

  19. What do you need to survive a dark night in Belgium?

  20. Has misplaced his Shakatak CD.....

  21. Clearly, Scenecraft buildings do not cope well with a concrete floor.............drat, drat and triple drat.

  22. How are you supposed to cope with a possible redundancy, especially after almost 28 years. Meantime, your employers still want future plans & projections... baffling!

  23. Suffering a bit this morning.........Curry last night with a few beers.......blustery in the south west today..

  24. Hi everyone, I'm on holiday from tomorrow morning celebrating my 50th birthday for the next week. Yes I know I only look 28, and its a cross I have to bear ;-) I'll be back on here from the 16th. Cheers Dave

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