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Posts posted by 217 RIVER FLESK

  1. I rarely post on here, as time & life doesn't allow any modelling time, but I keep buying stuff in the hope that one day things will change.


    It was a bit of a stretch buying a 15XX as my layout will be set in the Taunton - Newton Abbott kind of area, but I caved in, even though some of the comments on here filled me with dread.


    Anyway, Hattons supplied me with a DC lined 1505 & I'm very pleased with it. If there are any glue marks, one really has to go looking for them & the paint finish is fine all over. There is one very small section of black paint that is missing from the end of the smoke box hand rail where it nears one of the pannier tanks. Other defects if one is being really picky are that one of the whistles has a slight lean as does one of the brass coloured oil pots on the front of the cylinders, but I'm sure both can be tweaked with a pair of tweezers if they bother me in the future. Nothing appears to be bent, such as the fitting on the front of the smokebox & everything was in place, with nothing rattling around in the box.


    The loco also appears to run fine, nice & smooth & if one really stares at it closely, then yes possibly it might have a hint of an off centre wheel, but you really really have to go looking for this possible issue.


    So, in short, there are some good locos out there. 


    For what it's worth, the loco came via Royal Mail.


    Cheers, Mike C 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Pre Grouping fan said:

    the instructions posted a few days ago showed 3 options for horns/whistles

    Well I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to cut me some slack when it comes to not sitting down and reading the instructions that were posted on here, as I have never had any intention of buying the loco due to it not having visited my preferred area of the country

  3. Well the missing spring details were there to be seen on the model that Hornby Magazine showed in their short video. I also query the loco having a compressed air whistle sound, when if you look at pictures of the front of the loco, two diesel type horn trumpets can be seen hiding just behind / below the front buffer beam.


    Mike C

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  4. 5 hours ago, Ian Hargrave said:

    If that is the case,then it narrows it down to Yeovil Pen Mill ( 82E from 1948 to 1958) and Weymouth ( 82F  from 1948 to 1958 ) .Source GW Archive.

    Well it can't be Yeovil Pen Mill, way too many tracks


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  5. What colour actually is a newly produced wooden sleeper? Currently the ones sat by my workshop appear to be a very dark black / brown through to a very dark brown. But were sleepers of old when best quality original, 'evil' creosote was used any different in colour? I have certainly seen some, that on a very hot day almost ooze jet black tar. But having said that, a lot of sleepers soon seem to weather to a silver / grey colour. So should most sleepers be made from silver / grey plastic, with the odd one here & there dark brown or black, to represent a bit of spot re-sleepering?


    Mike C

  6. Was just wondering (& if it's already been asked / answered in the thread previously, I apologise for not scouring the thread more closely), but does anyone know in what quantities the warwells were originally allocated to the big four? We are always told that the LMS had the biggest fleet of freight wagons, followed by the LNER, GWR & finally SR. So did the LMS get the biggest allocation of warwells? I originally purchased the three initial warwells that Hattons produced, but I'm toying with getting a fourth & hence I wondering which of the three company warwells might be best to get?


    Cheers, Mike C 

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  7. On ‎31‎/‎08‎/‎2019 at 19:55, fottist said:

    I have received my "Westminster" and it really is very nice. Only really let  down by the dome - firstly by the joint line down the side and compared to Hattons brass dome on their SECR class "P" the effect is very poor. Has anyone got plans for nameplates and worksplates in the pipeline? I didn't get a "Dodo", so I don't know what the dome was like on that.  Am I being picky? Test running planned for tomorrow. Has RT done the dome in brass yet, presumably for "Dodo" ,but would it fit "Westminster".

    I remember "Westminster" working at Kidlington, often visible in the 1960's from a passing train.

    Not convinced I remember the logo on the cabside at that time, though!

    As everyone is querying the logo on the cab side, here's a link to a pic that popped up on Facebook, showing the logo in place


    05/03/1960 - Shipton-on-Cherwell, Oxon.



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  8. 1 hour ago, SRman said:

    10202 has arrived at Newton Broadway, and after a suitable running-in spell on DC on the rollers, has had a Zimo MX638D decoder installed. I noted that on analogue DC, it gave a little lurch each time the controller was turned on, before accelerating smoothly from zero again. This occurred in both directions. With the Zimo decoder installed, it behaves perfectly. I programmed my usual settings into CVs 3 and 4 (values of 25 and 18, respectively).

    I like the differences on the roofs between 10201 and 10202, with the exhaust ports and roof hatches exhibiting the main ones.

    P_20190711_172027_vHDR_On by Jeffrey Lynn, on Flickr


    Now that's interesting, that the roofs of your 10201 & 10202 are different. Now I knew that 10203 was different but always thought that 10201 & 10202 were identical to each other. But looking at Kernow's  website, I now see that both 10201 & 10202 are available with the two large exhaust openings (like 10203) where as when the first batch were produced, they had four small circulars exhaust openings. So does this mean that 10201 & 10202 were modified to match 10203? Does anyone know? Surprised if Kernow have modelled them in a later form, that they haven't shouted this from the roof tops as a selling point, rather than just mentioning the additional head boards that you now get. I quite fancy 10201 or 10202 to keep my black 10203 company, but if their roof has accidently been modelled wrong, then 10203 will have to stay single

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  9. Just out of interest cctransuk, have you renumbered your Warship? It could just be the photos, but your pics appear to show your D601 as having vertical grilles, but I thought D601 came with horizontal grilles, where as it was D604 had the later vertical version.



    Cheers, Mike C

  10. I too am using a H&M 'Powermaster' controller & I'm damned if I'm converting my whole collection over to DCC just because one loco has a 'delicate' coreless motor. What happens if one inserts a DCC chip in place of the DCC blanking plug? As the chip is now in circuit, does it filter any possible voltage spikes out?


    Other than that I think it might be transferred away from the western region as a total failure before even turning a wheel . . .

  11. Judging by what presumably are photos of the finished model on Kernow and Olivia's websites, the model appears to have a nameplate and crest on only one side of the loco. This seems strange - I can find several photos on the internet showing the side of the loco in its Dutch livery on which the nameplate is centrally mounted, but very little of the other - best I can find is one of 35017 at Minehead with what looks like a nameplate/crest mounted at the far end of the locomotive between the third and fourth side windows (ie, asymmetrically to the other side) - suggesting that nameplates/crests should indeed be printed on both sides. Perhaps someone who actually saw the loco whilst it carried its 35017 identity could comment ?




    Well I never, you've found one of my fots! Sadly I didn't get to take many of '35017' when she was in 'Dutch', always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, though I'll have a look & see what I might have tucked away in the vaults.

  12. A daft question, what livery would these have carried before maroon? Plain crimson or crimson & cream?




    It seems my brain is having an overload, for some reason I thought these were being released in maroon, but I'm assuming that they are actually in plain crimson? So putting a spin on things, did they last long enough to wear lined maroon?

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