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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. Thanks Martin Good question We tend to adjust what we do based on the type and amount of watchers. No sequence but some basic principles. We can operate the Cement works independently most of the time (and believe it or not those two sidings do entertain) but we can exchange Presflos or vans as required with the "mainline" for a bit of interest (except for the last 90 mins on Saturday at Exmoor Rail when the point blade failed) - it's amazing how many younger viewers don't realise the two halves of the layout are directly linked! The layout proper is mainly operated using the good yard - coal, opens, vans etc - we do remove loads when the opportunity allows - and the Squaregrip siding with the loads of steel removed after delivery of the bolsters. The rear siding - the paper mill - should have lots of vans going in and out but the long off stage shunt means we tend to avoid it. The loco etc disappearing under the road bridge and shunting works OK for the other lines but that is just a bit to much of a gap for the paper mill. Through traffic includes a DMU; 64xx with a coach and vans pending arrival of an autocoach; engineering trains including various hoppers I am building for the next 4mm project; a Berry Wiggins tank train for the same project; light engines etc. I obviously take far more stock than I need but hey...it's my trainset... We also try to interact with viewers - I now take a basic Kadee test track and height gauge as we frequently get asked about KDs and one of the team always seems to end up running some sort of DCC advice clinic - so we tend to always go for 3 operators as a minimum as with two "layouts" to operate plus two fiddle yards to manage and the ad hoc clinics we keep quite busy! Chris
  2. A bit of Prestwin action on Pixash at Exmoor Rail yesterday
  3. No reason why not - its completely fictitious anyway! (and Rule 1 applies whatever - it's your trainset...)
  4. I didn't know it was - how dull am I - busy week...anyway I have a DCC unfitted D2600 that runs beautifully on DC Chris
  5. Anyone done a decoder fit yet? Chris
  6. Feel free Luis Ask any questions you like - and I'll probably fail miserably to answer them - I'm not up to speed on N gauge but the design does rely on effective couplers if you want to get the most out of if Olá Chris
  7. Pixash Lane has made it into Railway Modeller - words have been played with a bit and not all the photos made it in but I'm pleased how it came across - the article also has a small plug for Exmoor Rail on 1 August Chris
  8. Looking forward to seeing this again at Stow Simon I shall be demoing some narrow gauge - but the 16mm WW1 variety! Chris
  9. I hard wired mine with a micro plug to allow separation of body and chassis - along with other changes which finally ended up wit the fitting of a capacitor... Chris
  10. Slightly off-topic but any news on the Prestwin kits? Chris
  11. There appear to be versions with ladders both in line with the manhole cover and off-set. We were chatting about this (in the context of weathering my new Heljan 7mm version)- while operating at a show last week and a quick web search showed both configurations. Chris
  12. Shot by one of the crew - doesn't a video highlight all the gaps and glitches....
  13. Thanks Captain - Wantage was a small but very high quality show put on by Alan Postlethwaite in a nice venue - we well looked after by the Scout Group who will benefit from the fund raising and the associated Mums - the flow of delivered coffee was endless, the cakes were excellent, as were the bacon rolls and burgers....I could go on... Next stop Exmoor Rail in August....
  14. Mine was certainly based on photos of the real thing mainly around Herefordshire/Gloucestershire and even when "clean" they were quite grubby. Chris
  15. I've just seem Tim Shackleton's version in Hornby Mag - I think I can probably add a few more small improvements. Chris
  16. Pixash Lane will be at Alan Postlethwaite's Wantage Show on 18 April. Say hello if you come along! http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/events/10683-WantageModelRailwayShow Chris Wantage-Poster-2015-PDF.pdf
  17. Photos make it look a bit grey!
  18. My version now weathered...
  19. Now with added Dogfish - there's quite a difference in size:
  20. I plan to weather mine based on various photos I have of 64xx panniers in Gloucestershire including the Forest of Dean. I couldn't work out what was not quite right - then it dawned on me that in virtualy all the photos(both in day to day use and on SLS specials) the safety valve is metal rather than body colour - I've done a bit of painting. Chris
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