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Andrew Young

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Everything posted by Andrew Young

  1. Should add that I don't have a problem with it and was an observation rather than a criticism. Cheers, Andrew
  2. Having got in from an early morning shift, took MRJ off the pile for another read and paid closer attention to John Burkett-Smith's 2mm scale buildings, my they are exquisite! Having stared at photos 1 and 2 for a good while and not been able to spot where the join between 3D Modelling and the backscene is, in the end, I turned to photo 13 to give me a clue. Reading Chris Klein's excellent article on titivating the Victory, I was struck though that there isn't a mention that Chris is also half of Minerva Models who produce the model. In the past, I've seen similar articles in MRJ of the Lionheart Pannier and NG&I Review for the Ixion Manning Wardle, but in both cases written by people separate from the companies that produced the models. Not wishing to take anything away from Chris' excellent Modelling which I've long admired, plus I am a happy Ixion & Minerva customer, just thought that a simple mention of the connection would prevent any suggestions of a conflict of interest in that the article could result in a few more Victory sales. Cheers, Andrew
  3. Agree about the 2mm buildings article, the Modelling on display is exquisite, it's difficult to judge from the photos just how tiny the models are! With my job often giving me a few minutes or more on some of the stations where a Smiths is handily placed, I still go foraging for my copy. Whilst the web ones makes it less of a surprise as to when a new issue will be due out, it's still a bit of a surprise when one appears in one of the Smiths I frequent. Cheers, Andrew
  4. Regardless of whether you've been published in MRJ in the distant past or not, there's no excuse for rudeness to someone you've never met (which was the Captain's point, not the reply that was given). Good riddance! Now, any sightings of MRJ 257 yet...?!! Cheers, Andrew
  5. Wow! First you're needlessly rude to one poster twice and now you're threatening another?!! I don't care who you are, just know what you are... rude, obnoxious and out of order!
  6. Just stumbled across this thread (N gauge and modern image aren't usually my thing) but the subject intrigued me as I spend a lot of my time on Burton Station catching trains to and from work, or driving trains through Burton at work. Superb Modelling and you really have captured the prototype very nicely, great stuff! One advantage of Burton in your chosen timeframe is the sheer variety of services that passed through, local and express passenger, coal, steel, the Kingsbury tanks, Freightliner boxes and even the TPO could all be seen daily. Cheers, Andrew
  7. Given the choice, give Loconuts a break to go in search of some manners whilst I go back and look through the Kelly Bray thread again and enjoy the modelling on display.... anyway, back to MRJ anyone? Andrew
  8. Really? You could argue that having a radio controlled crane on your layout is the ultimate gadget! And Giles' real Modelling gadgetry is very much at home in MRJ. Andrew
  9. Exquisite modelling, like Dave I rather like these back of town compact termini, particularly when modelled to this standard. Cheers, Andrew
  10. Really like the 'David vs Goliath' look of the Fowler and the CDA wagons, very nice! The battered tops to the scrap wagons is a nicely observed touch too. Cheers, Andrew
  11. Chris's Railway Bookshop and Barber. When I lived in Derby, it was just round the corner and I used to get my haircut there and come out with the odd book or two. I usually peruse magazines including MRJ in the newsagents and decide whether or not to buy depending on the contents. More often than not I purchase MRJ and this issue was an instant buy. Not heard of the Nettlebridge layouts before so the article on those was an instant attraction. Some of the other articles aren't on subjects that hugely appeal to me, but the techniques used to create the models are and often acts as inspiration for my own modeling. As a long standing Gravett disciple, I'm hoping that the cover photo means that we don't have long to wait for an article on their latest masterpiece. It's interesting to see mental health being openly discussed, as it's often a taboo subject and mental wellbeing is a fundamental essential in society today. A few years back, after a woman had attempted to end her life by standing in front of the Voyager I was driving, I received some counseling. The one element that the Counseller gave me which has stuck with me is the need to have 'coping strategies', once you recognize you're having issues, it's having an activity or other that can help you overcome and return to a sense of wellbeing. Railway Modelling is an essential part of that for me and many others by the sounds of it. Cheers, Andrew
  12. Thank you, cracking photos! It's nice to see a proper industrial narrow gauge line without any passenger working. Cheers, Andrew
  13. Think that's down to the second level Crossing by Ballards Garage that isn't quite right. Wouldn't say irrelevant, any plan or map should be accurate, but shan't let that spoil an otherwise good article. Andrew
  14. Cracking photos Ruston. Would like to see more too. Has Whitaker's Gravel and Brick works appeared in print anywhere? (Edit: answered my own question via an internet search, Review Issues 33 and 38 taken down off the shelf to peruse.) Cheers, Andrew
  15. Narrow Lines #226 has landed, complete with article on this Welshpool layout. Very interesting article, complete with some more photos which show the overall size / space of the layout. The only (very minor) niggle being that the plan doesn't appear to show all the standard gauge. But that doesn't detract from a good article on a cracking layout which makes me green with envy! Thanks, Andrew
  16. Catching up with your thread after a few weeks and both your cobbles and canal side factories both look splendid. It all oozes character with your Peckett simmering in the corner. Cheers, Andrew
  17. Chris, The Peppa Pig family and friends will be safe for the next six weeks or so as I'm back at work and not on the TR again for a while. Cheers, Andrew
  18. Been no Modelling to speak of in July, due to being on holiday. A fortnight in Tywyn, mostly spent driving on the Talyllyn Railway, with a couple of days off to do touristy things, a day driving on the Fairbourne and finally, a day throwing tokens and levers in a Blockpost. There are too many photos to post here, but have put a number in an album on my Flickr page for those who want to see them: https://flickr.com/photos/51784336@N05/sets/72157686458390365 Normal service will be resumed soon... Cheers, Andrew
  19. Let me know when you're coming to round them up and I'll get some popcorn in for the show.... Cheers, Andrew
  20. Well the rest of June flew by! When I last posted, the 7mmNGA Convention was just around the corner, a very good day was had as always, some decent layouts and a few traders to tempt my wallet. Put 'Sir Jasper' in the competition and pleased to be awarded the runners up award, This year's Nosbert making a suitable 'Sir Jasper' figure. Have completely finished wiring the first board before the weather got so hot that I had to retreat from the attic. Just the point control rods to add.. Rather enjoyed some extensive testing / playing trains which highlighted one or two issues with my track work, one point in particular. Thankfully, some tweaking of a check rail has sorted this out and now everything runs smoothly. Looking forward to the weather cooling down so I can crack on with the second board, sadly work intervened when it cooled down earlier this week. The study was one of the cooler rooms in the house during the hot spell, where a start was made in trying to make the Bachman Side Dump Cars look s but different (and less American) with new inside bearing chassis from styrene borrowing ideas from Tim's experiment. Rather pleased with how it went, so shall be making a few more in anticipation of when some narrow gauge might be added to the railway. I really should resist such distractions! Apart from the sunshine and work, there's been the Women's Cricket World Cup in Derby to distract, had a good (if sunburnt) day out and the first game, plus the Amerton gala which I managed to get over to, though no chance of sun burn there! Plus the garden has kept us busy, though we have had some help with the pruning... Cheers, Andrew
  21. The wet winter weather this week has made going into the attic quite pleasant to work on the layout. After a few sessions, all the dropper wires had been fitted to both main baseboards, two to each rail length as back ups. The next stage was to put all the electric string in, having made a start before, last night I had a late night / early morning session on the wiring with the election coverage on the tablet seeing as it was quite an interesting night.... By the time I headed for bed at 4am, I'd mostly completed the wiring on the first baseboard, with the exception of plug sockets for transferring the power to adjacent boards. Plus I need some correct size screws for the chocolate block connectors. By the time I went to bed, it looked like this: No prizes for spotting my deliberate mistake.... had an issue with wiring the two blue point machines, there's two diagrams with them showing the numbered pins in different positions with no suggestion as to which way round you're looking at the machine. Plus there aren't any numbers on the things themselves to guide you. Needless to say, it took two attempts to get it right and was easier to change the wires round in the connectors than to change over the soldered connections on the blue point operators. The result being that before work this afternoon, I got to do some testing / playing. 7mm NGA Convention in Burton tomorrow which will be a nice day out only 10 mins drive away. Cheers, Andrew
  22. A 57xx is too heavy for a light railway in mid Wales. A 16xx on the other hand.... wouldn't need one, but would have one! Cheers, Andrew
  23. Looks a very impressive model, just a shame it's a bit big for what I want. Cheers, Andrew
  24. Plus, couldn't resist taking a photo as close as possible to the one taken by my nine year old self. That's enough of photos from then for now. Shan't get chance to work on the wiring over the weekend, but fingers crossed for some cooler weather on Monday and Tuesday when I'll get chance to get back in the attic. Cheers, Andrew
  25. Another session soldering droppers completed, a bit warm up in the attic today for more than an hour, plus the 3am alarm call this morning has sapped energy levels somewhat. A couple more photos from my Flickr page. Firstly my host, with the most: https://flic.kr/p/TDumbQ https://flic.kr/p/UkWPE1 https://flic.kr/p/TDukHA Cheers, Andrew
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