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Lee m22

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Blog Entries posted by Lee m22

  1. Lee m22
    Hi All!
    This is my first Blog celebrating the fact that I have found the light and currently making a return to my modelling after nearly a year out.
    I've got a new project on the boil atm, involving a 12'x3' roundy roundy layout based on Rhyl, North Wales.

    I chose this location as it offers a masive variety of traffic passing by, interesting trackwork and a mix of signals that I hope to recreate. I'm not tryingto model Rhyl exactly, but rather use it as a source of inspiration and influence. I'm targeting the 70's and 80's so mostly BR blue traffic, but I can see a few grey locos on the roster too!
    While I wait until I've finished painting the new rail room and built the boards, I've been buying some 'inspiration' in the form of Mk.I carriages and a pair of the N guage society's Inspection saloons.

    Nothing like seeing a train form up to get motivated! Class 24's will be the mainstay of my early traffic, along with 47's. Freight was so varied along the North Wales line, I'll look forward to forming up my freight trains
    Using that motivation, I did break out the airbrush for the first time in months! I wanted to see waht I could do about weathering carriages. Attempt one below!

    Not too dissapointed with the first results, but I can certainly improve on this I reckon. Suggestions welcome! I tried spraying a couple of other wagons that were laying about.

    Poor Seacow is a long way from it's original paintjob now!
    Finally, I'd been playing with the Dapol magnetic couplings before my hiatus, but now that i'm back, I thought I'd try the NEM pocket conversions that have since been released.

    The conversion was quite simple and the jig in the pack was rather good and easy to use. Can't say I've had better luck getting the couplings to function as they ought, but the coupling height and centerline match that of the NEM fitted wagons so I can safely say the conversion went well. Just need to figure the trick to make the couplings work properly now!
    Anyway, thanks for reading my ramblings if you made it this far! Hopefully I'll have a bit more on the go soon!
  2. Lee m22
    Right, well in the absence of track and decent weather, I've finished off the bulk of the baseboard side of things!
    Aside some small tasks to improve the backscene, I am finished on the woodwork side of things. The backboards stand at 18" dividing the scenic and off-scene areas. The end plates and surrounds are lot less.



    Things never lay out as they ought. I have managed to benefit from this though, and I really like the gentle curve that this photo portrays.

    Some shots of the fiddle yard. I will probably put a sheet of wood over the tracks where the curve is here. That should stop light bleeding onto the layout from the off-scene area and add a little workspace to the back of the layout.

    I will add a short board to the back of the layout to stop stock "taking the leap" (Come on, we've all dropped the odd loco here and there!) Now I've seen how things have shaped up, I'm tempted to add an extra loop or two on the UP line (to the edge of the board). The extra storage will most likely come in handy. You can see the extra spurs off the inner loop.These will probably not be used, certainly to start with. If I ever exibit the layout, then the added fan sidings off these might come in handy.


    Rather pleased with being able to get on today! I will look to get some thick card in the week and then I can start mocking up some of the more substancial scenery such as the H road bridge and the station footbridge.
    I already feel I need to move the yard sidings away from the backscene a bit so I might tweek the track here. I don't think I have the space for the disused double bay platform so I might compromise and go for a single bay (disused again). I've certainly got some scenic ideas brewing so I best channel the buzz while I've got it. Plenty to do while I wait for the flexi!!
    Thanks for reading!
  3. Lee m22
    So, distractions and small steps is what is has been for me over the last few weekends.
    Firstly, training for the new job role has been intense so not really giving me much time in the evenings, then flight training at the weekend (yes we have had some decent weather!) has kept me away from the railway more than I would like so far.
    Little in the way of tracklaying can be considered before I get my hands on some flexitrack and I think this will likely be at the start of next month. In the meantime though, I have managed to get busy with the prep work.
    I have laid a cork mat over all of the boards. Starting to regret this now as it's not been great stuff and the glue seeped through it, sticking to the wooden planks I used to weight it down. Needless to say some damage occured when I lifted the planks. I hope the cork stays stuck down once I've got the layout underway!
    On the more interesting side of things, I had a few scenic kits to start making from a recent model show. I brought a few kits from P&D Marsh, including a footbridge and flatbed truck. I've also got a bike shed and a single deck bus to add to the scene.
    I also brought a large factory kit (by Kestrel I think) which is a little rough and ready, but with a few additions it should pass for a decent scenic piece.
    Finally, I have cut up and laid out the track plan to scale. There may be a few tweeks needed to fully achieve my aims. I need to make space for the disused bay platforms.
    Anyway, to the pictures!
    A general overview of the trackplan, looking west.

    Recreating the pic that got me hooked on Rhyle, a Class 37 crosses back onto the Down Main from Platform 1

    This class 47 holds short of the station on it's way east. In reality, the signal on the Up line will be much further back

    I need to get those TTA's all weathered to the same degree.

    The factory and flatbed. I've missed the top of the chimney in this shot (doh). I like the height it adds to the scene.

    Another overview of the station throat. Looks busy to me

    I do intend to move the layout over a bit so the off scene section isn't so close to the edge. Hopefully with the trackplan laid out, I can look to the backscene before I get onto track laying.
    Thanks for reading!
  4. Lee m22
    Hello All!
    I think now that I've made some final decisions, it's worth a small update on my North Wales Layout plans.
    I'm going to start by moaning. Why is it that everywhere seems so low on the basic N gauge stock!? Got it out of my system, thats enough moaning for one month I think!
    SO the track plan! I've finally settled on the plan that will represent my busy mainline through-station on the North Wales Coast Line.

    I've managed to shape up the off-scene lines leading into the station on the right-hand side and this gives both some extra scenic space and a little more room for trains to stop in the station off-scene without fouling the fast lines.
    I've decided to use Peco code 55 finescale track. All the pointwork on the main running lines will be large. I'm still pondering if I should use medium points in the yard.
    I picked up a wireless Dynamis set for a good price so DCC control is sorted for the time being. I'm going to try using the Traintronics TT300 point motors, certainly for the main part of the layout.
    Track laying will be phased and I intend to take my time over it. Phase one will see the two main running lines through the fiddle yard and around the scenic section to form the circuit (At least I can run stuff then!) This will include the four lines through the station the pointwork at the station throat.
    Phase two will be the yard and third platform line to the fiddle yard. That way, I can get on with scenic work to my heart's content while still being able to run trains.
    Phase three will see the fiddle yard take shape, and certainly include the five sidings. I may add the additional sidings at a later date, and these may not be controlled by point motors. Their only real use is if I do exhibit the layout and want to get as much stock on as possible.
    Baseboards are all up and assembled!

    I've enjoyed making these and feel I've got them pretty neat for a change! the frames are 18mm plywood and the top surface is 6mm plywood.The next step is to cover the whole surface in cork then I will look to lay out the printed trackplan on the board. From this, I hope I can get a good idea of the final space avaliable for scenery etc, and I'll be looking to put up a backscene of about 18" that will continue around the off-scene sections at the front and ends. I think this will look smart if the layout is exhibited, but also prevent any accidents with stock 'jumping' off the edges!
    My first order of bits n pieces arrived today!

    Unfortunatly, my shop of preference was far more expensive than my online shop of preference. And they were all out of flexi! That means tracklaying might be delayed for some time now until I can muster the next order.
    In the meantime, I've brought a kit for a scenic building and there's also plenty of weathering to get on with! I'm off to the model railway show in Milton Keynes tomorrow so there might be a chance to treat myself to some rolling stock if I'm lucky!
    Hopefully something a little more exciting to show by my next post. In the meantime, a pic to whet your appetites!

    Thanks for reading
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