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The Start.



Right well, I've been lurking for the past few months trying to decide just what I am going to do, so it's about time I started something.

Been gathering a bit of random stock over the last few months, some of which will either have to be modified/repainted to fit in with the current scheme of things or will have to go.


At first the plan was to do a small depot but I do like stations and actually running trains! And after realising that the quality of depots like Bitsa Lane was probably beyond me just yet( over 15 years since I last did any railway modelling), I decided to stick to a small terminus. Not that it'll be any easier.


So a few plans were drawn up for the available space, a wall 9' long, and a setting decided upon.


I've always been impressed by Ian Futers efforts to model the West Highland line, amongst others, and having spent a couple of holidays up there recently, it was decided to model an imaginary terminus somewhere in Scotland.... YES ANOTHER ONE!!!! :O


But then Fate intervened.....


A desire to get something started combined with the fact that the 9' wall is hidden behind a spare room full of junk which needs to go, and seeing Northern Maidens' Dunwoody Halt, coupled with memories of Chris Leighs' Black Dog Halt got me thinking about a quickie that could be put up in the front room as a practice layout to regain some of the skills from all those years ago.


So for the moment....


A small halt somewhere in the West of Scotland, Blue Diesels, short trains, in an area of 6'x 1' with a small fiddle at each end. Errr sounds familiar doesn't it. But what the hell, I'm just gonna get on with it.




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