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Everything posted by Kev_Lewis

  1. I can see what you mean Andy. However, that particular building appears to be a supersize pagoda hut. Which would have been used for general storage, lamp room, equiptment lock up or a bicycle shed, rather than a goods shed.
  2. Neil, perhaps you can make that the next YouTube sensation? The toad looks excellent, Castle. 1466 looks happy, the fundraising must be going well!
  3. The helicopter ride is making me airsick! A very nice little layout. Andy's scenic do look good.
  4. Here's the second part of my improvements to Seagry. The DCC Concepts lamps took a bit longer than the signal as a bit more wiring and some soldering was required. The lamps have incredibly thin wires, far too small for my prefered method of using terminal blocks to make connections under the layout. So out came the soldering iron. The two on the platform required some dexterity to thread the wires through the platform and then the baseboard. The only issue I had was the little circuit board included required the wires to be soldered directly to it's terminals. I'm a little hesitant about soldering directly onto electronic components, terminal blocks would perhaps have been better. Anyway, enough rambling, here's the photo's: Overview of the station and goods yard. Stop sweeping man. That cobweb needs attention! Reading lamp? Sometime next year I hope to get around to trying out some of the Kirby couplings that Pete Harvey produces.
  5. I quite surprised myself yesterday afternoon. The Dapol signal was fitted without any hitches, working perfectly first time! As you can see I've painted the base to look like dirty concrete. 57xx pannier tank 7788 waits to depart with the branch goods. Off we go!
  6. Thanks for your many, many kind words, Castle. Seagry is now just something I tinker with every now and again. I have to confess to having recently sold off about three quarters of my OO stock and spending the money on a Lionheart DCC sound 74xx Pannier Tank. I'm thoroughly hooked on O gauge now! I don't think Seagry will ever leave the spare room, the main board being 6 foot by two foot means having to hire a van to move it. I've just crawled out from under the layout and am about to squeeze back under there to connect the last few wires. With a bit of luck I should be able to post some photo's tomorrow.
  7. As I have a few days off over xmas I've decided to take a break from my various O gauge projects and make a couple of upgrades to Seagry. The non working whitemetal signal will be replaced with one of the nice new Dapol working ones. And the whitemetal/etched brass platform gas lamps will be replaced with DCC Concepts working gas lamps. As the lamps come as a pack of three I'm going to put two on the platform and one in the goods yard. Here goes.......
  8. You're more than welcome Andy. I'm always happy to be helpful! The Dapol 5 plank looks the business. Great job. Your method of ballasting is exactly the same as mine. The washing up liquid really is the key. If you forget it you just end up with watery PVA running everywhere!
  9. Just a bit of rust drybrushed on to a few spots of the metal work on the chassis ought to finish it a treat.
  10. Excellent weathering. It's nice to see a wagon of this period that doesn't look like it's about to fall to peices! Perfick.
  11. You're a brave man Sandy. Perhaps you and Peter can get ajoining rooms at the nut house when re-building all of these badly built kits drives you both insane! The K18 really does look the part. Keep up the good work.
  12. And borrowing her hair dryer by the looks of it. You'd better put that back before she gets home! I know what you mean. When I posted photo's of my JLTRT 57XX Pannier tank on my workbench thread the mistakes I'd made where pointed out very quickly.
  13. Good thinking. That will definately make it easier for you to carry on entending. Keep up the great work!
  14. Crikey! If that's a little bit of progress I dare not imagine what you call a lot. I really like the feeling of space you've created. How do you plan to hide the hole in the backscene?
  15. I don't think there's any danger of mocking, Andy. The quality of your modelling is always excellent. The re-modelling of the over bridge looks great.
  16. Thanks for the great advice Ken. All of the issues appear to be the same as with thier 14XX/58XX kit I built earlier this year. That's my shopping list for Bristol started!
  17. Ah, excellent. I've been eying up the Scorpio Hall for a future project (I as originally looking at the JLTRT kit but that's a bit too expensive). It will be great to see how the 2884 goes together, especially with an expert like yourself manning the soldering iron! Of course, I have a Slaters Saint and several rolling stock kits in the queue. But what's one more kit?
  18. You always amaze me Ken. You can make even the most challenging kit into a masterpeice. I look forward to seeing your progress on the 28xx. What make is the kit?
  19. You've got on rather well there. The extra detail on the veranda looks great. I went in to my local Halford on friday only to find out that they run out of large cans of grey primer!
  20. Yes, exactly. Hopefully your list of parts required wil be short.
  21. Hmmmm...... that is a challenge. I think I'd start with a good soak in some cellulose thinners. That should get rid of the horrendous paint job and any bits glued on should drop off. I'd love a Hall of my own, but I think I'll wait and maybe one day I'll be able to afford a JLTRT kit.
  22. That's a nice photo of 1466 on the turntable at Didcot. I don't see any reason why the chaps at 81E have to be 100% accurate all of the time. Especially something as small as the colour of thier lamps. How far you go with being prototypical is up to you. However there always seems to be someone at exhibitions who will point out anything that's incorrect.
  23. The red bodied loco lamps were replaced by white bodied lamps on the GWR in 1934. They were the last of the big four to make the change from red bodies to white bodies. White bodied lamps with red lenses were tail lamps, usually on the last coach of the train. With the exception of yard or station pilot locos which would display one red lamp over one buffer and one white over the other buffer. An explaination of GWR headlamp codes can be found here: http://www.greatwest....uk/basic16.htm A 14xx on a passenger service would probably carry a Group 2 headcode. One lamp at the top of the smokebox door. Oh and the first link above is a photo of a 517 class. Your 1466 entered service in March of 1936 as number 4866 and became 1488 in late 1946. By which time 517 class has long been scrapped. Hope this helps.
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