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Removed a/c

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Everything posted by Removed a/c

  1. Looks great and I don't think it is too big but maybe a tad to green.
  2. Very cool, I just wish he would make them in OO !
  3. Sweeeeeeeeet thanks for sharing this with us.
  4. It did exist so for a fiver not bad http://www.departmentals.com/photo/025031
  5. It's on my wishlist, nice photos to Carl.
  6. I had never noticed this on RMWEB before. I have seen an commented on it elsewhere though. There are an awful lot of posting on this site and it is a shame threads such as this can get "lost" sometimes.
  7. Nope............nothing more than supply and demand. Or maybe a fool and his money.
  8. especially as it is listed as a Hornby item.
  9. Brilliant can't wait to see them bedded in with the street, people, cars etc..
  10. Very nice Stephen, it looks a fair size even for N scale. Regards Scott
  11. Those are awful you should send them to me and I will dispose of them for you :jester:
  12. I can only hope one day to have a street of terraced houses like that !
  13. He seems to have quite a lot of rare stuff for sale
  14. It is a shame that the few wreck it for the many. I have had 140 eBay transactions (and as many non eBay transactions) all from different countries and have not ever had one issue of a lost or damaged parcel. Have I just jinxed myself
  15. Post away I say, it is all interesting to see and provides a nice follow along.
  16. Thanks for the info Peter I will be order some of those BRUTES soon.
  17. The layout looks great, like the Citroen. Can I ask where the BRUTES came from?
  18. Looks good, is she available for hire
  19. So does a certainly racing company £100 to ship a Pendolino or a certain model store...............£50 to ship a Class 47 Me thinks not !!!
  20. I enjoy reading and looking at your posts and pics as I am sure others do. Keep up the great work.
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