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Removed a/c

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Everything posted by Removed a/c

  1. I just used some matt black the other day and it dried fine and with a matt finish. My work space is in the basement and it is always a little cool down there. Can't even say I have had problems with it drying either despite the cooler temps. Could it be a bum tin?
  2. There are probably many people like you looking for these coaches. The demand outweighs the supply therefor the price goes up. It is the same with the Intercity coaches (swallow/executive & blue&grey)
  3. Great update, can you put the points before the bridge and have 3 lines going across ?
  4. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-Hornby-TRIANG-RAILWAYS-00-OO-LMS-7573-PASSENGER-CARRIAGE-MODEL-TOY-/261156406025?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3cce228309 Slightly warped
  5. What great layout and fantastic modelling. Just had a read through this thread and am looking forward to watching everything progress. Regards Scott
  6. These may help. With exception of the sleeper I don't think there has been a correct royal coach made. http://www.railwayscene.co.uk/view.php?cat=Royal%20Train http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Royal_Train#Fleet_from_1977 http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/topic/20583-royal-train-roof/
  7. Lots of nice detail on Banks Road. Always great to see snaps of this layout. Regards Scott
  8. Looking good, can I ask where the auto racks come from? Regards Scott
  9. When I'm Calling You - Slim Whitman
  10. You can't beat the HSTs
  11. Careful ! You'll overdose on those 37s !! Nice job on them though. Hattons does have a great price on them at the moment.
  12. Damn ! I must confess though I use a Dynamis and it also allows you to name them, not sure if other systems do. I would then go with 5703, 5708 & 5711.
  13. You could run into a problem though with 37s, 47s, 57s
  14. I use the first 4 numbers. Haven't had a problem yet although my fleet is small.
  15. Just had a read over this thread, most enjoyable. I look forward to future updates. Regards Scott
  16. How weird I was just reading about this layout in a back issue of Hornby Magazine today. Great layout and glad to follow it on here. Regards Scott
  17. The Chicken Song - Spitting Image
  18. A handy reference Phil. Cheers Scott
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