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Andrew Young

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Everything posted by Andrew Young

  1. However, my week can be summed up by one photo from each day: On Monday, David embraced his inner Nancy. Passengers and Polish by Andrew Young, on Flickr On Tuesday, I had a day on shed where the Two Beckies kept the engines (and me) in hand! These Girls Can by Andrew Young, on Flickr On Wednesday, we saw what happened to Ivo Hugh as his bit part appearance in the books meant that fame dealt him a cruel hand. Ivo Hugh, the Wilderness Years by Andrew Young, on Flickr On Thursday, it was the Gallant Old Engine's Day Off. Gallant Old Engine's Day Off by Andrew Young, on Flickr After a particularly hot Vindaloo Thursday night, Friday's fireman wasn't in the best shape... Delhi Belly by Andrew Young, on Flickr On Saturday, I forgot to pay for my lunch again... That Bloody Panda! by Andrew Young, on Flickr Overall, a great week in the Special Funnel Community! The Special Funnel Community by Andrew Young, on Flickr Time for one of those work breaks now though... Cheers, Andrew
  2. Each summer, a group of us book in for the same week on the Talyllyn and last week was this year's. A good time was had by all and here's a few photos. Arrived late on the Saturday night after a nocturnal after work drive down, so Sunday was a day of rest. After a breakfast at Wharf, I was able to check through the new Talyllyn Guide Book which is hot off the press, which I had a hand in producing. The Good Book by Andrew Young, on Flickr Sunday afternoon I intended doing some modelling and had taken some stuff with me, annoyingly I had forgotten to take a crucial piece with me. So instead, I tested out the Wye Valley HPA at the new pub which has opened up on Tywyn Promenade, very nice it was too, plus the view wasn't bad! Happy Panda Ale by Andrew Young, on Flickr The week had some very mixed weather, from some gorgeous sunshine on Thursday when I was driving the Victorian Train. The Victorian by Andrew Young, on Flickr To some very low cloud on Saturday when I spent the day supervising a Driver Experience course for the partner of one of our former volunteers. Tattoos in the Mist by Andrew Young, on Flickr Tattoos in the Mist 2 by Andrew Young, on Flickr More to follow... Plus, a return to model making updates before the week is out. Cheers, Andrew
  3. I've not seen one in O gauge, but if anyone were to produce one then I'd be certainly putting my name down for one! Was discussing Captain Baxter's merits with John Taylor at the event as he was taking measurements of the loco when we stopped moving it about. Even with the drawings, castings would be an issue. One alternative which would be easier to do in O gauge for a suitably esoteric loco would be for the Wantage Tramway loco Jane, built by George England and just as characterful. Subject to a scratchbuild series in MRJ a while ago, the castings packs were still available from MRJ a couple of years ago when I bought a set, plus Lawrie Griffin produces some other castings to suit. It's a case of 'Round toits' for mine. Cheers, Andrew
  4. Despite there not having been any updates on this thread in over a month, I have been doing some modelling, though the mojo hasn't been at its strongest lately. A few bits and pieces on my work bench, none of which have reached a stage yet where I'm happy to share them yet. In the meantime, last weekend was spent enjoying the last event in the Talyllyn's 150 celebrations, the Grand Finale. Had a great time and the railway was very busy which was great to see. Spent Saturday driving the birthday loco Dolgoch and the Sunday on standard gauge visitor, Captain Baxter. Rather fancy one in O gauge but would involve scratchbuilding. A couple of photos to show what went on, more can be found on my Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/gp/pandaonetwofive/8A1KWg All five British based surviving Fletcher Jennings locos lined up at Wharf. View from my new favourite toy! Cheers, Andrew
  5. Thanks John, the heavens opened as I was getting back in the car and proceeded to rain heavily for about eight hours! Took a selection of photos which I will leave up to Chris to decide whether he wants to put them on this thread or not once he has them. Cheers, Andrew
  6. Evening Chris, On Thursday afternoon I arrived in Tywywn just before the heavens opened for an evening of monsoon like weather, a short divertion led me to Tonfanau where a selection of photos were taken on my proper camera and a couple of panoramic photos with my phone. Thought the weather was suitably gloomy for what you wanted. If you care to PM me with your email address, will send them on. In the meantime, here's the seaward side view from standing on the bench on Tonfanau platform. Cheers, Andrew
  7. That would be great thank you, no rush. Just a very eye catching loco, to me at any rate. Cheers, Andrew
  8. Thanks Dava, I have a small book on the narrow gauge Rustons, but will look out for Ruston's book and I must get round to buying a copy of Andrew Neale's. Think that it was a review for the Electrifying Trains version that I've read and wasn't tempted to try and build one after reading it! In the absence of the Impetus one, hopefully Judith Edge will bring theirs out in 7mm scale and as for an rtr one, will believe any rumours when a model is confirmed. Cheers, Andrew
  9. Thanks Ruston, much appreciated, there's something rather appealing about small Rustons for me. Are there any drawings for w/n 177530 as it looks rather tempting. Forgive my ignorance, but is there a decent O gauge kit for the 48DS? Thanks, Andrew
  10. Hmmm the brute is growing on me. Plus I'm rather partial to Kerr Stuart's. Are there any details yet to what spec the DCC and sound fitted versions will have? Will it be akin to the Peckett, or say the Ixion Fowler with keep alive etc. Cheers, Andrew
  11. I agree about the lamb! I'm up there again in a few weeks for the big gala and I've got weeks of driving on the Talyllyn in July, August and September followed by weekends through to the end of the year so should be able to wait for suitable grey but clear conditions to get the effect you're after. It's probably easier than making a special trip to be met by oppressive sunshine! Cheers, Andrew
  12. Chris, Seeing as I'm in Tywyn quite a lot over the summer. If there's a suitably grey day, will see if I can nip round to Tonfanau and take some photos for you if you'd like? The iPhone takes quite a decent panoramic photo. Despite predictions of a hot summer, bet the wait won't be that long... Cheers, Andrew
  13. Had forgotten that you'd driven No 2, a nice engine to drive though not best suited to those who are of the taller stature! I'm not driving in Tywyn again now until the July gala so will be mostly modelling photos for a while now. Cheers, Andrew
  14. Don, Jealous of the steam engines, or the shiftwork that allows playing steam engines mid week? Volunteering is one of the best decisions I've made, don't regret it for a minute and still enjoy it, everyone needs an escape from the real world. The shift work can be great for allowing this, but at other times can seriously hamper your social life as almost all our shifts now are what could be called anti-social hours, made worse by some of the economy measures taken in recent years. Whilst the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, I might feel so chirpy about IT at 04:00 on Monday when I book on after booking of on my Saturday shift at 01:45 Sunday morning! The body clock might need extra tea then... Cheers, Andrew
  15. Back to work yesterday, but on evening shifts which has allowed some progress on the carriage before work. Finishing off the steps and foot boards. All quite fiddly, but the kit uses pins pushed through holes drilled in the carriage and glued which makes them quite robust and is a good piece of design. Any SER experts will notice I've taken a few liberties with the steps, particularly on the end, but the MVR's resident joiner is want to modify rolling stock as he sees fit. Photo taken before heading off to work, shall have a look over tomorrow and see if there's anything else I want to do before both carriages are cleaned down and primed. I tend to sort interiors, roofs and final detailing out as I go from here. Not starting the working week until Wednesday, did mean a quick trip to Wales. Monday was spent driving the same loco I cleaned on my first day 25 years before in May 1991, though the cab appears to have shrunk in the Welsh rain in the intervening years... My brief stay was extended due to a driver having cancelled their booking for the Tuesday late on, being a helpful soul, I was happy to stand in and endure the oppressive Welsh sunshine for a day on No 6. Cheers, Andrew
  16. The coupe? Very much available, along with a large range of Victorian delights to tempt you: https://serkits.com Have no connection other than being a happy customer. Cheers, Andrew
  17. Don, Tonfannau is about where the headland is, the headland, 'Beacon Hill, is where Tonfannau quarry was, the hill gradually reducing until the beacon disappeared! One nice walk which we've done, is out from Tywyn down The Gwalia towards the Broadwater until reaching the Dysynni. Head alongside the river to Bryncrug, cross the river and walk down the lane to Tonfannau. You can now cross the Dysynni by the new(ish) footbridge in the site of the old Bailey Bridge and then walk back to Tywyn. Or, providing one's due, if the weather tens foul, hail the train. Cheers, Andrew
  18. Greetings from sunny Tywyn, though only visiting, Was Towyn until the early 1970s I believe. I like the idea of this layout, great use of modellers licence. Will be interested to see how this develops. Cheers, Andrew
  19. Those presflos look great, seem to me to be ideally suited to JLTRT's cast manufacturing process. As someone else has said, any chance of a video of your newly noisy 129? Cheers, Andrew
  20. Thank you. I agree about the coupe carriages, perfectly quaint for a light railway! Stephens purchased a pair of similar carriages from the LSWR which ran on the S&M and the KESR until they fell apart! Some more info here: http://www.hfstephens-museum.org.uk/rolling-stock/stephens-royal-saloons Don't worry, have no desire to model any of the Canadian carriages!! Cheers, Andrew
  21. Time flies when you're having fun... And it's now amazingly over three months since my last update! During one of those work periods where I either get up at 3am or get to bed at 3am that I found doing detailed modelling wasn't being done with the finesse I would like that I had a few days without modelling, but then life intervened. Though in that time, we had a cracking house party for my better half's and her twin brothers 30th, walked all the Manifold Way in a day, all 17 miles return, caught up with friends and family, produced a new Talyllyn Guide Book and had a cracking holiday in Vancouver and the Canadian Rockies. So life has been good, even if no modelling has been done! To get from Vancouver to the Rockies, we enjoyed two days on the Rocky Mountaineer which was very swish. Since getting back, the model making has resumed I'm pleased to say with a couple of sessions detailing the two carriages. With door, chassis and some roof furniture applied, hopefully I couole more sessions should see them ready for undercoat to be applied. Cheers, Andrew
  22. Excellent idea Stephen. Layouts like Juniper Hill, the Tonks books and the Ixion / Minerva models is enough to inspire anyone to model ironstone railways. Will be following with interest. Cheers, Andrew
  23. Thanks Craig, quite ingenious, look forward to seeing how you get on with that. I did wonder whether the cab fronts could be a case for 3D printing, but etching sounds good. Cheers, Andrew
  24. Further to Chris's comment. Can also recommend Lines to Torrington by Nicholas & Reeve published by Irwell Press. Looking forward to seeing this progress, the lines of Mid Wales fascinate me. I see in an earlier post that you've got a kit of a 120 to build. I didn't realise one was available, whose kit is it? Some of my earliest railway memories are them passing through where I grew up on the Nottingham to Lincoln line. Cheers, Andrew
  25. Very nice job on your Fowler, reminds me of this one... https://www.flickr.com/photos/12a_kingmoor_klickr/18388838204/in/album-72157626654796031/ Cheers, Andrew
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