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NHY 581

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Everything posted by NHY 581

  1. Morning Paul, I'm not surprised your experience of Rails is different to mine, as are those of many others but I take as I find. It was more than one occasion for me, hence my perception. Frankly, I was disappointed to see Rails had acquired these but they have so that's that. If you want them, you have to deal with them. I am of course happy to be proved wrong. Rob.
  2. Morning all, The next nuggetesque layout to feature is Tim Crockford's lovely 0-16.5 Cameo, St Oswalds. Set in the 1950s/1960s, this rather charming little layout represents a somewhat run down Welsh narrow gauge goods yard seeing out it's last days, just prior to closure. It has a distinctly Welshpool and Llanfair flavour about the plot and Tim has created a small but thoroughly absorbing little layout which is beautifully presented. Of course, judge for yourselves on the day but for now, please enjoy a few images and hopefully whet the appetite. (Photo-TimC) (Photo TimC) Another example of an entirely believable scene in a modest foot print to produce a very usable and entertaining little layout. Rob.
  3. Yes, as per this image of Alex's.
  4. @2ManySpams will love this........
  5. I'm with @2ManySpams on this. I exhibit my layouts and the approach I take is to weather the whole layout using the same pallette, locos, stock, buildings, trackwork, everything. In fact, thinking back to the exhibitions I attended last year, as an example, I can say that what your describing here, in respect of buildings and ballast, is the exception, rather than the rule. My current layouts and their buildings etc... Rob
  6. I must admit having seen the Bachmann offering and being the owner of a GSYWP Accurascale 37, the green is definately better from Bachmann. Despite having an Accurascale 31 on pre-order, this might be enough to swing it in favour of the Bachmann offering, despite there not being a GSYWP example as of yet. Rob.
  7. Noting the comments from @Oliver Railsabove, I'm yet to see any communication from Rails regarding my Pre-ordered Genesis coaches. This is quite a contrast to how "on the ball" Accurascale were regarding my pre-orders for various P class and Andrew Barclay locos. Early communication and the subsequent transfer of orders was very straightforward. Sad to say but I'm not surprised by this difference and it rather echoes my less than satisfactory previous experience of dealing with Rails. Hopefully things will improve..... Rob.
  8. Very nice, Will It's lovely seeing pre-grouping stock amidst a well modelled enviroment. Rob.
  9. Exactly. It’s not a drama. Funnily enough, my fortnightly 80% off message has landed................. Rob
  10. For every £10.00 that's an additional fee of 3.5p on top of the usual fees. Or 35p per £100 plus the usual. So, spit dummy out and stop using ebay or carry on and cough up.... And there are always the classifieds on here. Rob
  11. NHY 581

    93XX progress

    He will be, Al. I suggest a “pre-order” be placed with Brian ahead of the day. Rob
  12. That sounds a bit like a model railway equivalent of "up skirting"*........... *google at your peril............. Rob
  13. Hi Chris, They do indeed. Bachmann do produce a nice, deep finish but they seem to have doneca nice job on this. If memory serves me right these are due for March and I'll certainly be having a closer look upon their arrival. As I say, the main issue for me is the lack of a GSYWP livery from Bachmann at this time. The Accurascale release in that livery is a trip cock fitted example, perhaps a bit niche whereas Bachmann will hopefully do a more general version when they release their model. So, here's to hoping for a nice, mid 60s East Anglian example from Bachmann in due course. Rob
  14. I had chance to look over the Bachmann versions last Monday at a Bachmann event in Bristol. They looked the part and I was particularly glad to see that Bachmann have continued with their excellent rendition of BR Green, which I will say is better than Accurascale's offering. All that is missing for me is the GSYWP livery but no doubt it's in the pipeline. Rob.
  15. NHY 581

    MRJ 301

    Fingers crossed, the Royal Snail will be delivering mine this morning. Rob
  16. I shall be in touch.......forth with and hence forth thereupon. R
  17. Why fix something that isn't broken ? They don't need a stay alive. I've never had any issues with mine moving at creepy crawly speeds over pointwork on a small industrial layout. Surely it's better to keep these at the price they are and leave it to the customer to upgrade or not according to taste. Rob
  18. Morning all, Also had a nose around these yesterday.... They look very nice indeed......pity no examples with the small yellow warning panel but I'm sure it will come..
  19. Evening all, Had a look over these today..........very nice. Set aside a rather incongruous forest of chimneys and we have a nice building around which to create a layout.
  20. Should Rails consider a re-run or in fact Dapol do their own, I'd be very pleased to see correctly modelled L&SWR Terriers, 734 & 735 make an appearance. Rob
  21. Looking splendid, Tim. Roll on April. Rob
  22. Once again I'm on the hunt for some Caboose Industries Point Throws, preferably the 5218s variety. I'm aware they're still readily available from the states via ebay but I would prefer finding some a bit closer to home. If anyone can assist, please drop me a PM. Many thanks, Rob.
  23. I think there's a lot of fun to be had using pokey finger acctuated points and signals. I'm contemplating repeating the use of Caboose Industries point throws on the next layout and as I only anticipate one starter signal, I may well use a HD example. Mindful that all my layouts go to exhibitions, I've yet to have any adverse comment made regarding the 'hands on' approach. Rob
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