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7mm models I'm working on

Entries in this blog

Barclay class 06 - A start on detailing the body

I've recently been making progress with detailing the Barclay.   Some handrail knobs are included in the kit, but I noticed from photos that the Barclays have a quite distinctive, very plain, tube instead of the more "normal" shape. I made these out of microbore copper tube drilled through. By filing all the ends to length together whilst threaded onto a piece of handrail wire I got quite consistent results.   I used a combination of card and masking tape to hold these in place whilst I



7mm Barclay Class 06 - Chassis

I was initially planning on building the chassis rigid, but pickup from a short wheelbase 0-4-0 chassis will never be the best so I decided to fit Slaters sprung hornblocks.   I was just about to solder these to the frames when I saw the Chassis Alignment tool produced by Metalsmith on Christian's A3 thread. "Just the very thing!" I thought and the alignment axles arrived shortly afterwards.      



7mm Barclay Class 06 - Body Assembly

Now that the control panel is completed, it's back to the assembly of the bodywork   I've screwed the footplate to a lump of 4 x 1 in the bench vice to hold it steady and located the cab end in place. A square was used to judge that this was roughly vertical, but at this stage I was most concerned with getting the bottom edge aligned with the edge of the buffer beam.     A few tacks of solder hold the plate in place. I had previously scribed a couple of lines in place to make sure I



7mm Barclay Class 06 - Control Panel completed

Entry updated 28.12.09 with photos and descriptions of the completed panel       I was hoping that this build would turn out to be quite a simple one. The kit as supplied was quite basic and my intention was just to solder it together more or less as the designer intended as a relaxing "quickie".   My first mistake was to try to identify a suitable candidate for the finished loco...   For reasons I shall probably explain later, I wanted an ex Corkerhill based loco. The DVD "Railways of



7mm Barclay Class 06 - Footplate Assembly

On the Intercity Workbench tonight: some fairly recent progress on assembling the footplate of the kit.   This probably isn't the thread for you if you want to know how to do things properly.... but maybe my bunglings will encourage a few others to have a go at etched kit construction. At least you can't do worse than me....   I'm currently working away from home (and at home I've got a beautiful 4 month old baby girl....), so progress has been slowed of late, but here are some photos of rec



7mm Barclay Class 06 - The original post from RMweb3

On the Intercity Workbench: 7mm Barclay Class 06   by IC126   original page on Old RMweb __________________________________________   ??? posted on Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:24 pm   I have finally got round to transferring the original posts about my current project - a Right Price Railway Company kit of an Andrew Barclay Class 06.   The main carcass is etched in quite thick nickel silver with some nice lost wax castings. It's quite a basic kit (in my limited experience - this is my second



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