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Removed a/c

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Everything posted by Removed a/c

  1. The Network fleet is looking mighty nice Neil. Regards Scott
  2. Blimey you are a busy chap Lee. Do you get a chance to do some stuff for yourself?
  3. Very nicely done, lots of fiddly painting for sure. The first few photos you loose the sense of scale. I thought they looked massive but when on the layout........just right I was looking at these on line the other day, may have to get a pack.
  4. They do look a little matt compared to Lees 4mm ones. Perhaps try satin as you can always go back and matt it again.
  5. Nice little layout with lots of detail. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your win !! Regards Scott
  6. Looks like a very good 1st try. What did you use? Pastels, weathering powders, airbrush?
  7. Great work Terry. You really have the hang of this weathering. I am partial to the 86 and the 57 in Arriva livery.
  8. Thanks for posting your findings Richard. I too have used 18s, 19s 20s and also 5s. I do need to pick up some 146s as I am going to use these on my Hornby MK2s & MK3s. It is a lot a faffing about and a shame things are not more standard. It is however rewarding when you get everything at the right height and coupled together. :D Regards Scott
  9. Very nice and sounds like you both had a great time. The metal recycling layout is called Albion Metals. It was in Dec 2012 BRM magazine. I just built a metal shear kit and am currently building an overhead crane for scene based on this layout.
  10. OH wow Terry!! GRJ looks to be back stronger and better than ever Judging by this build maybe it wasn't such a bad thing that you took down the previous station. Looking forward to seeing more, great stuff !! Cheers Scott
  11. Very cool Jaz, I like the Corgi and the Alsatian. Nice job.
  12. Great to see some new photos from previously unseen angles. Looking forward to seeing more and the continuation of the build.
  13. Very nice snaps yet again. The BRUTES look great do you happen to know who the maker is?
  14. It is a bit high but it also a MK3 TSo which always command a high price no matter what the livery. The FGW in Barbie livery also sell for top dollar.
  15. What a fantastic layout and it does show that you are certainly enjoying yourself. Kalborough is very impressive and I look forward to its development. Regards Scott
  16. Maybe it is me but there is something not right about this site for overseas shipping. When I go to order it doesn't deduct the VAT and says shipping is £8.00, but elsewhere on the site shipping appears to be an add on and it is £17.00.
  17. Mine is a made up location (named after my Nans address and an area she lived in). It is set somewhere in Yorkshire, so while it is not prototypical it will incorporate aspects of Yorkshire eg. I have a set of city walls ala York My buses have Yorkshire destinations as do my DMUs It is more of a 1980s Yorkshire feel that I am after more than anything else.
  18. It could be that some do not have access to local model shops or to shows, such as those of us that live abroad. Some just get caught up in the bidding I suspect. I know I have in the past.
  19. Thanks John it was the Ratio one I was looking at. Will have to pick one up one or two for my layout. Regards Scott
  20. Just read through this thread. What a great read, thoroughly enjoyed watching the progression and looking forward to seeing more. One question if I may, the footbridges can I ask where they are from. I thought Ratio or WIlls but have been unable to find them. I am sure I have seen them elsewhere before. Regards Scott
  21. I think I remember someone on here saying that if the wagon/coach has a cranked tension lock the NEM pocket is not at the correct height.
  22. The B&W photo looks very atmospheric! Lots of action. Thanks for the updates. Regards Scott
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