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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. Very nice indeed - have you got any more of the Tin Turtle - it was shedded on Friday and difficult to photograph? Chris
  2. I went Friday and very much enjoyed my few hours there. I can recommend the Titanic Ales Bar. Here are a few photos. Chris
  3. It was a very good day - just got back after quite a long but worthwhile drive Chris
  4. i hope to visit tomorrow - its a long drive but I think it may be worth it Chris
  5. Hi M65 - done both - mine seems to have a basic problem whereby decoder seems to get no juice at all at certain times- which suggests that even a stay alive may not work . Even though I've added extra pickups to the centre axles my local shop have had it back to have a look at. - I await developments Chris
  6. Looks like another win for the Dennis the Menace team...
  7. A picture of one end of the layout with no stock
  8. Shades of Paul Dolkos - one of my major influences ever since his 1986 Model Railroader article on the B&M.. Good luck with the project - if it ever gets to a show "down south" I have some decent B&M stock with nowhere to run at the moment! Chris
  9. I just wish I'd noticed the jokers running the layout had left Berry Wiggins tank wagons in the Squaregrip Reinforcement siding....
  10. A few more photos taken at the Doulting Show I've no managed to sort out all the post-Doulting repairs - just as well as we've got a busy Autumn, Chippenham in September, GETS in October and Mike Walker's new show at Bishops Cleeve in Cheltenham (December)
  11. Thanks and apologies for the rather random 33 but it was purchased to try out my post-Missenden weathering techniques and turned out quite well and ran even better - a Zimo sound chip has now been sourced from Digitrains ( see the Hornby Mag article by Paul Chetter ) so next time it will be noisy..it may be a fixture on the layout - sorry to the purists...(rule 1 applies - again...)
  12. You didn't see the broken fiddle yard rail ( nicely ripped off it's copper clad sleepers) we had on the way down courtesy of the rather bumpy roads and my poor loading technique, the broken fascia, dropped over-bridge and the failed joint on the busiest point switchblade ( the run round) which happened at 9.55am as the crowds were about to storm the barricades! Thanks to the old faithful Solder Pro gas powered soldering iron we got away with it and both soldered joints held all weekend...next show is Chippenham in September - I'll post some fots from Doutling asap Chris I hope to have more green diesels next year - there's a Class 40 in the workshop (rule 1 applies)
  13. I hope you're not disappointed - anyway PL is all packed up and ready for the trek south - looking forward to two days of playing trains and catching a tiny bit of test cricket on the radio....
  14. Just a gentle bump - PL will be at the Shepton Mallet show - "Mendip 2014" at Doulting Village Hall BA4 4PL on Saturday (10-5) and Sunday (10-4.30) this weekend. Chris
  15. I expect they are open on Monday if you can face a difficult conversation on a bank holiday!
  16. To be fair they may have changed things but I do recall a van I bought "new" from a reputable retailer which had Kadee couplings in the NEM pockets... explain that....
  17. Unless anything has changed recently they come with a sheet of head codes
  18. Sorry Chris - I did consider a PM prior to posting! To be fair it is in camouflage colours... Chris
  19. Chris - its a superb 74xx by Lionheart - along with Parkside kits it was what really got me into "O". I don't think the new Lionheart 2-6-2T really fits my plans but it looks wonderful cheers Chris
  20. Hi Ken Visible section is 8' long and is about 15" wide at the right as you look at it and the wider yard end is about 20". It crates up into a roughly speaking 2x2x4 box for transport The footprint was set by the length and width dictated by two peco points and a "switching lead"! Off-scene sector plate at left is about 24" and fiddle yard (cassettes) at right is about 28" long The layout can be operated without either the sector plate or fiddle yard. regards Chris
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