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Everything posted by keefer

  1. I must admit I wasn't sure which/how many British locos there were but I was more aware of the exports. Probably from seeing many of the famous photos of the latest locomotive for South Africa or wherever, set up on a plinth in George Square or wherever.
  2. The North British works in Glasgow are tarred with the poor reputation of their diesels but prior to that built hundreds of steam locos for export.
  3. I remember reading in RAIL Enthusiast that the first cl.58 was parked out in front of Doncaster Works. Summer '83 we were on holiday in Scarborough but took a day trip to London to visit my sister. I got my 126 Instamatic ready to take a pic of the 58 as we left Donny but didn't realise our HST wasn't stopping there. So ended up with a rather blurred shot as we battered past! Was still chuffed to bits that I'd actually seen it though ☺️
  4. Just thinking that, Then & Now in one pic! It's almost like a '60s pic with the future showing through 🙂
  5. 1E11 was some train - 13 coaches, quite long for an ECML service, with RU+RUO for (1st class) dining and an RMB further back for 2nd class.
  6. Left and middle indicator discs showing so ECS working into the station?
  7. Opposite (corridor) side of W1770E at Newton Abbot: W1770E_NewtonAbbot_12-9-70 by Robert Carroll, on Flickr
  8. Page about Blyth (2nd station): http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/b/blyth_second/index.shtml Pictures show cl.101 DMUs. https://www.railcar.co.uk/type/class-101/summary Don't know if they were 2 or 3-car, someone will know the batch and type of vehicles used.
  9. Actually, had another look and it seems more like a small bolster wagon under each end of the beam with a spacer wagon between those. (I originally thought the spacer wagons were at the ends to cover the overhang of the beams)
  10. Was just going to say X for exceptional! Wasn't sure of the traffic but noticed there are spacer wagons either side of the loads.
  11. I think it was the other way round. Good quality Mk1 coaches were needed for the REP/TC conversions so an edict went out for those to be sent south, with Bullieds and less-good Mk1s being given in return. Hence Bullieds in Scotland and green Mk1s on the Woodhead line etc.
  12. Council planning websites can often be useful for getting dimensioned drawings of buildings. Often, if the homeowner wants to modify the buildings, they have to submit plans for planning approval. As an example on RMweb, someone was asking for dimensions of a station building on the Lochty branch. Lots of guesstimating from NLS maps etc. but a Google search threw up a modern planning application complete with dimensioned diagram!
  13. Found mention of the first BSOTs in the 1979 R.O.: September issue: E9372 has been fitted with a small buffet counter in one compartment (sic) while its former toilet is now a pantry/storage area. It was displayed at Sheffield on 28th June and is known as a Micro-Buffet. October issue: E9376 has acquired a red stripe over the Micro-Buffet compartment next to the brake van (mistake there I think). November issue: SC9276 has become a Micro-Buffet as previously described.
  14. They probably were originally Rail Red, similar to the vestibules of Mk2b/c/d coaches. Probably faded a bit since then, hence looking more orange. That style of sign certainly looks like those fitted to the 2d TSOT. EDIT: the BR/BS spec colour was not Rail Red it was Flame Red, aka Azo Orange. Not sure if it was called Rail Red but another red used was a deeper colour i.e. less orangey.
  15. I doubt it, I think the only vehicles modified to run in a DMU were the GUVs which ran with WR cl.116 driving cars in the late 60s/early 70s.
  16. I think the yellow waist band was applied to vehicles on a regular Circuit working. They were often marked with the Circuit/route involved but this BG doesn't seem to have that.
  17. I'm sure I've seen pics of latter-day KX Suburban trains (plain blue) with a 'normal' blue/grey CK in the set. Would this have been an Outer Sub train when there were only S & BS NG coaches left in service? i.e. after the CL etc. were withdrawn?
  18. Found one! Railway Observer February 1979: I'm sure I've seen other mentions in other years, often in relation to Cup ties. EDIT: R.O. July 1979:
  19. C1968 and C1970 are 4VEP units. The 4CEPs did not have recessed jumper cables/air pipes (correctly identified in C1969 & C1971).
  20. There mention of this in a Railway Observer I have but can't remember the year! I do have the 1979 volume which would fit with your query but whatever the year it definitely was for the Brighton team. I may be imagining it but E315E comes to mind for some reason. I'll try and find it when I get a chance.
  21. In the Birmingham shots, everything still retaining working headcodes in 1978 (even though they're not being used).
  22. Inverurie shed? Certainly one of the old steam sheds retained as a stabling point, maybe in the Glasgow area?
  23. And in the last photo, the roof warning sign would seem to be of Gill Sans 'BRITISH RAILWAYS' vintage.
  24. I think the Diagram design shows the desire to maximise the space behind the counter while not obstructing the aisle/opening into the seating area. If the small square of shelf next to the former toilet door is removed, then it's possible to mount the counter more straight without blocking access to the door. I'm wondering how many actually had the trolley 'cut-out' at all? Would help with locating/securing the trolley but was maybe just a bit of a faff in real life.
  25. With respect, that's a different argument. You speculated on the number of Clans that would need to be built (as a completely new Class) to be economic. Whereas BR had already decided that a relativity small number of Clans, using as many Standard (esp. existing Brit) components as possible, was economic. The limited use/number required ensured that if it wasn't viable, it wouldn't exist. Yes, perhaps, a new low-axleload Class 6 wasn't really required and existing Class 5 or 7 locos could be used instead i.e. it may have been better/cheaper to not bother with the Clans at all. But there must've been enough of a case for them to exist.
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