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Removed a/c

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Everything posted by Removed a/c

  1. Nice looking layout, I too want to have a stab at OHE when I get my own layout started properly.
  2. Yes looks miles better now, great stuff !!
  3. Just received mine yesterday. What a smart little loco, my first steam engine and I am very pleased with it. Seemed a bit jerky at first and the tender kept uncoupling but I just pushed the bar up ever so slightly and that cured the problem. After about a hours running in each way the jerkiness seems to have disappeared also.
  4. So it's not just me then, seems hard to ever grab a bargain from them.
  5. Is this correct? Is so surely has to another blunder from Hornby
  6. The response doesn't surprise me at all. With each release I seem to lose faith in Hornby.
  7. I believe it is Drake that is on sale for £56 DCC fitted not Rodney. Could it also be that these locos were scrapped in real life so don't have as much "mass" appeal as the four that are preserved.
  8. Looks great and I don't think it is too big but maybe a tad to green.
  9. Very cool, I just wish he would make them in OO !
  10. Sweeeeeeeeet thanks for sharing this with us.
  11. It did exist so for a fiver not bad http://www.departmentals.com/photo/025031
  12. It's on my wishlist, nice photos to Carl.
  13. I had never noticed this on RMWEB before. I have seen an commented on it elsewhere though. There are an awful lot of posting on this site and it is a shame threads such as this can get "lost" sometimes.
  14. Nope............nothing more than supply and demand. Or maybe a fool and his money.
  15. especially as it is listed as a Hornby item.
  16. Brilliant can't wait to see them bedded in with the street, people, cars etc..
  17. Very nice Stephen, it looks a fair size even for N scale. Regards Scott
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