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Removed a/c

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Everything posted by Removed a/c

  1. That is a charming building !! I'll take one as well
  2. I think you have slipped in some photos of the real thing, that very first one for example !! WOW
  3. I use insulfrog points and it stop on them, heck it even stops on straights, worst loco in my collection to be honest.
  4. Just had a read through this thread. Smashing layout. I have enjoyed reading about the station shops too. Regards Scott
  5. Will be sorely missed, one of my faves when I lived in the UK. Loved her "looking for me friend Kimberly" skit, acorn antiques and many many others. RIP
  6. This looks awesome so far, looking forward to seeing it develop. Regards Scott
  7. I have a Bachmann 20 which pulls my nuclear flask train on 18" curves and it does not like my Kadee 18s.........buffer lock every time. I have switched to a 19 and it fixed it.
  8. I think that blue & white bus must have taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque
  9. Even your real close up photos (which for most modellers normally end up looking quite crude and highlight many flaws) highlight just how amazing your modelling skills are !!
  10. I was going by this from Wikipedia............ However the final example, 30583 (née 488), was purchased by the Bluebell Railway, chosen because of the three it was the one retaining the original pattern of boiler. After arriving at the line under its own steam it performed sterling work in two different LSWR guises, and in BR livery, up until 1990. At present it is displayed as a static exhibit as extensive overhaul (probably involving replacement of the boiler barrel) is required before it can steam again.
  11. Thanks John, That was the idea Be nice to have a different preserved loco on my layout
  12. So would be ok to use in 1980s ish setting ?
  13. How does this version differ from the preserved version?
  14. Not sure if it has been asked or mentioned but what size is the layout?
  15. Enjoying watching this develop.
  16. There is video on Youtube and the owner has it running on 1st radius curves !
  17. I have to put this out there as it seems to me that those that are banging on about crossovers etc and not having any prototypical mast etc.... probably by now would have made their own catenary. That being the case why is it an issue? I don't know much about catenary, so the Peco stuff will do for me, if I wanted it to look 100% real I would just by a real railway !!! I will be quite happy with a bit of knitting around my layout as I am sure will be the case for 100s of other modellers. BTW Peco catenary now online and available for purchase !
  18. But why or is it a case of because it can be done.........bragging rights? As my layout will not be seen by anyone in the know I don't see a reason for the added expensive plus the fact I am not gifted enough to perform this type of task.
  19. Removed a/c

    Hornby king

    Mine came from there and runs a dream ! I think the problem stems from the Manufacturer NOT the retailer.
  20. Cattle dock is really taking shape nicely !!
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