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Removed a/c

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Everything posted by Removed a/c

  1. ^^ Try finding them though !!
  2. I enjoyed the article very much. Good to see it here again Regards Scott
  3. Just had a good read through this thread. I have enjoyed it immensely you have done a great job up until now. I shall follow along with interest. Regards Scott
  4. The Diamond Jubilee looks awesome........if only there were one in OO
  5. I couldn't even find it..........awful website !!
  6. Layout really is looking great, love the last photo. Can I ask where the stone walls came from?
  7. Maybe that 9F was manure powered ?
  8. Just been through and read this thread from the beginning. Most enjoyable and I will continue to watch with interest.
  9. He has more than 10 for sale and has sold 4, each piece is for 99p. As Timpo is 1:32 I would doubt these are O gauge.
  10. Bit more than retail but as you cannot get the MK3s anywhere not that much over the top.
  11. Nice updates, the substation looks really cool. Is it a kit?
  12. Just had a read through this thread. Very nice indeed, lots of scenic detail and looking forward to the next round of updates.
  13. Nice updates on the layout !! Looks great
  14. Wonderful work, I will refer to these photos as I am wanting to have a go at weathering and I find using an airbrush a daunting task.
  15. Wow you guys are brutal, no wonder people can be put off posting their work if this is how some behave. Is it really that bad? and for £9 seems like a decent price.
  16. Looks great before and after! but I do like the addition of the road.
  17. I would suggest they take the bus, they may get to their destination a little quicker that way
  18. So much can be learned from this thread. Thanks for doing this and also updating it with the weathering of the wagons. I myself have had a go at making the scrap loads for the wagons and also the pipes. Turned out not to bad if I say so myself. This is my first foray into this kind of thing so a pat on your back is deserved. It has given me the confidence to give you weathering techniques a go as well !! Thanks Dave.
  19. Well they are looking good to me. Nice round of updates. Regards Scott
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