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  1. I have always said by shear luck we brought our panels at a time of great incentives, which is what Solar Together was set up to achieve, we did have to wait several months for installation though. Months later and totally unexpected the energy crisis created a massive demand and the massive discounts disappeared I did have an idea prices would rise and thanks to covid cancelling a planned holiday had spare cash in a currant account. When I ordered the system I think electric was 16p per kwh and export prices were between 2 & 3p per kwh. I am not a tree hugger so was driven by fear of future energy costs. My DDI is still the same as over 4 years ago despite (in my case) Octopus trying to increase it ? I am £500 + in credit !!!! I did suggest if I increased my payments they should pay me interest, so my current account is nearly £1200 better off than it would have been if we had not taken the package up I did get a quote for batteries and do so each year. For me I feel its not worth it based solely on a financial equation, if the big discounts come back may be. But at current prices it would cost me money to have them
  2. We have had a poor year, I am in my 37th month 2021 193 kwh (26 days) 2022 202 kwh 2023 228 kwh 2024 so far 184 kwh with 3 days to go This year has I think been one of the wettest, certainly not a very sunny year. But still a financially worthwhile year £429 in the past 12 months, My total outlay £2688 = 15.9% return
  3. I have just calculated the affect of the new price regime using my average energy usage over the past 3 years, in includes my energy exports In October my expected costs are still below my DDI payments, my forecast is £85 against Octopus £122.70, November my forecast is £160.94 (Octopus £163) and December £219.46 (Octopus £199) I expect Octopus is using the autumn rates The good news is they are still below this time last year by £39, but it will depend on the weather which could alter the figures one way or the other Another interesting figure is Octopus is expecting my annual usage will be £1437, this does not include my export credits and based on the summer low rates. Its a great pity that these forecasts do not take into consideration of higher rates in the winter Still not as much doom and gloom this year, in fact with the Saudis reportedly increasing output oil prices are forecast to be lower still in the short term
  4. These are part of what I was preparing for Scaleforum a 7mm B7 turnout using the COT track variant with code code 125 rail, this photo shows the 3 panels printed using a Neptune 4 which has a larger printing bed than the Kingroon. With the Neptune 4 very little stringing Rails inserted (Please forgive me for using a copperclad tiebar) very easily, next up to test it once I wire it up, once the rails are fitted its a very strong unit. I found it was also a great aid when showing how simple it is to build a common crossing in both 4 & 7mm scales using Templot plug track It being far easier to see in detail in the larger scale I also had on show plain track in 7mm scale, both fixed and flexi track Some of the experiments involved thinner track bases in 7mm scale Martin tried printing chairs in FDM, with the Kingroon there is a lot of stringing, with the Neptune 4 very little stringing and nearly as good as resin printed chairs Common crossing chairs on the left, long thin one S1 & L1 chairs, on the right slide and additional slide chairs. Still lots of work to do, but initial results are very promising
  5. The jig works very well I reduced the depth of each slot by 0.1mm and the code 125 rail was firmly held My discrete project has a crossing angle of 1- 4.5 so the wing rail so out with the rolling bars to form the 0 gauge rail
  6. Well Monday was getting over Scaleforum day, both James and myself had a great time but Templot in all its guises was the star The stand was busy most of both days and we struggled at times to grab a drink, thankfully we had the help of 3 other Templot Club members on Saturday and at times there were 3 or four of us chatting to visitors One such visitor set me a challenge, which I thought would be fun to have a crack at, and after a couple of days of intermittent design and printing experimenting, I seem to have got there. I must admit for me a great learning experience and I benefited from a chat with Steve about the storage box (I must really get to grips with this part of Templot) but also I started to realize not to have too many duplicated files Anyway I need a 1-4.5 Vee filing jig and the printer is now working, I have 2 experimental track bed bricks(sections) printed. I now need to form some rail
  7. TEMPLOT AT SCALEFORUM Can I say thank you for all those who took the trouble to say hello, much appreciated. Also sorry if I had limited time to have a chat. We were very pleased with the number of folk who stopped to ask questions/see what we are up to, again sorry if you had trouble having a chat. Any feed back on us and or the stand would be welcome, we did think about what we took with us, certainly having the printers working seemed to go down well, as did having PC's showing Templot and models which could be handled, but that's my impressions from the other side of the tables. Open to all constructive comments Please feel free to ask questions either here of better still on Templot Club
  8. Heads up on eBay C&L EM (or 00sf)* gauge A5 complete kit including premade common crossing and preformed switched rails https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/286063769523?itmmeta=01J8FEG3JKXDFP31XPTP3JF9W6&hash=item429abab7b3:g:uyMAAOSw3IZm6JAE These kits are now very expensive, but all the hard to build bits have been done * The common crossing is 1mm for 00sf you will need a Templot Template, downloadable free from Templot NOY ME SELLING I just came across it
  9. At Scaleforum I picked up an as new Southern Finecast SR K class 2-6-4T for £50, then later uk knowingly bumped into the seller and after a chat brought a complete set of Gibson wheels, still packed for £20. £70 in total I seem to remember reading that the tender locos have gone up to £120. Gibson drivers are £10 each and over £3 for bogie & trailing wheels and crankpins at £10.90 About £172 in total I was very surprised it was still there on Saturday afternoon, especially as this is one of the later revised kits with cast brass castings as well as whitemetal and some etched brass details including a set of brass nameplates, and a chassis which matches some of the best available.
  10. They seen to have missed this week, last one 2 weekends ago. I think like all online sites as soon as you stop using it the offers return
  11. Templot will be at Scaleforun on Saturday and Sunday. I will be assisting James (Bexhill West) Walters on the stand hopefully demonstrating all aspects of Templot including the exciting plug track project, come and see us, Mark 2 of the COT track experiment with 1 piece wing rails The easy to use switch rail (back) jig being printed Come and say hello
  12. Not the papers, SKY Sports News, not even a red top paper Statement from CAS CAS overturned the ban because the alleged breaches of FFP rules were either not established or time-barred — ie under UEFA regulations some of the alleged offences happened too long ago to be considered. The club were, however, found guilty of not cooperating with UEFA by failing to provide substantial amounts of evidence. CAS said this breach “was severe” and needed to be “seriously reproached”. City were fined £8.8million. CAS said City had exhibited a “blatant disregard” to UEFA’s investigation, even though it found “no conclusive evidence that they disguised funding from their owner as sponsorship”. The short answer is City won the war but lost a battle about non-cooperation. Some wonder if City did it on purpose because they had something to hide, while others say it was a legitimate tactic against a case based on stolen material. Where there is smoke its normally because of fire. If there is nothing to hide why not corporate !!!! As for Pep's statement this breach “was severe” and needed to be “seriously reproached” time-barred not established is not proven as in Scottish law. There may have been a good reason for not saying not guilty or innocents, neither of these were stated in CAS press release, certainly 10 million Euro fine smacks of being guilty
  13. Not what the papers were reporting https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11679/13054894/uefa-chief-aleksander-ceferin-on-man-city-ffp-charge-we-know-we-were-right#:~:text=Fair Play rules.-,In February 2020%2C City were initially banned from the Champions,broken Financial Fair Play rules. In February 2020, City were initially banned from the Champions League for two seasons by UEFA and fined €30m (£25m) after they were found to have seriously misled European football's governing body and broken Financial Fair Play rules. However, in July 2020, the two-season suspension was lifted after an appeal at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), and the fine reduced from €30m to €10m. CAS indicated that "most of the alleged breaches" were "either not established or time-barred". Sorry I got the amount wrong !! Some were time bared (Not quashed) £10,000,000 fine for not breaching the rules !! I see guilty verdict m'lord Pep seems to have a short memory, the fine is hardly a parting ticket !! In February 2023, the Premier League charged City with 115 alleged breaches of the league's financial rules over nine seasons between 2009 and 2018, In the Premier League case, Man City allegedly did not provide accurate financial information and did not fully disclose the financial remunerations that were made to one of their managers over a four-year period. The Premier League also alleges Man City did not comply with UEFA's Financial Fair Play rules over a five-year period. They also allege Man City have not fully co-operated with the Premier League's investigation. UEFA's Financial Fair Play rules over a five-year period Seems the Premier league are taking up UFEA's charges that were time barred, as I said UFEA seem to be out for revenge !!
  14. Branchlines will be at Scaleforum at the weekend BRANCHLINES PO Box 4293, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 9AA sales@branchlines.com 01373 822231 Rolling stock kits, motors, gearboxes and wheels
  15. I guess on Friday packing / going to Scaleforum Saturday & Sunday at Scaleforum as they usually attend this show
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