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Removed a/c

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Everything posted by Removed a/c

  1. One more question if I may, I believe your layout is straight, would there be any problems running these on curves?
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Super-OO-Gauge-Duck-Geese-Swans-Suit-Hornby-Peco-Triang-Train-Layout-Scenery-/360634132514?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item53f7782822
  3. Thank you Flood, I have 2 old B/G Airfix coaches that I give this a try on. Then I can hopefully attempt the same on my new Hornby ones and then onto the Mark 3s !!
  4. If I may ask, did you just remove the coupling from these and then use a Kadee 5 and gearboxes glued to the underside. Did you have to remove anything from underneath the gangway.? Regards Scott
  5. The allotments look great and I love the shot looking down the ginnel.
  6. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/2773-granby-00-gwr-1947-10-x-18-industrial/"] Granby Junction
  7. If you string all of this together it should work........ [url="
  8. For the life of me I cannot remember how I did it. Go into your profile then under the signature section. There is supposed to be a button to create the link but I cannot find it.
  9. Just had a read over this thread. A thoroughly enjoyable read! Looking forward to future updates. Regards Scott
  10. Well you have more patience than me !! Nice job, the twenties are looking good too and looking forward to seeing the 56s
  11. Seems to be uncertain where his photos come from as the main one is also on the Hornby Guide website.
  12. Can't say I have had any problems with my 150s both run like a dream.
  13. Lovely photos. I need to get myself one of those blue 47s. I want to have it made as The Queen Mother to replace my naff Hornby version.
  14. Yes I think you are right Terry although I would have an APT just because I never got one as a kid I have a Blue Pullman on the list as well but that is for my 60s collection.
  15. So just a few 37s then LOL Great looking home layout as well Neil. Regards Scott
  16. I think there is also a need for an APT, which Bachmann would do a good job on (based on the Blue Pullmans quality) Then you need a Blue Pullman :D
  17. I agree and then when you get the HST you can't get the coaches for them or vice versa. I managed to get the blue grey ones FO & SO, the TGS doesn't come out until December 2012. God knows when the buffet car will appear!! I have the Blue/Grey HST on order, supposed to have been here last November, now scheduled for this July. Not cheap at £160 either I have the EMT which is nice, just need one more FO for a full set.
  18. Will you be getting any HSTs Terry?
  19. Can't believe a year has passed already Terry. Excellent video mate, just my cup of tea the 80s.....and what my layout is based on. Although I do have some time travellers both before and after
  20. Not sure of it's worth but there is a link in the description with more photos and a video.
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