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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. A P22 Herring would go down very well with those of us modelling the Forest of Dean/Whitecliffe Quarry. Pity about all the Dogfish/Catfish stand-ins I've built though..... Chris
  2. I thought the green ones at Manchester - seen in the flesh - were a bit iffy colourwise. Chris
  3. I was about to congratulate you on a splendid wind-up...and then I checked the TV guide.. does it get any better?
  4. Cheers Steve I read the Model Rail article after I posted and its a good one Chris
  5. Steve You might want to get hold of a copy of current Model Rail - 4mm layout plan and article on RB Chris
  6. Good luck with this Steve I was a "regular" at your Dad's shop (nice break from work and much missed) and I've now moved up to 7mm too with the intention of building something small and shuntable based around Gloucester - possibly dock-related. Chris
  7. It may also be worth trying to swap the NEM pocket with one off another wagon - the fishtail mounting can be levered out with a small flat screwdriver Chris
  8. Ian Although I too have adjusted the coupler trip pin on various errant couplers I would stress its better if possible to get the whole coupler adjusted correctly then there is a better chance of them operating properly and not coming apart from couplers that are the correct height. cheers Chris
  9. A small thin shim of styrene strip in the NEM below the coupling may help. I think you can also "bend" the NEM mounting up a little as well. Chris
  10. TCS MC2P worked well on mine - and it comes "wrapped" so no short or insulation issues and the wires are quite short so there is not a bundle of wiring to deal with under the hood -it does cost a bit more than the Hornby though. Chris
  11. I think earlier in this thread there was quite a bit about trapped wires - maybe you've got a break that causes an intermittent fault
  12. Dave Thanks - I used a TCS MC2 P-1 and lights would not function with chip fitted both ways BUT- the lights worked on DC before and after the chip was installed and subsequently removed AND the chip lighting functions performed when tested on my Decode tester - so chip was OK and no wires were broken. Bizarre. Due to a number of "issues" the loco has been changed - with no problem at all from Hattons - and I've now run it in on DC and put the wheelset the right way up - I aim to try a chip over the weekend. Chris
  13. Did the lights work with the decoder installed? Chris
  14. I have to confess I spent a very frustrating hour last night doing decoder and headcode things during which steps, brake rodding and sand boxes made constant bids for freedom. I have now rounded them all up and hope they are firmly attached. Chris
  15. Try some non-invasive running in - mine improved a lot - but needed a long session on the rolling road and a slight loosening and re-fixing of bottom keeper plate. I too went through the high/low experience of "it looks great oops it runs badly". Chris
  16. I was begining to feel left out but no - I have part 49 missing - must ring Liverpool...
  17. I fitted a TCS MS2 plug in with the decoder fitted in the slot provided in the left side of the long bonnet casting. I think the plug needs to be reversed as I have no lights and wrong direction - 0nly problem is the short wires on the harness may not reach the 8 pin socket that way round! I'd rather not have to lengthen all the wires so I may try to get a slightly longer harness. Chris
  18. The two light grey upright internal cab ends should pop off - at least one of mine did Chris
  19. John I had 2 sets of 3 brake hangers, the rodding frame that joins them up ( it clips in after they are installed) and the two sandboxes - I assume this is all- unless anyone knows better. FYI I used Pacer canopy glue to fix the parts as they are not a snug fit and will be easily lost as will the small piece on the short hood that covers the screw in the top - I've got blutak under mine. All seems OK after lengthy running in on the rollers Chris
  20. I'd be interested to hear about performance - the review in the new Hornby mag says very smooth - I've got mine running in atm as it is decidely hesitant and feels as if something is catching. I'm also keen to hear suggestions for removing the D9500 numberrs? Chris
  21. THe B&R DVD will not disappoint. regards Chris
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