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Removed a/c

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Everything posted by Removed a/c

  1. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/53448-kirkby-luneside-cutting-ballasting-imminent/page-86&do=findComment&comment=870679
  2. According to Hattons Firefly should be due in this week !! Finally the Windsors will be able to go on tour
  3. Very nice, I am still practising on rolling stock. Don't have the courage yet to have a go on a loco.
  4. The veggie garden looks great; are these Busch products? Seaweed on the rocks is a nice touch and not often seen as you mentioned. You just need a a few hundred gulls, puffins etc.....
  5. Say You, Say Me - Lionel Richie
  6. Such a great layout, it would be easy to mistake it for the real thing.
  7. Great job Lee, I think we have traded weather with you guys. It is supposed to pour all week here !
  8. They all look really good Lee but I am partial to the 47 and 87 both for livery and loco
  9. I said the same thing Derek. Great modelling !!
  10. Looks great, can I ask what you are using to makes the stones?
  11. The price is silly and you are not thick. There is no need to mention the locos IMO.
  12. Cheers, I will keep an eye open for some of them then. Scott
  13. Just had a read over your thread. Very enjoyable and I look forward to following along. Can I ask who makes the Plymouth & the Otter Brewery vans? Regards Scott
  14. Not that bad really, I just bought a sound 37 that was £155.00 from Hattons. Have you seen the price of a Hornby sound loco? New class 08 £219
  15. WOW ! They are not easy to find (at least on the web) took me a year to get mine but I only paid about half that amount.
  16. The Brutes are now sold out at Hattons, within the first day I believe. They were selling at £1.05 over RRP. and still sold out. It all works out in the wash I suppose you save a bit on one thing but pay a little more on another. I prefer Hattons full stop as I don't have to create a half dozen different accounts with other vendors just to save a few pence. You have to look at the whole picture sometimes especially when having items shipped overseas.
  17. Hopefully I will be able to pull it off. This will be my first bash at it. I did pickup Drake last year, about this time and I may have to pick up another Jubilee sometime in the future. I wouldn't mind getting a Black 5. I also like the look of the Bachmann 3F and the Class 8750 that is due to be released soon. I don't have a layout thread for this layout that I have in mind as I only have the plywood currently. As soon as I get a few bits together I will start one. My current trainset can be found in my signature. When funds allow this will be my fictitious layout which will roughly be 24 x 14 but that could well be in another lifetime :D It is quite warm here but we are expecting some rain over the next few days. The city where I live I borders Detroit, Michigan so we are quite a way from Calgary thank goodness. I do have friends there however and they say it is just awful. They are safe and hopefully it will let up soon. Regards Scott
  18. Sounds like a nice lineup Jeff. My preferred era is 1980s and located in Yorkshire. I stumbled across DRAKE and thought I would have one, I think it was about £56 DCC fitted so would have been rude not too. Then I found out it was scrapped after its steam days:(. So I have decided to do a mini 8x2 end to end set in late steam somewhere up north. I am not a stickler for accuracy, just after an overall feel of the era and location.
  19. Cheers Jeff, Never had a 9F at all, either Hornby or Bachmann. I have heard that both are very good with a bit more detail on the Bachmann ones. I do have myself a very smart Bachmann 'DRAKE' Jubilee though Nice loco and for the price I couldn't say no.
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