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Removed a/c

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Everything posted by Removed a/c

  1. I said the same thing Derek. Great modelling !!
  2. Looks great, can I ask what you are using to makes the stones?
  3. The price is silly and you are not thick. There is no need to mention the locos IMO.
  4. Cheers, I will keep an eye open for some of them then. Scott
  5. Just had a read over your thread. Very enjoyable and I look forward to following along. Can I ask who makes the Plymouth & the Otter Brewery vans? Regards Scott
  6. Not that bad really, I just bought a sound 37 that was £155.00 from Hattons. Have you seen the price of a Hornby sound loco? New class 08 £219
  7. WOW ! They are not easy to find (at least on the web) took me a year to get mine but I only paid about half that amount.
  8. The Brutes are now sold out at Hattons, within the first day I believe. They were selling at £1.05 over RRP. and still sold out. It all works out in the wash I suppose you save a bit on one thing but pay a little more on another. I prefer Hattons full stop as I don't have to create a half dozen different accounts with other vendors just to save a few pence. You have to look at the whole picture sometimes especially when having items shipped overseas.
  9. Hopefully I will be able to pull it off. This will be my first bash at it. I did pickup Drake last year, about this time and I may have to pick up another Jubilee sometime in the future. I wouldn't mind getting a Black 5. I also like the look of the Bachmann 3F and the Class 8750 that is due to be released soon. I don't have a layout thread for this layout that I have in mind as I only have the plywood currently. As soon as I get a few bits together I will start one. My current trainset can be found in my signature. When funds allow this will be my fictitious layout which will roughly be 24 x 14 but that could well be in another lifetime :D It is quite warm here but we are expecting some rain over the next few days. The city where I live I borders Detroit, Michigan so we are quite a way from Calgary thank goodness. I do have friends there however and they say it is just awful. They are safe and hopefully it will let up soon. Regards Scott
  10. Sounds like a nice lineup Jeff. My preferred era is 1980s and located in Yorkshire. I stumbled across DRAKE and thought I would have one, I think it was about £56 DCC fitted so would have been rude not too. Then I found out it was scrapped after its steam days:(. So I have decided to do a mini 8x2 end to end set in late steam somewhere up north. I am not a stickler for accuracy, just after an overall feel of the era and location.
  11. Cheers Jeff, Never had a 9F at all, either Hornby or Bachmann. I have heard that both are very good with a bit more detail on the Bachmann ones. I do have myself a very smart Bachmann 'DRAKE' Jubilee though Nice loco and for the price I couldn't say no.
  12. Just reading over the past 20 pages or so of this layout. Very nice, the stone walls are amazing!!! I shall look forward to future updates. Also good to see a photo of the Bachmann 9F. I personally think it's not a bad looking beast considering it is massed produced, may have to get me one Regards Scott
  13. Great updates, love the beach scene. The new helicopter is a great additional as well. Is it Corgi?
  14. Thanks for the info Stephen. Regards Scott
  15. That looks really effective. I was looking at the Tamiya weathering powders just a couple weeks ago. I may have to pick up a pack now and I already have some burnt umber . What colour Tamiya weathering powders did you use?
  16. Not sure yet maybe BR Blue or Railfreight or maybe one of each
  17. Awesome !! Have to add a 31 at some point to my layout.
  18. What is acetate palstic?
  19. Great photos John, the layout looks fantastic. I think though we are usually over critical of our own work and the observer would never notice any mistakes, bumps, quirks or hiccups that we ourselves do. Looking forward to the next round of snaps. Regards Scott
  20. Walking After Midnight - Patsy Cline
  21. Just spent a wonderful journey through this thread. I have enjoyed it immensely, such attention to detail and certainly has provided much inspiration. Thanks for sharing it with us. Regards Scott
  22. Very nice guys. That crane is a fair size. I too am not a 100% what sounds to use on my (only) DDC Diesel with sound. I usually just start with F1 then add the flange squeal and toot the horn as it approaches and leaves the station. Probably nowhere near prototypical but I have great fun and that is what is all about
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