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rs4 last won the day on March 2 2014

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  1. Apologies for asking this…. Is a body swap easy enough to do ?
  2. Throw stones if you wish.. if that is an O gauge 66, is that an O gauge HIA / similar buffered up to it ?? or am I suffering a Dougal / Father Ted moment ?
  3. Brilliant and very informative photos. there seems to be an observation bump on 49005 for panto watching ?
  4. It did sound rather pathetic at Stevenage this morning Just sounded “odd”. A higher pitch “chuff” There you go, the technical answer !
  5. Hi Andy Like the gypsums. I did similar pre Accurascale using the 3D prints from Wild Boar Models. if I had spare cash I would now redo using the Hattons flats, plus I think I glued the boxes on.... Nick
  6. The buffer / pipe / coupling area is VERY convincing. Loving the GRIME.
  7. The challenge is on.... but how long will it take to find it ? Before the Dapol 59 release ? I could be lucky I guess ?
  8. Hello Jerry Yeah, the 59 is still “on shed”, ha ha It’s missing anywhere to travel at the moment seeing as my layout was ripped up when we moved. I need to remedy that.... Nick
  9. My cop out way was to stick the PCB underneath using a sticky pad. Not exactly prototypical.....sorry !
  10. Nice trick on the nameplates - look superb.
  11. Glad to see you collected your TEA, must have been a sub roll going by the shape of the box.....
  12. Wasn’t it out 2-3 years ago ? (unless they were doing a re-run)
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