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Everything posted by andyram

  1. I reckon a Black 5 or K1 would look great running on this layout Seriously, these are more fantastic pictures.
  2. Love this layout. So much detail packed into the space.
  3. Thanks Laurence. I hope you are well. Please also relay my regards back to Chris.
  4. Thanks Phil. My condolences to you on the passing of your friend.
  5. Afternoon all. The sun is shining and it is a lovely Spring day here in South Derbyshire. Unfortunately my mood is not as sunny as the weather following an unpleasant incident earlier this afternoon. I apologise for the lengthy post! As I mentioned last night, I was out delivering to a customer in Doncaster today. With the nice weather, it promised to be a pleasant drive and a change of scenery whilst delivering a large quantity of Thomas products to a customer in time for their child's birthday. I had only left the house three minutes previous when it happened... I was driving along a standard residential road out of estate, houses on both sides, some parked cars and both sides have pavements. A jogger was coming towards me. He was running on the road, close to the kerb facing myself as the oncoming vehicle. Due to traffic on the opposite side of the road I was unable to pull out to go around him so I slowed down, expecting him to step onto the pavement. He didn't! I ended up slowing to a stop, being ultra careful because this "gentleman" had only one leg. I kid you not, his other leg was the blade type of equipment made famous by Oscar Pistorius (before his other acivities). He kept coming towards me before stopping in front of the car. I gestured to him that he ought to go onto the pavement and the guy just flipped out. He shouted at me that "I was an idiot" and "I should know my Highway Code" coming around to the driver's door he banged his hand on the roof of the car and continued his tirade. In response I wound down the window and shouted back that I had to stop because he was in the road, should have been on the pavement and could not get past him because of the oncoming vehicles. The jogger continued his abuse stating I was a f****** moron and idiot and did not know the Highway Code. He then moved to the back of the vehicle banging his hand on the roof as he want. I pulled to avoid blocking the road. At which point he had moved round to the passenger side, wrenched open the passenger door and again hurled the same three pieces of abuse. I instinctively reached for my mobile at which point he said "what are you going to do? Call the police?" To which I responded that I would if I had to because I was not having his abuse. The jogger then took out his phone and moved to the rear of the car. I pulled forward slightly to which he shouted "call the police then you f****** coward". I actually pulled forward to clear the road so I could reach across and close the passenger door. Out of my mirror I could see that he was pointing his phone camera at the car licence plate. I got out and asked him what he was doing to which he stated he was going to report me. A lady on the opposite side of the road shouted across to ask what was happening. The jogger yelled back that "this idiot had tried to run him off the road". I responded that I had simply stopped because he was in the road and I could not get around him and that he should have been on the pavement. Jogger's response that "he had every right to be running on the road" and "I did not know the Highway Code" and I had "tried to run him over" The lady stated that she did not see what had happened, that no-one was hurt and that we should "leave it", which was wise words indeed. I just responded that I had no problem and had done nothing wrong. To which jogger repeated the accusation that I had tried to run him down (by this point I rather wished I had). During this exchange I believe he did take a photo of the car and of me. Under normal circumstances he would not have got away with that because I would have separated him from his phone - but in these days of social distancing I was not touching him. He said that he had got my name and number and was going to report me. I just turned round and told him to do it then because I had done nothing wrong. Another passer by did shout at the jogger and told him that he should have been running on the pavement and was greeted with the response that jogger had "every right to be on the road" and that both the observer and me "did not know the Highway Code". At this point he did take his leave, and I did the same. The result was that the subsequent drive to and from Doncaster was not quite the relaxing journey I had hoped and was spent mulling over the incident. The black dog is definitely poking back out of the kennel now. I am 100% sure I did nothing wrong and the rules state that pedestrians should use a pavement if one is present. However it has left me a little shaken and concerned that the "gentleman" might make an issue of it either via the legal channels or via social media. I rather think that I will need a few ales this evening! Stay safe, stay safe, and watch out for abusive one legged joggers. Andy
  6. Everybody wants to run the world - Tears for Fears (Charity single version)
  7. Sticky situation. The stickiest situation since Sidney the Stick Insect got stuck on a sticky bun.
  8. Finally caught up on the video and great to see how the locations fit together. This layout really is a masterpiece. One suggestion, it would have been good to have had some kind of commentary to place explain each location etc. I have also caught up on the other videos uploaded on the previous page with the trains / light engine arriving and departing. I look forward to seeing more of these. You mention, in the last set of photos, that the Mallaig arrival uses the non-steam hauled stock. I noted comment previously that you have added this to the sequence. Do you ever run it with steam?
  9. This a great little project. I look forward to seeing more pictures.
  10. Those boxes are very useful indeed. I have a part built shunting puzzle in one of those. I look forward to seeing more progress on your layout.
  11. Really true. I was responding to the “don’t knock it” post.
  12. Not me. I am innocent, I replied to a post several turns ago.
  13. Evening all and I hope that this evening finds you well. I have been intrigued to read that many ER's seem to have had their date with the jab over the last day or so. I, unexpectedly, have mine booked for Saturday. The invite came out of the blue this morning because I expected to be waiting until April. However, as registered foster carers, Sarah and I both count as frontline social care workers whether we currently have a child in placement or not. Since Sarah has already had her first dose (and has just about recovered) I am now booked in for Saturday morning. Today has been another busy day. Home schooling with Amber, and marking assignments this morning, was followed by a drive out for deliveries this afternoon. Trips to Uttoxeter and the Burton on Trent broke up the day a little. Amber came with me and we had quite a nice drive out. Tomorrow I have a delivery over to Doncaster. I would not normally do that, but the order is a large one and I would rather drop it off myself than trust the postal service. One of today's customers was so appreciative of the delivery and the doorstep chat, that he presented me with a bottle of Titanic Plum Porter as a thank you. This was consumed this evening whilst gluing the track down on the new modelling project. Stay safe and sane. Andy
  14. 47 DAYS TO GO So the four name choices have gone to the vote via the modelling group of the shop's Facebook page. The four choices are: Tommore Bay Tommore Castle and two names made up from the initials NHS New Hall South New Hill South Meanwhile, this evening has seen some further progress. The track has now been glued down with a liberal coat of PVA glue. I decided to try this approach ahead of track pins due to the challenges of getting the pins into the MDF baseboard. I like MDF for this function as it seems to hold its shape well when braced, but it is a pain to get the pins into so if I can avoid it I will. Tonight's activity was carried out whilst consuming a pint of Titanic Plum Porter which was a gift from a customer as a thanks for delivering his order today. I have added a couple of photos below. The second photo shows the track held in place with push pins to hold it in place whilst the glue sets.,
  15. Thanks Andy. As far as I am aware the group will be retaining the name.
  16. I take that I have your permission to maintain the layout thread then Andy
  17. Thanks for the input. I have taken my favourite four options and put it to the vote via a group on the shop's Facebook page (link below) https://www.facebook.com/groups/2577380512500856
  18. I agree that referencing Sir Tom is a more positive name. I am leaning towards Tommore Castle or Tommore Bay at present.
  19. Thanks Polly food for thought. I have now added the following to the list Tommore Tommore Road Tommore Way Tommore Bay Tommore Park Tommore Castle
  20. Thanks Polly some very good suggestions. I quite like Coronafield and Matlockdown. I will have a play around with further ideas and see what I can come up with - the other idea I had was to use the initials NHS eg New Hall South New Hill South North Hall Side I did think about honouring Sir Tom for example: Moore Dale Moore's End (which has the wrong connotations in my opinion) Moore Down Lockdown on Moor
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