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Andrew Young

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Everything posted by Andrew Young

  1. Jay, It was only the day before his sudden passing that Neil put me on to the proposed gathering next year and I know he was looking forward to going. And was one of the reasons I phoned him the next day only to receive the bombshell from Dan. I will be in contact with you about something to take to the day you’re organising, but what that will be I do not know just yet. Andrew
  2. It is my sad duty to report that Neil Blair has passed away. Neil collapsed at home on Monday and the paramedics were unable to revive him. Neil was 35. This shocking and unexpected news has knocked us for six in the Trent Valley Group in which Neil was heavily involved. Neil and I would discuss our latest modelling silly idea almost daily. However our loss is very small compared to that being felt by Neil’s Mum and Widower Dan who we are keeping in our thoughts currently. The only small blessing at this time is that Neil received a copy of BRM and got the satisfaction of seeing his layout in print before he died. It is Dan’s wish that Elsbridge still appears at Burton as Neil intended. Those of us who were going to help Neil at the show will be ensuring that the show goes on and the layout will appear. Will post funeral details when known and also further news on the layout here when the future is decided. Andrew
  3. That should make playing trains much easier, and more enjoyable. Cheers, Andrew
  4. Thanks to @NeilHB for telling me about this. Very interested in coming along as a visitor at least. Mind you, there’s plenty of time between now and then to progress my layout. Residing about 200m across the border in Staffordshire (being brought up in Notts, couldn’t quite bring myself to live in Derbyshire itself…) I’m quite happy with Staffordshire Oatcakes, but wouldn’t say no to Derbyshire Pykelets. I’m an equal opportunities eater 😁 Andrew
  5. Glad to hear you enjoyed your visit to the TR 👍
  6. You’re welcome. Particularly liked the photography in the RM article. Very atmospheric. Andrew
  7. Picked up the latest issue of Modeller and found your layout, then found this thread. Great modelling and I like the use of those storage boxes, super stuff. Andrew
  8. Samples of the Chelfham building kits were on display today at Kettering. Very nice they looked too, the station building, gents and the signal box.
  9. Do you mean this one? Not long to wait for one now. And the 80000 tanks have been available from Finescale Brass which would effect their commercial viability.
  10. Well, a gap has opened up for a J70….?!! is it standard gauge, or can us 7mm narrow gauge modellers dare to dream?
  11. That’s a very good suggestion. Particularly if they were accompanied by a suitable industrial to go with them. Some interesting suggestions on this thread. Though some, such as J72, class 25 and class 04 are all models that have been available rtr in O gauge and might not have such commercial appeal.
  12. I would disagree with you considering my experience of O gauge shows. Regarding price, the expected RRP for the sound fitted Rapido J70 was £75 more than the current RRP for a sound fitted Terrier, a price I didn’t consider unreasonable considering the current rate of inflation. And small change compared to Lee Marsh or Masterpiece models. As has been said elsewhere, different companies have different levels of financial risk they’re willing to accept for projects. Plus, smaller companies tend to have smaller pots of capital and this one sadly didn’t compete with whichever other projects Rapido currently have for consideration. Andrew
  13. Don’t know which disappoints me more, the fact that this isn’t going ahead, or that having registered my expression of interest on their website (which would’ve been converted into an order) that Rapido didn’t bother sending me a message telling me this wasn’t going ahead and I’ve heard the news third hand. I also log into RMWeb for the first time in a while (having built up my tolerance for the advertising bombardment) to be greeted by a Rapido advert saying that expressions of interest are still being taken. Whilst I didn’t need a J70, I was going to get one as a nice addition to my fleet of small Ixion / Minerva / Dapol locos. But never mind, if Rapido don’t want my money, I’m sure that Dapol will appreciate it. Andrew
  14. Picked up a copy of MRJ 294 in Tywyn newsagents this weekend. A good read and I second the comments about hoping for an article on Brush Junction. I too found the photo reproduction standards to be less than brilliant. The double page spread of the County running on Pendon being particularly poor. Almost like a bad smartphone app converting a photo to a painting rather than good quality photography. Shame for those who’s models they are. Andrew
  15. Thank you, glad you like it. Made it when my mates were busy Bachmann On30 bashing as something different. Shall take some more photos and write up about what I did to it in a blog post when I get chance if you’d like?
  16. Just about recovered from Saturday’s exertions. Thank you to everyone who came and made the day such a success. A few words and photos have been posted on my blog to give a flavour of the event. https://melynvalleyrailway.blogspot.com/2023/01/making-exhibition-of-ourselves.html?m=1
  17. Just about recovered from Saturday’s exertions. Thank you to everyone who came and made the day such a success. A few words and photos have been posted on my blog to give a flavour of the event. https://melynvalleyrailway.blogspot.com/2023/01/making-exhibition-of-ourselves.html?m=1
  18. Should you need any more encouragement to join us at Mickleover tomorrow. My star baker wife Liz has produced Victoria Sponge, Coffee & Walnut and Lemon Drizzle tray bake cakes for us to enjoy. If you don’t come, then Annabel and I will be forced to eat them instead so please come and save us from ourselves. 🎂 🍰 🧁 🚂
  19. Looking forward to Saturday. Think I’m as ready as I’ll ever be!! Andrew
  20. Think I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for Saturday. Looking forward to it. Hopefully see a few people from this forum there. Do say hello if you come along, providing I’ve not got a mouthful of cake of course!! https://melynvalleyrailway.blogspot.com/2023/01/time-is-ticking-out.html?m=1 Andrew
  21. Progress continues to be made with Wheal Ponder with Mickleover just over a fortnight away. The layout is looking far more presentable, and starting to almost look like a layout! https://melynvalleyrailway.blogspot.com/2023/01/the-layout-that-came-in-from-cold.html?m=1#more
  22. Glad to be of service 😁 I like the view of the loco under the overall roof. Andrew
  23. Reckon that’s their profit for the job gone with the delays and cancellations from today!
  24. Did they get the station reopened then? Heard they lost all track circuits between New St and Proof House just after lunchtime due to a cut cable. Did the contractors start early? Some of my colleagues are heading back to their New St base in taxis. One of my colleagues got to Proof House then took his tin rockets back to Coventry and stabled them there!! Bit of an ignominious and shambolic end.
  25. Making some more progress with the layout. Plenty of working with plywood, mdf, wiggly tin and foam board, things are starting to come together. A couple of blog posts over recent weeks show the progress. https://melynvalleyrailway.blogspot.com/?m=1
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